82nd MSSA Senate April 1st, 2015


82nd MSSA Senate

April 1st, 2015

 Call to Order by 82 nd Speaker Ben Shakespear

 Roll Call

 Presentation- 2015-2016 SAF Budget Narrative - Presentation to 82nd MSSA - April 1 st

Program Requests = 24 programs, total FY16 request of $2,490,662

 $141,992 increase requested; 6.05% base funding increase; 8.68% fee increase

Increase SAF funding $18,447 from FY15 base funding of $2,348,670. i.

0.8% base funding increase

Increase SAF fee $0.24/credit, $2.88/banded max – i.

3.4% fee increase

Reclassification of student payroll- i.

$8/hr becomes $9/hr and pro-rated within current highest student payroll classification. a) Campus Rec/Sports Clubs


Total Funding: $483,540

 Increase of $32,659 (7.24%) i.

Student Payroll


Adventure Ed/Climbing -Total Funding: $135,377

 Increase of $220 (0.16%) i.

Salary Reclassification ii.

Fringe Benefits


Campus Rec – R&R - Total Funding: $20,000

 Repair and Replacement

 Line max of $50,000 i.

Spent $20,000 in FY15


Community Engagement- Total Funding: $9,797

 Current Funding Level (0%)

 No increase/decrease requested

 Addition of Graduate Assistant i.

$15,786 ($9,000 salary & $6,786 tuition remission) ii.

Budgeted within Student Activities Admin.


Ethnic Student Activites - Total Funding: $39,000

 Decrease of $2,524 (6.08%)

 Emphasis on collaborative programming


Forensics - Total Funding: $22,312

 Current Funding Level (0%)

 Request denied: i.

Exemplary performance at current funding level ii.

Pay-to-Play/Member contributions encouraged

Gender & Sexuality Programs - Total Funding: $55,000

 Current Funding Level (0%)

 No increase/decrease requested


Green Transportation Fee - Total Funding: $279,350

 Current Funding Level (0%)

 Request Denied i.

Excessive hourly rate increases over past 3 years ii.

Non-student funding sought for additional services


Homecoming - Total Funding: $54,750

 Decrease of $5,250 (8.75%)

 Requested increase denied i.

Carnival attendance not proven to be student led

 Maintain current programming i.

Removal of bonfire design fee (-$6,000) ii.

Addition of 3 rd position (+$750)

 Exemption from 80% rule i.

No clear hierarchy (tri-chair)


International Center Activites - Total Funding: $52,500

 Increase of $1,100 (2.14%) i.

Supplies and Equipment


Mavericks After Dark - Total Funding: $12,500

 Decrease of $2,500 (16.67%) i.

Decreasing student attendance


Music Ensembles - Total Funding: $79,500

 Current Funding Level (0%)

 No increase/decrease requested


Non-Budgeted Request Fund - Total Funding: $50,000

 $9,000 from FY16 SAF Fee allocation

 $41,000 from existing UNCOMMITTED SAF Reserve

 ~$41,000 FY14 carry-forward to FY15


Non-Traditional Student Center - Total Funding: $5,900

 Decrease of $332 (5.33%)

 Addition of Graduate Assistant i.

$15,786 ($9,000 salary & $6,786 tuition remission) ii.

Budgeted within Student Activities Admin.


Repertory Dance- Total Funding: $5,000

 Current Funding Level

 No increase/decrease requested


Reporter - Total Funding: $58,740

 Decrease of $5,640 (8.50%)

 5% budget reduction i.

Targeting a reduction in printed papers

 $2,260 reduction in student help i.

NOT exempted from $12,000 student salary cap ii.

Current Editor in Chief salary $14,260 ($620x23pp)


SAF Administration - Total Funding: $233,796

 Increase of $6,100 (2.68%) i.

Student Payroll


Student Activities – Admin - Total Funding: $500,310

 Increase of $48,564 (10.75%)


Addition of CEO Graduate Assistant ($15,786) ii.

Addition of NTSC Graduate Assistant ($15,768) iii.

Shift of OrgSync ($15,500)


Student Activities – Greek Life - Total Funding: $15,000

 Current Funding Level

 No increase/decrease requested


Student Activities – IMPACT - Total Funding: $100,670

 Current Funding Level

 Requested increase denied i.

Concert reserve fund encourages excessive risk

 Additional $5,000 in one-time re-brand funding


Student Activities – Leadership - Total Funding: $5,700

 Current Funding Level

 No increase/decrease requested


Student Activities – RSOs - Total Funding: $6,200

 Decrease of $12,833 (67.42%) i.

Requested allocation ii.

Shift of OrgSync to Student Activities Admin.


Student Senate - Total Funding: $97,559

 Decrease of $5,297 (5.15%) i.

~$10,000 decrease in fringe benefits ii.

$1,000 decrease in VP Salary


NOT exempted from 80% rule iii.

$7,500 increase for senator compensation


Theatre - Total Funding: $85,616

 Current Funding Level

 No increase/decrease requested

Review - Requested Increases: $141,992

Recommended Increases: $18,447

 $0.24/credit SAF increase

 $7.38/credit SAF fee, $88.56 banded max

 $2,367,117 SAF base

Minimum wage recommendation

 $8/hr to $9/hr

 Pro-rate mid-level pay between new base and,

 Highest student payroll classification remains constant

 A taskforce, chaired by Steve Smith, will be meeting over the summer months. SAC elected to support an increase for lowest paid employees.

Schieler: Everyone was asked to come in and present to us. Next week you will have the opportunity to engage in dialogue on all of them. Any questions today should remain broad.

Haffield: You made no reference to programs that overlap with academic credits?

Schieler: For instance, think about Forensics and it what does it take to run the program? They have teaching, papers, etc. Any student fees only fund travel and their expenses. Large portion comes from academic funding.

Haffield: Doesn’t the same apply to Repertory Dance and Theatre?

Schieler: Yes.

Haffield: How did you get the amount for the Reporter’s printing?

Schieler: Everyone was asked about a 5% decrease. Their response wasn’t very clarifying.

Everyone else was asked. We didn’t feel their answers were good.

Haffield: When did we resign OrgSync?

Schieler: It is in process. They wanted $17,000 and we’re holding firm that it stay at $15,500.

Hartman: Can you explain the 3 proposals for student salary increases?

Schieler: There is recoding, pro-rated, and everyone gets $1. If everyone gets a $1, it would mean a 12.5% increase.

Hartman: If wages decrease would it be a disincentive for those who work at higher skill set?

Schieler: I’d encourage you to look at the fact that you’re still making more than your subordinates.

Conlon: You and the entire SAC committee should be proud of what you’ve done. You’ve all done a great job.

Nakumbe: Why a decrease for Mavericks After Dark?

Schieler: There’s been a downward trend in attendance.

Nakumbe: With a decrease in attendance, why not lower more?

Schieler: It is already a big cut at 16.6%. So, it were any larger than that we would start cutting substantially into programming.

Nakumbe: Ethnic Activities were cut 6% and that dept. funds multiple events?

Schieler: They did some things that some felt didn’t contribute to diversity programs.

Nakumbe: Whereas there is an increase in the int’l population, 31% this year alone, why?

Schieler: I would encourage you to understand that we we’re concerned about effective use of the student dollar.

Shakespear: (The explanation of next week’s process.) You will have the opportunity to ask then.

John B.: Is the SAC $41,000 reserve sustainable or will we be looking at a huge deficit?

Schieler: That was a concern of ours too. SAF reserve is required to be at 5%, it is currently at

13%. They have a very healthy reserve. The amount reached because of carry forward dollars.

John B.: The only groups who want to appeal know to show up next week. That being said, if there are lines you have questions about, we need to know so they can be invited next week.

Schieler: We have to have quorum next week so stress the importance of working with your professors if needed to get out of class.

Shakespear: If you need to leave early, we need to know now so John can provide you the letter asking your professor for an absence.

Wolf: How did you come up with the 80% rule?

Schieler: It has been there. We did not come up with it.

Wegscheid: Is it the future of SAC to keep this rule in review for every year?

Rogers: Yes it is.

Haffield: On the minimum wage issue, if the decision is to recode, will someone else higher up come up with another?

Schieler: Smith is putting a committee together and they will make this decision over the summer. Skeeter will be involved in this committee. After you accept this allocation, it will go through and means that everyone will have to incur it into their budgets.

Nakumbe: What happens with carry forward?

Schieler: SAC reviewed those procedures this year. They would absorb any deficit and it would be a reduction. If surplus is greater than 10%, depts. have to provide written documentation of why.

Rogers: There is some surplus that goes into the SAF general fund.

Nakumbe: What is your definition of efficient use of student dollars?

Schieler: I think you should understand that we don’t see smoothies and massages as a good use of students’ dollars. It is all on face value.

Jacobson: Also, I’d remind you that some depts. also bring in their own revenue.

Constantine: We are also concerned with the minimum wage issue. It would be a very different budget for our depts. to put a $1.00 on everyone’s hourly wage. We agree with this and are supportive of it. Todd Pfingsten and I will also sit on this committee over summer.

 Tech Fee Budget Proposal – Bryan Schneider (handout) https://mavdisk.mnsu.edu/ya7449un/FY15TechFeeBudgetMSSA.pdf



 Proposal sent to MSSA in April.

 MSU general fund is the main source of funding.

 Also receive .5M/yr from MnSCU; equipment dollars from MSU ($1M) could include furniture, equipment.

 Last increase was 3 years ago.

 Recommending 3% increase; increase would help deflect declining enrollment.

 Maximum fee can be $10.00. Currently, proposing $9.40.

Hanson: How many students utilize the kiosks vs their own laptops?

Schneider: Actually, usage is extremely high. They are all designed for different use depending upon location. We also look at areas that aren’t heavy traffic and take them out.

Nakumbe: With a deficit, is there reserve that would offset?

Schneider: We haven’t looked at a reserve for last few years but will do in the future. We do have some carry forward from last yr. Some it is result of timing (i.e. purchases at the end of


Nakumbe: There is a large difference in your spending over the past couple years. Can you explain?

Schneider: It is likely due to the purchase of software packages (i.e. Adobe), computer labs.

Adobe software has increased dramatically.

Conlon: I don’t feel like I’ve heard a real compelling argument as to why the raise?

Schneider: We are under a tremendous amount of pressure everywhere and everyone. Try to make it cost of instruction but cost is growing every year. There is always the demand to do more. Things are getting more and more specialized.

Hartman: As far as tracking usage, what process is in place?

Schneider: We try to manage as well as we can. The current package takes the amount of logins and also tracks use of wireless network, labs, etc.

Hartman: Is the hike in FT salary fringe dramatic because of additional employees?

Schneider: There have been more employees added, especially support people. Also, we had a lot of student employees but with so much student turnover, we have shifted more towards student seasonal employees. We are also expanding academic technology for faculty to improve their classes. MavTube is also available.

Hartman: What is the number of employees who have been added?

Schneider: I don’t have that but will send out with copy of presentation.

Schieler: If you rec’d a 5% decrease, what would that look like to your budget and general student?

Schneider: I don’t have that answer and would look to the Tech Fee Advisory Committee.

Schieler: Today you mentioned that we have a problem with ending some technology and services?

Schneider: It sometimes is not that easy as some colleges and/or programs depend on certain things. We have set up a system through the Development Advisory Committee, and

Technology Roundtable Committee to look at some of those things. There is a tremendous amount of effort right now to move some services to the Cloud.

Nakumbe: Would this fee cover recording a lecture?

Schneider: We do have some lecture capture now and will be experimenting with the new

Clinical Sciences Building.


Open Forum

Jacobson: Deadline closed for President/Vice President. Those running for senator have until next week.

Rae: I’m the new editor for an edition of the Reporter and want to put together a section on elections. I’d like bios and photos if possible.

Jacobson: I can help you with that as Elections Commission Chair I have some of that.


Approval of Consent Agenda



Commission on Ethics & Standards:

Recognized Student Organizations:

Student Allocations Committ



Recommend allocating up to $300 ($50/student x 6 students) to Alpha Sigma Alpha for non-food related student travel expenses to attend the Emma Coleman Frost LDI leadership conference

June 26-28, 2015 in Indianapolis, IN


Recommend allocating up to $140 for advertising and event supplies (excludes food and

permanent equipment) to the Recreation Majors Club for an on-campus single-elimination bracketed Quidditch tournament on May 3, 2015 at the MSU, Mankato intermural fields.


Recommend allocating up to $1,000 to Lambda Chi Alpha for non-food related student travel expenses to assist 32 students attend their chapter’s regional educational conference April 10-

12, 2015 in Mankato, MN

Approval of Minutes: 3.25.15


 Vacancies a.

Allied Health & Nursing b.

At-Large Residence Hall

President Haffield a.

Attend transport. With lt gov. and commissioner. b.

Hoping to start a aviation adv. Board.

Vice President Wolf a.

Walk to the Capitol – 97 mi., will be relay format, 18 mi./day for total of 5 days. Arrive on Weds. before higher ed committee meets. Either week of

11 th or 17 th . Looking for people to walk the segments. There will be a sign up sheet at the next meeting. b.

Senator of the Week – Josh Atencio

Speaker Shakespear

Senator Reports a.

Tyler Conlon i.

Letter of appeal result-thanks for helping did get a response from county. ii.

Formal review of university policies – 13 th is last day for input.


New dining hall ground. On the 15 th . c.

Michael Hanson i.

Invited to Grad. Reception. We had drafted a proposal to influence that state universities market graduate programs. As

They are in approval of the proposal. ii.

Been selected to serve on a search for Academic Affairs. We will be starting on 13 th . iii.

Let’s go to the ballgame! Twins game for 82 nd and 83 rd senates.

Sat.;, May 2 nd . Tickets around $17. Idea is to build team spirit.

Old Business

New Business

Everyone is welcome to join us.

82 MM 01 04.01.15 - Senator Stipends Jacobson/Johnson

Whereas: The Minnesota State Student Association recognizes the importance of compensating senators accordingly for their service to the university;

Whereas: The senate previously put forth a motion to include senator stipends in the proposed FY16 budget;

Whereas: The senate feels the proposed budget amount is appropriate;

Be it resolved: The 82 nd MSSA supports the use of these funds to compensate senate’s subsequent members.

Motion passes.

Aye: 13; Nay:2; Abstentions:1

Shakespear: This is the same motion as before we’re only voting for it now. If we do so now, it will make next week’s process go smoother.

Jacobson: I just wanted to see it reflected in the minutes.

Johnson: I feel it entirely reasonable given the amt. of hours senators put in.

Haffield: The reason for the veto was there was not enough info at the time. Since then, we’ve found out that it is possible. A little late on this motion but feel it should pass. This is the exact same proposal as before.

Announcements a.

Happy Birthday (tomorrow) Lizzie!!  b.

Wegscheid: I really need people for delegates. I only have 8 but need 18. c.

Debates next week, 12:00 for Pres., 1:00 for VP, Hearth Lounge. d.

Schieler: Item #2 on consent agenda; I’m hosting for LEEP. 100% proceeds go to them.

 Roll Call

 Adjournment

Meeting adjourned 5:43.

*** Follow-up rec’d from Bryan Schneider to some questions by senators:

Explanation of Staff funding increase from 2011 to 2015.

ITS Tech Fee Staffing changes 2015 2011 Info:

CIO/Special Projects

Tech Services


Classroom Presentation

Customer Service

(1/2-time) Customer Services

Academic Technology

Web Development

Edina Helpdesk










0 same

1 same

4 Moved 3 to Customer Services

1 same

Moved 3 from ACC. 3 were added. (part of Tech fee increase in

2 2013)

0 7 employees ½-time. (part of Tech Fee increase in 2013)

0 Grad Assist Position (this is going away after this semester)

0 same

Part-time employee was changed to FT

– difficult to staff and


hire as PT. Expanded hours of support in Edina.

Note about Customer Services Portion of Tech Fee Increase –

$145,000 annually was allocation for improved support at the ITS Service Desk.

o 7 ½-time positions - The students that staffed the Service Desk (walk-up) prior to the increase were hired as ½-time employees to reduce student turnover, improve training and experience, and to meet the goal of being able to fix more problems on-the-spot without the delays and repeat visits to ITS. Hours of support were expanded as well. o 3 FT employees were added to the Service Desk to handle phone calls and level

2 support.

2) Question about large software purchases in FY15

There are actually several purchases of software in FY15 that occur yearly, but there was one - Gartner consulting services $75,900.00 that was misclassified as software in the object code but should fall under consulting. A request was submitted to change the object code.

3) Question of retirement of services

Retirement of services is challenging for a number of reasons - people still use them, replacement of software or hardware is cost prohibitive, work and expense of migrating to a new service, etc. As an example – one service talked about last week was retirement of MavDISK for students. Seems simple and we have OneDrive with 1TB of space for students to use, however there are some challenges with bridging OneDrive with some of the functionality that people expect with MavDISK, like automatic redirection of My Documents to MavDISK, having an M: drive to save and open files for software programs that understand drive mapping but can’t save to OneDrive. There are some possible solutions like syncing OneDrive to a computer, but this may be impractical if files need to sync every time a student logs onto a computer. So there is a software solution that’s being looked at that will map a drive to OneDrive, but the cost is 6 cents per student per month for the license, and there is a delay after login that the software maps the drive. So there are new costs involved in saving money on older solutions. So this will take a while.

To help with the governance of retiring services, (since it doesn’t seem to work well by telling people that this is ITS’ decision to retire a service) two processes have been developed this year to aid in the decision-making and facilitate retirement of services:

1) The Software & Data Advisory Committee

2) The Technology Roundtable as part of the Portfolio Management Process

Services that have recently been retired: o Softchalk o Atomic learning o Barracuda SPAM solution o A number of web sites and services that were supported on ETS server o Filemaker (older versions) o Windows 2003 servers o SQL Server 2005 and older o Echo 360 o Wi-Fi for 802.11b devices

Services being considered for retirement/discontinuance: o Microsoft Student Campus License Agreement

 o MavDISK Student Shares o StarAlert for Parents o A growing list if equipment and software that will be discontinued because it is no longer supported by the manufacturer.

Additionally, some services have been, or are being, moved to a cloud service.
