SYLLABUS U.S.GEOGRAPHY (321) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Sched. # 21643: MW+ 11:00-11:50, PG 242

Sched. # 21643: MW+ 11:00-11:50, PG 242
Fall 2015
Welcome to U.S. Geography! Looking forward to memorizing state capitals? To learning about rocks?
Ha ha! Then, look for a different class. In THIS class, we’ll cover the dynamics of the U.S, the
interrelationships between physical, cultural, economic and environmental influences that shape a region.
We cover the country, from the eastern U.S., to Alaska and Hawaii. Current land uses and functions help
us to understand what makes each region unique, and relevant current issues are examined to help gain
perspective on landscapes, resources and sustainability. The purpose of the course is to engage
students in learning about and analyzing the complex, fascinating, unique and beautiful geography of the
Bryce Canyon National Park
Instructor: Diana Gauss Richardson
Office: Storm Hall 301B; Office hours: T/TH 11:00am – noon, 2:00pm-3:00pm; W 1pm – 3:30pm;
and specific appointments. My door is usually open, so please feel free to drop by anytime.
Phone: 594-5476; email:
Check Blackboard (BB) for notices, assignments, posting of scores, jokes, quotes, and relevant
course information.
Required books and map:
Hardwick, Geography of North America, 2nd Ed., Pearson Publishing Co. (2013)
Goode's World Atlas, 22nd Ed. (21st Ed. OK)
Map: Map of U.S. (in map drawer, Aztec Shop)
The books and map are available in Aztec Shops, and books are also available in the library for
Please note: you are responsible for following everything in this syllabus as it is your primary
guide to the course requirements. I may not remind you of due dates.
FORMAT: This course is a blended course, with 2 days of in-class lecture and activities, and a third “day”
of online work. The class meets twice a week on Monday and Wed., and the online work can be done at
your convenience.
TERM PROJECT: The Term Project is intended to meet learning outcomes (outcomes described at end
of syllabus) by integrating many of these outcomes within one activity and its summary report. You may
choose from one of the following options.
TERM PROJECT, OPTION 1: FIELD TRIPS: If you choose this option, you may attend 3 local/San Diego
region field trips scheduled throughout the semester (see schedule below). These field trips will show
first-hand some of the concepts taught in class and will give you primary experience to understand these
concepts. Each field trip will be worth 25 points, for a total of 75 points. Waiver and Release of Liability
form must be submitted to receive credit. A 2-page summary paper (due the week after each trip) should
identify the major topics learned during the field trip, in addition to research pertaining to those topics.
More details will be given at each field trip. All 3 field trips must be attended for this option, and, if one is
missed, the score will be reduced by 25 points. This option limited to 15 students – first come, first served.
TERM PROJECT, OPTION 2: Research Experience: You can choose from a variety of topics pertinent to
some aspect of U.S. Geography. These topics will be available on Bb. Each topic will be accompanied by
a community service or engagement event, such as attendance at a relevant lecture, a beach cleanup,
work at a homeless shelter, etc. Your paper should examine the topic, using peer-reviewed material, as
well as other current journals/periodicals. See Bb for further information on this. You need to submit a
Waiver and Release of Liability form for attendance at any off-campus activity in order to get credit for
this. You can turn in your paper anytime that you finish it, but the deadline is Nov. 30. Paper should be
approximately 4 – 5 pages, 11 pt. font, 1.5 space, normal margins, with separate pages for citations,
charts, figures or other material augmenting your text.
TERM PROJECT, OPTION 3: A Place at the Table (APATT): With this option you would attend this
workshop on Sept. 19th and 20th. See No paper necessary for this option,
but you must attend both days for the entire workshop. Fee to attend: $11.00.
EXAMS: 3 exams, no comprehensive final. Each exam covers the material prior to that exam. Exams
include multiple choice, TF, short answers and diagrams. Use the Learning Outcomes for a study guide.
Each exam worth approximately 50 to 70 points, for a total possible not to exceed 200 points. See the
Schedule for exam dates.
ATLAS ASSIGNMENTS: Two atlas assignments will be given which will cover location identification and
thematic topics across the U.S. Each of these will be worth 40 points, for a total of 80 points. The dates
for completion of these are found in the Course Schedule. You will need the map and Atlas identified
above to complete these.
CLASS COURTESY and ACADEMIC BEHAVIOR: Are you an adult with manners, honesty and civility?
Then, no need to read this paragraph further. If you aren’t, then continue reading: It is important that
courtesy be maintained in the class. Basic courtesies include: not speaking while the professor or
another student is, remaining in your seat during the entire class period (i.e., taking care of personal
business before and after class, arriving on time and not leaving early), not dominating
questions/discussion time, and turning off cell phones, all electronics (generally, civil, mature and
respectable behavior). Of course, cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated – complete course failure or
failure of an assignment would ensue if either occurred. See Academic Integrity below. Your attendance
in this class confirms your commitment to upholding these basic courtesies and behaviors.
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: Your participation, demonstrated by attendance, courtesy,
discussion and/or questions, will help you achieve the greatest benefit from the class. Usually there is a
direct relationship between attendance and success in the class.
GRADES: Course grade will be based on your total score. Total score includes atlases, CPs, and Term
Project. Grading will be bases on the following percentages:
A 92% and above; A- 90-91%; B+ 89%; B 82-88%; B- 80-81%; C+ 79%; C 71-78%; C- 69-70%; D+ 68%;
D 60-67%; D- 59%; F 58% and below. If you attend and are engaged, then you should receive a high
Academic Integrity: The faculty and staff demand the highest levels of academic and professional
integrity in all work at San Diego State University. Plagiarism, cheating on exams, copying another
student’s work, or any other type of academic dishonesty, will be referred directly to the Office of Student
Rights and Responsibilities for disciplinary action. You will receive zero points on the exam or
Americans with Disabilities Act (DA) Accommodation:
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your
responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt
of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please
note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be
provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability
Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
This syllabus is intended to guide us through the course. However, circumstances can change and so I reserve the
right to change the syllabus/schedule as needed to ensure that we fulfill the objectives of the course. You will
receive full and fair notification regarding any such changes.
Aug. 24
Hardwick Chapters;
Readings on BB
Introduction, Physical
Hardwick (H) 1
See Simple Pl. Tec.
Animations; Earthquakes in
California; Readings 1a –
See Slides for Class: Plate
Tectonics; Landform
See Video Lecture:
Climate and Vegetation
H 3, 19
See Video Lecture:
Settlement of the U.S.
Sept. 18 - Field
See Video Lecture:
Trip #1 to
Economic Sectors.
Cuyamaca Rancho
State Park
See: Mapping Poverty,
9am to 1pm
Migration Maps, and
SANDAG’s Smart Growth
Design Guidelines
Sept. 19 and 20 APATT
H 17
Field trip paper
See Discovery Hawaii
due Sept. 25
Physical – Landforms, Climate,
Vegetation (continued);
Cultural Geography,
(No class Sept. 7 – Labor Day)
Urban settlement, Land use,
Hawaii, as example of all
geographic topics
Read and watch links on
Marine NM
Atlantic Northeast
Read Puritan Influence
Exams, Atlas
Term Projects
Assign Atlas 1
(bring atlas and
map to class Sept.
Exam 1, Sept. 28
Atlas 1 due Sept.
Field Trip #2, Sat.
Oct. 2, to San
Vicente Reservoir,
9am to noon
Oct. 5
Read Gentrification
Impacts article
Field trip paper
due Oct. 9
See Megalopolis video
Great Lakes region
The South
Great Plains
See U.S. Drought Monitor
and read other articles on
manufacturing, rust belt,
urban farming.
See Nat’l Organic
Rebel Music documentary
H 9,10
See The South video
See Innovation Hubs
H 11
Rebel Music
Reflection due
10/19 11am
Assign Atlas 2
Exam 2 Oct. 26
(Hawaii through
the South)
Atlas 2 due Oct. 28
Nov. 2
Rocky Mountains/Intermontane
H 12,13
Read: Second Most
Seismically Active State,
Drought in U.S., Where
the Water Goes (+ listen
to KPBS segment), and
NYT Colorado R. articles
Nov. 11 Holiday (Veteran’s
California, Pacific Northwest
H 14
video lecture
Watch film, Bringing Back
the Delta
H 15
See California part 2 video
See California Forever
Pacific Northwest; Nov. 25 – 27
Holiday (Thanksgiving)
H 16
See Pacific Northwest
video lecture
H 18
Nov. 14 Field Trip
#3 to Downtown
San Diego, 9:45am
to 1pm
Field trip paper
due Nov. 20
Term Project
Option 2 deadline
Nov. 30
Alaska continued
Exam 3 Dec. 9
(Great Plains
through Alaska)
Physical Geography: Be able to
 Describe each of the tectonic process as they relate to landforms in the U.S. Know the major U.S.
landforms, and major rock types.
 Describe erosional forces as they relate to these landforms. Know each of the erosional agents.
 Explain influences on climate in the U.S. Include: topography, ocean currents, latitude.
 Be able to discuss air mass movement across the U.S.
 Locate generally the major vegetation zones in the U.S.
Cultural Geography through Sustainability:
 Identify sequence and location of settlement of major European groups, and Culture Hearths that
 Identify the major land acquisitions that shaped the U.S. as we know it today.
 Describe the major land divisions, surveys that shaped land use patterns today: Township and
Range, Metes and Bounds
 Explain government policies and events that helped to move population westward, and eventually
from rural to urban landscapes
 Identify factors that shape demographics: Growth rate, rate of natural increase, fertility rate,
migration patterns (site and situation and amenity areas)
 Describe Demographic Transition, and corresponding economic stages
 Explain the concept of sustainability and apply it to real world examples in the U.S.
Hawaii through Megalopolis:
 Identify the tectonic process, erosional processes, prevailing winds, and climate characteristics of
the Hawaiian Islands
 Describe the demographics, major economies and relevant environmental issues found in the
 Explain the significance of the Farm Village and the Puritan settlement of the Northeast in shaping
city structure and American thought and patterns.
 Identify the major economies of the Northeast and Megalopolis, and the reasons for the vast
differences between the two regions.
 Describe the physical geography of the Northeast and Megalopolis (climate, vegetation,
 Articulate the significance of the literary movement of the 1700 and 1800s in shaping our current
views on land use (especially protection of open space/wilderness).
Great Lakes through South:
 Describe the landform regions, climate and natural vegetation for these regions. Know with
greater specificity the challenges of New Orleans with its coastal plain location, elevation and
rising sea levels.
 Explain the differences between chemical agriculture and organic agriculture, and the reasons
for the recent trends toward urban and organic agriculture.
 Articulate the economic changes in these regions, integrating what you learned about economic
stages and migration patterns in Module 2.
Explain the cultural significance of these regions, including the isolation factor of the
Appalachian Mountains, and the cultural heritage and southern identity of the rest of the south.
Describe the impact of immigrant settlement on the lives of the Native Americans.
Great Plains through Southwest:
 Describe what an aquifer is, the extent and dynamics of the Ogallala, and the importance of the
balance between extraction and recharge.
 Know the importance of the Homestead Act, and other government policies in opening up the
Western U.S.
 Identify the major U.S. federal agencies that manage public lands in the U.S., and their primary
 Explain the types of demand, the supply, and the policies that direct the distribution of the
Colorado River.
 Identify the major economies and settlement patterns, both historic and present, of these
 Describe the energy industries that are developed in these regions.
 Articulate the changing Borderlands cultural and economic landscape.
California through Alaska:
 Describe the diversity in cultures, defining cultural characteristics, economies that developed
and now support these regions
 Be able to map the physical landscapes of California, and the Pacific Northwest.
 Describe the issues of water supply in California, versus the demand
 Explain how California led the nation in land protection/preservation/conservation
 Explain what led to diminishing timber industry production in the Pacific Northwest; and, the
growing tertiary and quaternary industries of Portland and Seattle.
 Identify the top economies of Alaska and issues with extraction of fossil fuels on the North
 Know the policies that were instrumental in distribution of lands for public use and for Native
retention in Alaska.