11, November 2013, Granada Supporters Minutes

Granada Supporters General Meeting
Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2013
Meeting called to order by President Jennifer Winter at 6:35pm.
Minutes from the previous meeting
a. Clark Conover motioned to approve the minutes
b. Steve Martinez seconded that motion
Principal and Vice Principal’s report – Clark Conover
a. Fall sports are wrapping up
i. Girls waterpolo 5th seed
1. Playoff game this Thursday, November 7, 2013
ii. Football playoff eligible
1. They play this week on Thursday at Livermore
iii. Girls Cross Country in 1st place
iv. Boys Cross Country in 2nd place
1. EBAL this week
b. Winter Sports registration currently online and tryouts begin on
Monday, November 11. 2013
c. LHS/GHS Football game on Thursday this week due to Veteran’s
day weekend
d. CASHEE testing wraps up tomorrow
Treasurer’s report – Pauline Eiras
a. Received the money for the Little League World Series event
b. Flags purchased for 50th and to utilize going forward for events was
actually $1400, not $1,000
c. No eScrip in yet this school year
i. September to November we will get big checks in
d. CD’s will go into money market account as they come to their date
because they get more interest
Topical reports
a. Bond rewards
i. Sports Medicine has a micro project that just went live
b. Snack bar
i. Advancement from Pauline
c. Webcasting – Brad Morisoli
i. Carl’s Junior invoice goes out this month
ii. Viewer minutes are good
1. The past 4 week period over 60,000+ viewer minutes
d. 50 Anniversary – Steve Goodman
i. Save the date cards are printed
1. Will be handing them out at the LHS/GHS Football
e. Grad Night
i. Pauline reports that they are very organized this year
ii. Still needing to talk to Poynter about a container for storage
Old Business
a. Girls Varsity Room – Brad Morisoli
i. Ready for carpet
1. Estimate for $2990
Page -2November 2013
Granada Supporters General Meeting
2. Steve Martinez received a quote from Abbey Carpet
for $1900
a. Can get a $500 donation back
b. Glued down and installed for that price
ii. Cost at $27,500 and need to know what the budget that was
approved is; cant remember
b. Mock Trial
i. Per Anita Martin, they wanted to say thank you to supporters
ii. Started and one month ahead of schedule
iii. 16 students involved
c. Band update – Anita Martin
i. 2 competitions
1. Foothill and Cupertino
2. Colorguard took 2nd place
3. Percussion and band also received awards
ii. Last competition is this weekend for the season
New Business
a. Bingo – Sandy and Marci Christoff (informational announcement)
i. 5 teams can take on one night
ii. 5 week program
iii. $300 permit for Granada
iv. 12 volunteers from each team would be needed to run event
v. 5-6 key positions
vi. Possible Saturday nights
vii. Adding a Thursday so would decrease rent for the night
viii. Provide Supplies
ix. Brad Morisoli motions that we pursue the undertaking of this
fundraising avenue
x. Clark Conover Seconded that motion
xi. Motion approved
a. Next meeting will be on December 9, 2013 at 7pm
b. Meeting was adjourned by Jennifer Winter