RZ 24-Seiter Hochschule UK.indd

Our range of products
– future-proof and targeted
Extensive system solutions
for universities
excellence in science
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Tradition and innovation
– that is what PHYWE stands for at all times
More than 145,000 customers in more than 95
countries – mainly universities, colleges, schools,
private institutes, museums, and science centres
– have chosen PHYWE solutions.
Göttingen ist one of the most famous university
towns in Germany. Natural sciences have a longlasting tradition here. More than 40 Nobel Prize
winners such as Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Max
Planck, and Werner Heisenberg worked and lived
in Göttingen and established the city‘s reputation
as a university and cultural town.
We are a leading global developer, manufacturer,
and supplier of teaching materials in the fields of
physics, chemistry, biology, and applied sciences.
We continually improve our programme with
constant quality control and evaluation, in which
we continuously extend our product range to include new trends. This is how we meet even the
highest demands and fulfil our own standards:
Göttingen is where PHYWE is based. Our good
enabling the best teaching and education at
name along with the synonym for quality “made
universities for a knowledge-based, independent,
in Germany” enabled us to become a global marand progressive society of tomorrow.
ket leader in education and teaching in natural
sciences. With a long tradition of nearly 100
Together with our sales agency in Lüttich, which
years, PHYWE develops, produces, supplies, and
is mainly responsible for the francophone regions
in North Africa, and more than 60 International
solution systems
scientific equipment
e-learning systems
and services such as:
pre- and after-sales support
technical consulting
Sales Partners (ISP) that are authorised by PHYWE,
we can offer one-stop solutions with blanket
coverage, and all of this customised to your particular, individual needs.
Together we are strong: PHYWE is a partner of
Lucas-Nülle Lehr- und Messgeräte GmbH, a developer and manufacturer of technical teaching and
learning systems for vocational training.
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09.03.2009 10:06:45 Uhr
experiments are always at the focus of interest
Otto Hahn visits PHYWE (1966)
Scientific findings that the students work out
themselves during practical experiments are
memorised much longer and better than in the
usual case. This fact is reflected in our master
and bachelor courses - PHYWE’s programme for
universities. The experiment is always at the focus
of attention. Detailed equipment lists, precise
formulation of tasks and problems, accompanying didactic literature, preparative tables, charts,
and illustrations as well as CDs with open PDF
files for free use within the experiment tasks in
turn all facilitate and support access to the respective subjects and enhance the effectiveness of
education in the natural sciences. The literature
with a uniform look offers additional advantages, just as in the fact that PHYWE develops their
teaching materials and solution systems in close
co-operation with universities. As a result, the
master and bachelor courses provide universities
and other institutions of higher education with
exactly those system solutions and materials that
were developed in view of their specific needs.
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09.03.2009 10:07:05 Uhr
Master and bachelor courses by PHYWE:
for sophisticated education at universities
PHYWE’s master and bachelor courses offer a
total of 360 experiments in physics, chemistry,
biology, and in applied sciences, in turn enabling
students to experience the natural sciences.
Among these is the electrophysiology lab for
human physiology lab courses in medicine. Other
complex experiments are also rendered in a
clear and didactic manner – among these are
the Zeeman effect, Stern-Gerlach experiment,
Franck-Hertz experiment, and experiments with
X-rays. All in all, PHYWE’s master and bachelor
courses cover all of the essential experiments
in classical and modern physics, which can be
performed with our unique “Laboratory Experiments” LEx system. However, apart from
fundamental experiments, PHYWE’s master and
bachelor courses also offers the opportunity to
benefit from ultra-modern computer assistance
throughout the experiments. Together with our
high-performance measure software, our universal Cobra3 interface can be used in numerous
applications in physics, chemistry, biology, and
applied sciences. Another advantage of PHYWE’s
master and bachelor courses: most of the units
can be used in numerous different experiments.
Our X-ray unit, for example, offers more than 40
potential experiments. This ensures well-structured material packages and saves costs.
With the master and bachelor courses, PHYWE
offers extensive support for complex and sophisticated education at universities.
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09.03.2009 10:07:24 Uhr
Liven up your lectures and laboratory courses
with our LEx programme
Dr. Michael Mehlhorn
Dr. Ludolf v. Alvensleben
Dr. Thomas Meier
Wolfgang Kuhnle
Product Manager Physics
Product Manager Physics
Product Manager Chemistry
Product Manager Biology
The LEx programme offers you an extensive
selection of classical and modern experiments in
physics, chemistry, biology, and applied sciences. LEx stands for „Laboratory Experiments“. At
present, it covers more than 230 experiments of
the “Laboratory Experiments Physics” collection,
more than 80 experiments of the “Laboratory
Experiments Chemistry” collection, 50 experiments of the „Laboratory Experiments Biology“
collection, and more than 100 experiments in
applied sciences.
Examples of these are the computer-assisted
experiments with PHYWE’s X-ray unit for lectures
concerning experimental solid-state physics. With
more than 40 documented experiments, physical
contexts can be conveyed in a convincing manner. Their use in lectures as well as in laboratory courses helps students to understand and
memorise the principles and interrelations more
efficiently and permanently.
Another example is the range of experiments
with the Magnus gyroscope – one of PHYWE’s
Our university programme is for those laboratory
classics – for conveying the gyroscope laws within
course supervisors who have to rely on long
experimental physics lectures in a particularly
lasting, safe experiments with a didactic backimpressive way. An example taken from the field
ground for their laboratory courses. Our program- of chemistry is the computer-assisted potenme covers most of the standard experiments for
tiometric pH titration for lectures in analytical
laboratory courses in physics, physical chemistry, chemistry or food chemistry, which can be used,
human and plant physiology, biochemistry, and
for example, to determine the phosphoric acid
neurophysiology, as well as experiments for
content of soft drinks.
microscopy courses and applied sciences.
Another field is the range of experiments with
At the same time, it is also for those professors
the neurobiology laboratory in biology, neurobioand lecturers who teach the fundamental prinlogy, and medicine for conveying the fundamenciples of natural sciences through experimenttal neurobiological principles of Alzheimer’s and
based lectures.
Parkinson’s disease, dementia, memory loss, and
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Extensive knowledge –
the subjects covered by PHYWE
Franck-Hertz experiment with Hg
Law of the integral ratios of volumes
Kinetic theory
Thermochemistry and calorimetry
Chemical equilibrium
Interfacial chemistry
Reaction kinetics
Photometry and photochemistry
Measurements of the giant fibre of an intact earthworm
Atomic physics
Nuclear physics
Solid-state physics
Human physiology
Physics of X-rays for medical doctors
and biologists
Plant physiology
Applied Sciences:
Food chemistry
Renewable energy
Materials science
Laser physics
Laser-Doppler–Anemometry (LDA)
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One system for EVERYTHING – Recording and analysing
measurement data with our “measure” software
For education in the natural sciences towards the
end of the basic courses, the computer-assisted
recording and analysis of measurement data
is becoming increasingly important. Numerous
phenomena cannot be conveyed or presented
without computer assistance. In addition, the
execution and evaluation of the experiments
are considerably simplified. Lectures are also
made easier, since the issues of complex or rapid
phenomena, such as in electricity or solid-state
physics, can be conveyed much more efficiently
and convincingly with the aid of computers.
Fine structure of the α spectrum of 241Am with
the multi-channel analyser
Most of the experiments use the universal, highperformance measurement data recording system
Cobra3. The measure software is always used for
capturing the data - from the secondary school
level I up to the university level. Apart from the
representation and measurement features,
measure also offers an extensive collection of
tools for the analysis of data, the export and import of the data of other applications, and much
more. In addition, measure offers particularly
easy access to the experiment. The computerassisted experiments can be selected from the list
of subjects. If desired, experiment descriptions,
measurement settings, and example measurements can also be loaded.
One out of three experiments of PHYWE’s university programme is computer-assisted. The central
platform for the recording and analysis of measurement data is the measure software. Experiments with corresponding units can be directly
connected to the computer such as, for example,
the X-ray unit, the multi-channel analyser, or the If you need more information, please order our
Franck-Hertz operating unit.
Cobra3 brochure or visit our website:
User advantages of “measure”
n One software for all of the computer-assisted
measurements and analyses
n Intuitive operation
n Easy import and export of data and graphs
n High-performance evaluation and representation tools
n Ready-to-use experiments can be selected from a list
of subjects
nExtensive help function
Simply load an experiment
Perform the measurement
Evaluate the data
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Measurement data recording with Cobra3
– universal and powerful
Most of the computer-assisted university experiments are performed with our universal measurement data recording system Cobra3.
Cobra3 offers four cascading basic units (UNITs)
and numerous plug-in measurement modules
and sensors. Combined with the power and
functionality of measure, Cobra3 can be ideally
adapted to the most versatile applications in
natural sciences and technology at universities.
The Cobra3 Basic UNIT with a maximum scanning
rate of 500 kHz (analog) or 4MHz (digital) and up
to four measurands, for example, enables the
tracking of extremely rapid signal courses. The
type of measurands can be selected from a wide
range of different measurement modules and
sensors. The Cobra3 CHEM UNIT with its range of
measurands (conductivity, pH/potential, 4x temperature, digital input for drop counters/motor
piston burettes) offers everything that is required
for computer-assisted chemistry experiments.
Cascaded basic units (Cobra3 DISPLAY, BASIC, CHEM, and COM UNIT) with a
selection of measurement modules/sensors
The software module PowerGraph, which can
be connected to measure as a plug-in module,
enables the intuitive and quick configuration
of complex, cascading set-ups. PowerGraph has
a graphical user interface for the automatic
identification and intuitive configuration of the
hardware. In addition, reverse values (relations)
as well as XY graphs or calculated measurement
channels are possible.
User advantages of Cobra3:
nUniversal measurement interface for natural sciences and
technology at universities
nWide range of different measurement modules/sensors
nUse of the advantages of “measure”
nEase of adaptation, compact design
Intuitive configuration of
complex, cascaded set-ups
with PowerGraph
Measurement data recording
with Cobra3 – the Stirling
nTracking of highly rapid signal courses
(500 kHz analog or 4 MHz digital)
nCascading set-up, yet intuitive configuration
nCan also be used without a computer for laboratory
courses and lectures
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09.03.2009 10:09:10 Uhr
Experiment descriptions
Collection of experiments of the LEx series
With currently more than 350 experiments of
the LEx series, PHYWE offers an extensive range
of solution systems for scientific and technical
education in lectures and laboratory courses. The
state-of-the-art experiment literature, which is
specifically adapted to the needs of the respective
target groups, helps with the execution of the
experiments and includes:
n a list of specialist terms concerning the
n a photo showing the complete experiment
n a brief summary of the experiment method
n a list of tasks for your students
n a detailed equipment list
n a didactic summary of the theoretical background of the various experiments
n instructions concerning the execution of the
experiments, including all of the necessary
settings plus tips for obtaining excellent results
n a complete evaluation with literature
You will obtain an optimum overview with our
experiment collections LEP, LEC, and LEB. There,
you will find experiments in physics, chemistry,
and biology, all grouped into individual subjects,
as well as brief, one-page descriptions of the
We can already offer you more than 100 experiments in applied sciences.
Experiment descriptions in physics, chemistry,
and biology
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09.03.2009 10:09:56 Uhr
Laboratory Experiments Physics
In order to deepen the physical principals that are taught during the lectures, PHYWE offers an extensive range of classic and modern laboratory experiments.
The „Laboratory Experiments Physics“ collection includes (nearly) all of the standard experiments that
you need for teaching your students in basic and advanced laboratory courses as well as in laboratory
courses for physics as a minor subject. We offer inspiring experiments in mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electricity, solid-state physics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics.
74 experiments concerning statics, dynamics,
mechanics of liquids and gases as well as
Example: triaxial gyroscope
n Triaxial gyroscope with ball bearings
n Easy and intuitive performance of the
gyroscope laws
n Additional weight for increasing and eliminating the torque in contrarotation
You can find more under: LEP 1.3.19
The Magnus gyroscope – one of PHYWE’s classics
Example: Wave phenomena with ultrasound
n Goniometer (stepper-motor-controlled) for
safe and intuitive operation
n All of the fundamental experiments concerning the subject can be performed
n Computer-assisted measurement data recording already integrated
You can find more under: LEP 1.5.13-24
Triaxial gyroscope
Ultrasonic diffraction at a slit
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More than 70 experiments in geometrical optics,
interference, diffraction, photometry, polarisation, and applied optics/laser optics.
Example: Advanced optics system for laboratory
n Compact and clear two-dimensional set-up
n Safe use due to magnetic supports with
Teflon gliders
n Excellent results thanks to a vibration-dampened base plate with a high level of inherent
n More than 45 documented experiments in
wave optics, holography, interferometry,
Fourier optics, and applied optics
Example: CO2 laser
n Didactic laser
n Everything is clearly visible; no black box
n The composition of the gas can be changed
n Maximum power 5 W
You can find more under LEP 2.6.04
Easily extendible
Recording and reconstruction of a hologram
CO2 laser set-up
If you need more information, please order our
brochure “Advanced Optics”.
10 11
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24 experiments in the fields of thermal expansion, ideal and real gases, calorimetry, phase transition, diffusion, and applied thermodynamics.
38 experiments concerning the steady-state
current, electric field, magnetic field, electrodynamics, and electromagnetic waves.
Example: Stirling engine
Example: Fundamental principles of electricity/
n Clear set-up
n Carnot cycle easily comprehensible
n Efficiency calculation
n The first and second law of thermodynamics
and their reversal can be measured
n Can be used with and without an interface
You can find more under: LEP 3.6.04
n Compact and clear set-up
n Universal measurement data recording system
with a function generator for measuring
highly rapid signal courses and frequency
n High level of variability thanks to numerous
fundamental experiments concerning, for
example, the characteristics of components,
the inductance of coils, magnetic induction,
capacitors and coils in the AC circuit, the RLC
AC circuit, high-pass and low-pass filters, etc.
n Easy adaptation and extension for more complex experiments
You can find more under: LEP 4.1.01 and the
following experiments.
Stirling engine with Cobra3
Inductance of coils with Cobra3
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Solid-state, atomic, and nuclear physics
78 experiments in the following fields: physics
of the electron, radioactivity, sold-state physics,
atomic and nuclear physics, plasma physics, and
the physics of X-rays.
Example: Zeeman* effect
n Normal and abnormal Zeeman effect in
one set-up
n With an electromagnet or a permanent magnet
n Fabry-Pérot interferometer with high resolution
n Computer-assisted evaluation of the
interference phenomena
*(Pieter Zeeman, Nobel Prize in physics 1902)
Example: Stern*-Gerlach experiment
n Fundamental experiment for explaining the
nature of quantum mechanics
n Sophisticated physics as a laboratory
n Computer-assisted execution and evaluation
of the experiment
*(Otto Stern, Nobel Prize in physics 1943)
You can find more under: LEP 5.1.11
You can find more under: LEP 5.1.10
Proof of the Zeeman effect
Example: physics of X-rays
Easy-to-use X-ray unit with a full protection
4 different quick-change tubes (Cu, Mo, Fe, W)
More than 30 experiments
Stern-Gerlach experiment
We would be pleased if we could send you our
catalogue „Laboratory Experiments Physics“,
in which all of the experiments are concisely
You can find more under: LEP 5.4.01-63
Experiment with the X-ray unit
12 13
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Laboratory Experiments Chemistry
In the education in chemistry, experiments should always be at the core of the lessons and courses,
either as demonstrations held by the lecturer or as experiments performed by the students themselves. With the „Laboratory Experiments“ series, PHYWE offers a collection of 82 experiments concerning physical chemistry for universities and colleges, but also for the secondary school level II.
The experiments cover the following fields:
Kinetic theory
12 experiments concerning the gas laws, the
determination of the molar mass in accordance
with the vapour density method, and viscosity.
16 experiments concerning the heat capacity, reaction enthalpies, boiling points, melting point,
and calorimetry.
Gas laws with the glass jacket system
n Clear set-up
n Absolutely mercury-free
n Quick execution
n The measurement of the state quantities with
an interface enables the quick and easy
graphical representation of the results
n Quick preparation
Determination of the evaporation enthalpy of a liquid
Clear set-up
Electric calibration of the calorimeter system
The measurement with an interface enables
the precise recording of the temperature curve
over time
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Chemical equilibrium
15 experiments concerning phase, dissociation,
n Compact and clear set-up
and solubility equilibriums, the vapour pressure
of mixtures, distillation, and gas chromatography. n The measurement with an interface enables
the precise recording of the reaction over time
21 experiments in the following fields: conductivity, electrochemical potentials, pH measurement, electrolysis, and electrochemical analysis
Determination of the theoretical plate
number of a distillation column
Compact and clear set-up
All of the components are clearly visible
(no reflective coating)
Maintenance-free thanks to the
mechanical column head
Interfacial phenomena
7 experiments concerning the surface tension,
adsorption, and electrokinetic potential.
Temperature dependence of the electromotive force
Safe separation of the two half cells
Precise temperature control
Exact measurement results
Chemical kinetics
8 experiments concerning the kinetics of chemical reactions.
3 experiments concerning the interaction of light
and matter (spectra, pKa determination)
We would be pleased if we could send you our
catalogue “Laboratory Experiments Chemistry”,
in which all of the experiments are concisely
Conductometric measurement of
ester saponification
14 15
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Laboratory Experiments Biology
For the education in medicine, human physiology, plant physiology, and biochemistry, PHYWE offers a
uniform measurement data recording system, which is so flexible that a great variety of experiments
can be performed. PHYWE also supplies didactic experiment literature for all of these experiments.
Electrophysiology laboratory
Neurobiology laboratory
The electrophysiology laboratory for physiological
laboratory courses for basic biology and medicine
courses at universities enables four experiment
set-ups: electrocardiography (ECG), electromyography (EMG), electrooculography (EOG), and
muscle stretch reflex. All of these set-ups use
the same measurement data recording system.
Therefore, students do not need to familiarise
themselves with other data capture tools and
can instead focus on the execution of the experiments. There is a wide range of interesting
applications, e.g. the signal transmission rate in
nerve cells, the reading speed, reaction time, or
a fitness comparison of trained and untrained
PHYWE‘s neurobiology laboratory enables the
didactic treatment of the fundamental neurobiological principles of highly topical subjects,
such as Alzheimer‘s and Parkinson‘s disease. 13
fundamental experiments concerning nerve cells
can be performed with the equipment set. The
neurobiological laboratory is also suitable as a
demonstration system, since the controls and
functional elements of the system are clearly visible from the auditorium and the measurement
results can be projected with a beamer.
User advantages:
n Complete didactic solution of four medical
standard methods
n Didactics of methods that are used for diagnosing diseases (cardiovascular and circulatory
system, nervous system)
n Numerous interesting applications
n Suitable as a demonstration system and as a
system for laboratory experiments
Experiment subjects:
Intracellular potential and action potential
Membrane time constant the low-pass
Excitatory synapse
Hebb’s synapse
Inhibitory synapse
Veto synapse
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Other subjects are:
n Interaction between nerve cells, sensory cells, and motor cells
n Neural networks
n Complex neural networks
These subjects are possible if one to three additional nerve cells are added to the equipment set.
A total of 31 experiments can be performed, such
as experiments on action potentials, synapses,
conditioned reflexes, neuronal oscillators (body
clock), and short-term memory.
As a complement to the neurophysiology laboratory, the following experiments are helpful:
As an entry-level experiment in neurophysiology: model experiment concerning the measurement of the membrane potential of a
nerve cell (P4010450),
Neurophysiological experiments with laboratory animals (intact earthworms): various
measurements of the median and lateral giant
fibre in the ventral nerve cord
Recording of nerve potentials following an
electrical stimulation: effect of an anaesthetic,
different conduction velocities of giant fibres,
and the assessment of the refractory phase
Physics of X-rays for medical doctors
and biologists
Biochemistry and plant physiology
The following experiments can be performed
with the experiment system: photosynthesis,
transpiration of leaves, glycolysis, ion permeability of the cell membrane, determination of the
Michaelis constant, substrate inhibition of enzymes, enzyme inhibition, and the enzyme activity
of catalase.
Experiment set-up “transpiration of leaves”
We would be pleased if we could send you our
catalogue „Laboratory Experiments Biology“,
in which all of the experiments are concisely
The following laboratory experiments for medicine and biology courses at universities can be
performed with our didactic X-ray unit:
nX-ray dosimetry
nContrast medium
nX-ray photography
nAbsorption of X-rays
nX-ray structural analysis
16 17
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Rediscovering applied sciences
Natural sciences in everyday life
The distinction of science in the classic fields of physics, chemistry, and biology is increasingly becoming
blurred and there is a strong trend towards interdisciplinary and application-oriented learning, which
is surely due to the fact that our environment is rapidly changing. Answers to the questions and global
challenges of our “new” everyday life are increasingly difficult to find with the concepts of classic natural
sciences alone. This trend can also be observed at universities. There are numerous new disciplines
covering attractive new subjects. For teaching and research, this new area is an opportunity and a challenge
alike. The gaps between the great specialisations in physics, chemistry, biology, and the required new
interdisciplinary subject areas must be closed.
Applied sciences at PHYWE
Food chemistry
In physics, biology, and chemistry, PHYWE already
offers a wide range of teaching subjects with highquality solution systems and course materials,
but PHYWE‘s range of products also covers a lot in
the field of applied sciences: approximately 100
experiments and product packages from the lower
school level up to laboratory courses at universities. We also offer customised solutions that are
specifically adapted to the needs of our customers.
The following subject areas are already covered by
our product range:
The field of nutrition and digestion is perfect
for including experiments with a direct relation to our everyday life into the education of
Food chemistry/polymer chemistry/
Renewable energy
Environmental technology/supply of drinking
Materials science
Applied optics
The practical identification of nutriments is
not only important for the vocational and
professional education; it also underlines the
rules for healthy nutrition in an impressive
Because of the ever-increasing consumption
of ready-made meals and “fast food”, experiments concerning the industrial food production and processing play an important role.
The manual “Food Chemistry” includes 41 easy
experiments concerning the basic ingredients
of food:
Proteins: 10 experiments concerning the identification, characteristics, and use of proteins
Fats and fat-accompanying substances:
9 experiments concerning the production,
characterisation, and properties of fats
Carbohydrates: 9 experiments concerning the
production, characteristics, and properties of
Renewable energy – one of many subjects in
applied sciences
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Stimulants and flavourings: 8 experiments
concerning the identification and preparation
of alcohol, fruit acids, quinine, etc.
Vitamins: 5 experiments concerning the
identification of vitamins
Bacteria used in mining - microbial ore
leaching by Thiobacillus
Immobilised cells used in biotechnology –
microbial synthesis of acetic acid by
Acetobacter aceti
The two bioreactors – one airlift reactor and one
stirred-tank reactor – are so flexible that other
biotechnical methods can also be applied.
Quantitative fat determination in foodstuffs
through multiple extractions
Biotechnological production methods play an
important economic role in the pharmaceutical,
chemical, and foodstuff industries. Production
takes place in bioreactors, in which the mixing
processes, gas injection, pH, temperature, and
other parameters can be controlled with a high
level of precision.
Microbial synthesis of acetic acid with
the aid of Acetobacter aceti
The system can also be used for demonstration
purposes, since the experiments can be set up on
a vertical plate for complete experiments so that
all of the components are clearly visible from the
Materials science
Energy-resolved spectra can be recorded with
a combination of an X-ray energy detector, a
multi-channel analyser, and an X-ray unit. As a
result, experiments concerning X-ray fluorescence
analysis can be demonstrated easily or performed as a laboratory experiment. The method is
applied for the non-destructive characterisation
of metals, alloys, and superconductors such as in
this example of an X-ray fluorescence analysis of
a YBaCu0 superconductor.
Further information concerning the field of
applied sciences can be found in our brochure
“Applied Sciences”, which you can order.
PHYWE offers a complete small-scale teaching
and learning system for didactic purposes with
which the following, well-documented experiments can be performed:
Fermentation of molasses into ethanol with
the aid of yeast
Microbial synthesis of ethanol by Zymomonas
Preparation of amino acids through the
fermentation of Crynebacterium glutamicum
Spectroscopy of a YbaCu0 superconductor with the X-ray
energy detector
18 19
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Product highlights made by PHYWE
– True masterpieces
With their unique products, PHYWE has demonstrated their excellence in developing and manufacturing teaching materials for natural sciences. One example is our diffusion cloud chamber that
makes natural background radiation visible in a fascinating manner. Students and everybody who is
interested in natural sciences can observe a phenomenon, which is normally invisible.
Diffusion cloud chamber by PHYWE
The diffusion cloud chamber by PHYWE is one
of the oldest, modern particle detectors. It
is particularly suitable for observing natural
background radiation, i.e. the type of radiation that surrounds us every day. There are two
types of natural radiation: cosmic radiation and
the natural radioactivity of the earth. Whether
it is α-particles, β-particles, protons, muons,
electrons, or positrons – all types of electrically
charged particles can be observed.
Diffusion cloud chamber by PHWE
Inside the cloud chamber, there is a zone of
oversaturated alcohol vapour with a layer thickness of approximately 1 cm. If an ionising particle passes through this layer, it produces a cloud
track. The shape of this track provides information concerning the type of particle and its kinetic
energy. „Large“ α-particles produce a short, wide
track, low-energy β-particles change their direction when they collide with an alcohol molecule,
and high-energy muons produce a straight track.
The electron-position pair generation - though
very rare - is always a highlight. Between 100
and 500 cloud tracks are always visible, but they
disappear due to condensation at the cooled
base plate. The spectacle that repeats over and
over again fascinates every observer.
Enter the world of cosmic and terrestrial radiation with
our diffusion cloud chamber. As an object illustrating
the subject of radioactivity, the diffusion cloud chamber
is used at universities and schools, but it also attracts
visitors in museum, science centres, and even at art
exhibitions, such as the world‘s largest art exhibition,
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Distillation system
The distillation system can be used to demonstrate and understand the fundamental principles
of counter-current distillation (phase equilibrium
of multicomponent systems) or for the preparative separation of hardly separable compounds.
The system comes supplied with evacuated, uncoated insulating jackets. Since the components
have no reflective coating, the inside of the
system is clearly visible during the distillation,
which makes the system particularly suitable for
teaching purposes.
The combination of two large packed columns
enables a higher separating capacity (high theoretical plate number).
The adaptors between the columns enable the
withdrawal of substance samples, which can
then be easily separated by gas chromatography.
The column head with the attached intensive
cooler is used for the manual adjustment of
the reflux ratio of distillation columns, i.e. the
separation of the condensate into reflux and
outflow. It is suitable for operation under normal
Set-up of the distillation column (height: 2.30 m)
Our German-speaking customers at research institutions and universities include:
Georg August University Göttingen
LMU Munich
n University of Potsdam
n University of Bielefeld
n ETH Zurich
n TU Berlin
n DESY Hamburg
n RWTH Aachen
n Humboldt University Berlin
n University of Konstanz
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Excellent products, consulting, and service
PHYWE provides assistance and brings people together
Education in the natural sciences begins in a lecture hall, but our service starts a long way before
all that. Our extensive and perfected customer
care programme is based on the three columns
Campus, Pre-Sales, and After-Sales. Campus is a
training and education programme that provides
our end users, sales partners, and employees
with the opportunity to always be up-to-date
in terms of the scientific and technical developments at PHYWE. Whether it is online, at the
customer’s site, or in-house at PHYWE in Göttingen: our Campus is always there for you.
The Pre-Sales area includes – among other things
– the scientific contributions of PHYWE at specialised conferences, product and system demonstrations, and seminars, but also consulting
and support in the definition of projects and the
selection of the optimal solutions and systems for
your specific needs. We ensure that you make the
right decisions, and that you receive and use the
best cost-performance ratio. Please do not hesitate to ask us! With our After-Sales programme,
we ensure that you can use your PHYWE product
efficiently for a long time. This is indeed reliable
protection for your investment. We are there for
you if you have queries concerning the respective
installation or utilisation, but also for the supply
of spare parts or in the event of warranty claims
and repairs. Our technical hotline supports you.
Customer Services
Technical Support
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First-class service by PHYWE
Consultation required? Or you can order directly under:
P. +49 (0) 551 604-130
America, Spain, Portugal
P. +49 (0) 551 604-119
P. +49 (0) 551 604-188
P. +49 (0) 551 604-245
Eastern Europe
P. +49 (0) 551 604-137
Near and Middle East
P. +49 (0) 551 604-222
Africa (francophone), France
P. +32 (0) 436 162-30
Western Europe
P. +49 (0) 551 604-231
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10
D-37079 Göttingen
Sales Agency Liege
Grand Route 79
B-4610 Beyne-Heusay
PHYWE headquarters in Göttingen, Germany
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09.03.2009 10:12:58 Uhr
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Succursale belge
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10
D-37079 Göttingen
T. +49 (0) 551 604 - 0
F. +49 (0) 551 604 - 107
Grand´Route 79
B-4610 Beyne-Heusay
T. +32 (0) 436 162 - 30
F. +32 (0) 436 162 - 48 + 49
excellence in science
RZ 24-Seiter Hochschule UK.indd 24
Subject to technical change. Errors excepted. Please refer to our general terms and conditions.
Our sales partners:
MF 24
09.03.2009 10:12:59 Uhr