83rd MSSA Senate February 17 , 2016

83rd MSSA Senate
February 17th, 2016
Call to Order by 83rd Speaker Farah
Roll Call
Presentations –
a. MSSA Elections Commission
i. No changes so last year’s election rules
ii. This overview doesn’t count as a rules reading.
iii. Reading of document.
iv. Elections timeline.
v. MSSA email will be used for elections communication.
vi. Referendum error from last year. Last year, it was thought that the
referendum did not pass in the MSSA Spring Elections because
10% of the student body did not vote in the Spring Elections. In a
meeting of the MSSA Elections Commission, it was discovered that
per the MSSA Constitution, that rule only applies to amendments
to the constitution. There has been confusion about this for many
Smith: What kind of things have had referendums?
Farah: Green Transportation fee, keeping pay lot free, Computer Science major.
JB: Any group can bring up a referendum. Extensive discussion last year about this and how to
get it on the ballot. Best example may have been when swimming team was seeking student fee
and passed that initiative. Expresses the will of students with final approval needed by the
university president.
Smith: What is timeline?
Farah: (Constitution reference) It requires public hearing so needed in timely manner.
De Ruiter: two ways to get ref. on the ballot. One requires petition with 250 student signatures;
other way is to have approved by the senate.
Sam: Is EC thinking about publicity of elections?
Farah: Yes, general elections posters are printed and we’ll be partnering with RSOs to work on
a case study to be held few weeks in advance. This would give us ideas on how to better
market elections, get people involved.
Haffield: Even when utilizing social media, and other means of promotion, both groups are
responsible to get word out.
Smith: What are we able to do as a senate to promote idea of running?
Farah: As long as you are not asking to have people part of your party, you can promote
Haffield: EC would also like to work with you on that stuff so that we’re aware of things going
Sam: The line needs to be drawn between PR and EC.
Farah: Everything is laid out clearly in the EC rules. There needs to be a fine line drawn.
Haffield: Just look at guidelines and if you’re wondering if things are ethical, please talk to the
 Open Forum
o Abhirup Saha– MSUSA is hosting Senator Kathy Sheran from 4-6 pm, tonight in
CSU #253 Good opportunity to become updated on student issues.
o Pfingsten: Bowling Challenge next week, Student Affairs has 12 signed up and
MSSA has 18.
 Approval of Consent Agenda
Appointments: Bassam Al-Mohamadi: Undergraduate Diversity Requirement for Graduation Steering
Committee; Ayoola Okuribido: Undergraduate Diversity Requirement for Graduation Steering
Committee; Kate Schmidt: Undergraduate Diversity Requirement for Graduation Steering Committee;
Kouliga Koala: Student Affairs Committee; Dolly Baruah and Bassam Al-Mohamadi: ISSS Director Search
Committee Representative; Faical Rayani: ISSS Recruitment and Retention Specialist Search Committee
Appointments still needed: Director of African American Affairs Search Committee Representative;
Institutional Diversity Recruitment and Retention Advisor Search Committee Representative; Director of
University Security Search Committee Representative; Environmental Committee; CTF Committee (1
graduate student representative); Technology Fee Advisory Committee (2 more); Athletic Advisory
Commission on Ethics & Standards:
Recognized Student Organizations: Maverick Flight Team
Student Allocations Committee:
After further review of the Handball Club travel funding request submitted December 4, 2015,
SAC recommend allocating up to $750 for non-food related travel expenses to the Handball
Club to assist 24 students attend the USHA national collegiate tournament in Minneapolis, MN,
February 24-28, 2016 and the club is advised that no supplemental SAF funding will be allocated
by SAC in the future for any open invitational competitive event(s)
a. Amount Requested: $2,000
b. Per SAC guidelines, Section IV, Item 11(a) Invited organizations or teams who are participating in a
tournament or competition are eligible for funding up to $100 per competing student and one(1) coach or
advisor, with a maximum of $2,000 for the event.
2. Recommend allocating up to $250 (5 students @ $50/each) for non-food related travel expenses
to Beta Alpha Psi to assist students travel to their chapter conference to be held in Omaha, NE,
March 31-April 3, 2016.
a. Amount Requested: $400
b. Per SAC Guidelines, Section IV, Item 16, travel funding provides a maximum of $50/student,
with a maximum of $1,000 per fiscal year.
3. Recommend allocating up to $600 (12 students @ $50/each) for non-food related travel expenses
to Sigma Nu to assist students travel to a leadership conference to be held in Fort Collins, CO,
February 26-28, 2016.
a. Amount Requested: $600
b. Per SAC Guidelines, Section IV, Item 16, travel funding provides a maximum of $50/student,
with a maximum of $1,000 per fiscal year.
Meeting minutes 02.10.16
Consent Agenda approved (Except for dissent on Item #1– Handball)
 Vacancies
o Arts & Humanities (1)
 Officer Reports
o President Haffield
a. MSUSA Delegates this weekend.
b. Pedal Past Poverty – reminder to register.
o Vice President Al-Mohamadi
a. First student forum event today went well. Encourage more to attend.
b. MSSA Scholarship fundraising progressing. Alumni Foundation will send letters
to past MSSA members. Will be work in progress for next few years.
c. Talk to me if you want to table in the CSU.
d. Please look at appointments still needed and consider.
Speaker Farah
a. Bowling next week.
b. Senator reports
c. Search Committees – IT and VP Development interviews ongoing. Try to stop in
and ask questions as they have a very direct effect on what happens on campus.
 Senator Reports
o Senator Smith
 Discussion items: tabling, meeting times and changing things for next year;
MTRP proposal presented to AA next week;
o Senator De Ruiter
 SA discussion – Yik Yak, ideas how to address (banning, polling student body,
talking to Reporter, mimic what other campuses have done). There is a
company that draws a geo fence around campus or another program that is
anti-cyber bullying program. Student Affairs Committee has a new meeting
time of Fridays, 12:00.
o Senators Yang & De Ruiter – Yik Yak Ban – Campaign Proposal
 MSSA Campaign Plan proposal: Ban Yik Yak; create survey for student input;
make motion for President Haffield to write letter informing student body:
survey responses are collected via tabling.
 Email from VP Jones shared.
Farah: Just so you all understand, we as a senate cannot ban off our campus. It is not up to us. (VP
Jones email read = IT not recommended)
Smith: Typically there is little incentive to do surveys, so we are considering that.
Aris: How would program work?
AY: looked into geo fencing that yik yak does and they don’t do college campuses.
De Ruiter: this is only a consideration…
Riesterer: What happens when peopl move to another social app? Do we ban that too?
Yang: reason is why it allows people to post negative comments anyonmously…
De Ruiter: has long discussion with advisor from Missou and their approach differing as ours would be
more proactive approach.
Sam: How did you conclude that banning is beneficial?
Yang: Different options are there but feel that it would be symbolic.
Haffield: Were the other universities who did and public vs private?
Martinez: Most were private but two were public. It is possible. Surveys are not out yet. This is totally
symbolic and won’t ban the problem.
Smith: Thanks for having concrete plan with this.
 Old Business
83 MM 02.10.16 03
Yik Yak Solution
Whereas: The Senate agrees action must be taken to discourage hateful Yik Yak posts;
Whereas: Negative Yik Yak posts present a larger scale campus issue;
Whereas: Our campus can always benefit from improving student mindset;
Whereas: Any message is better heard from trusted leaders and peers;
Whereas: The Senate cannot tackle the greater intolerance issue alone;
Whereas: Connecting students is the key to change;
Be it Resolved: The Senate will connect with RSO leaders or entire RSO groups to discuss the issue.
Be it Further Resolved: Each senator will be given a number of RSO leaders by MSSA Speaker and
Executives, to contact that way the information is presented will be determined on an individual
Motion passes.
Aye: 25 Nay: 0 Abstain: 2
Smith: We had a discussion at our last cabinet meeting on how to approach. It is based on the idea of a
trickle-down system and the idea of getting other student leaders on campus on board.
Haffield: really believe in this and would mean tackling the real problem. This does not void any other
Yik Yak motion.
Martin: would be going to people who are already engaged and who probably wouldn’t even be doing
this stuff
Smith: The goal is have more of us being advocates and getting it talked about.
Yang: I think a good idea.
Riesterer: We’ve had this problem in Greek life and we dealt with it. We just got off of it and didn’t use
it. Have you talked to constituents at all and see if they want this? Think of that first. Taken so much
senate time already on this issue and we’re still going in circles on it.
Ututalum: Would there be incentives for RSOs?
Smith: Yes, and would be for greater tolerance issue in general.
Sam: I like the motion but think it is vague and not practical to the grp we are trying to target?
Smith: This is only first step in the plan to get people advocating for this.
Haffield: chose them as already est. grp of students that we’re able to reach out to.
Noah: when racism is ignored it only festers. Also, amend to read that the exec. Also reach out to those
Schmit: good idea but will it be personalized to each RSO?
Smith: Yes.
Dissent on Consent Agenda - Handball Club -- VP Sam Al-Mohamadi
After further review of the Handball Club travel funding request submitted December 4, 2015, SAC
recommend allocating up to $750 for non-food related travel expenses to the Handball Club to assist 24
students attend the USHA national collegiate tournament in Minneapolis, MN, February 24-28, 2016 and the
club is advised that no supplemental SAF funding will be allocated by SAC in the future for any open
invitational competitive event(s).
a. Amount Requested: $2,000
b. Per SAC guidelines, Section IV, Item 11(a) Invited organizations or teams who are participating in a
tournament or competition are eligible for funding up to $100 per competing student and one(1) coach or
advisor, with a maximum of $2,000 for the event.
Motion passes.
Aye: 16 Nay: 6 Abstain: 4
Sam: think that guidelines are clear and exceptions shouldn’t be made. Don’t’ think we should approve
it as rules are made for a reason.
Perez: did ask for $2,000 and after much discussion $750 was approved as been miscommunication in
the past and they have been given this money. Only situation like this.
Sam: like small gestures too, but this comes out of student funding. Everyone else follows the rules.
Haffield: know that guidelines state clearly but also know that confusion in the past with this, but rules
have been in place and should follow what it says.
Bui: I agree with $750 and feel SAC has been good steward of our money and think we should go with
their recommendation.
Sam: This is exception for one RSO. Go ahead and vote but then other exceptions should also be made
in the future.
 New Business
83 MM 02.17.16 01
Bus Route Options
Yang/de Ruiter
Whereas: Bus Route 1B South does not operate on Fridays.
Whereas: Students have classes and work on Fridays and have no transportation to and from MSU
Whereas: Mark Anderson from the City of Mankato offered a potential solution
Be it Resolved: The MSSA tasks Parking & Transportation with the collaboration of the City of Mankato
to test out alternative solutions.
Be it Further Resolved: The results of the trials be reported back to the Minnesota State Student
Association as soon as they become available.
Motion passes.
Aye: 26 Nay: 0 Abstain: 2
Yang: feel it would be really helpful to students.
De Ruiter: I am on the PAC and will do my best to see it happen.
83 MM
Banning of Yik Yak App on Campus Network
Abdul-Aziz /
Whereas: Students have voiced their concern about the presence of Yik Yak on campus;
Whereas: Yik Yak enables bullying and hate speech on campus;
Whereas: Yik Yak is against the values and principles of this university;
Whereas: MSSA wants to create a more respectable and inclusive environment on campus in line with
these values and principles;
Be it Resolved: MSSA moves to recommend banning the use of Yik Yak through the campus wireless
Motion passes.
Aye: 19 Nay: 5 Abstain: 0
Aziz: I feel this is the best way to handle it here on campus. Solves the issue we have at hand.
Sam: That is the reason why this was brought to us. We need to start taking action. This isn’t a waste
of time. This matters to students.
Haffield: haven’t been in full support of fully banning it, however, reality of it is won’t create change or
how people use the app.
Riesterer: I didn’t say it was a waste of time. What I said is how much time we’ve spent on this. I’m not
a racist or a bigot and my own fraternity has dealt with this issue.
I think we need to get rid of it.
Rayani: I like the idea of it as I know people affected by it, however, we haven’t yet gotten a response
from Yik Yak corporate on this.
Hunter: I agree and think talking to RSOs first is important before banning.
Schumacher: I recommend banning. I don’t think that our university should provide a tool for hate
speech. If you permit, you promote.
Yaya: I do not think banning is a good idea and is only deviating from issue.
Martin: I have talked to classmates and most in support of banning as appreciate symbolism. Lean more
towards it means system is taking a stance on it.
Sam: I’m just saying that is what students think and then up to them to decide. Think beneficial for
greater good of students.
83 MM
Letter to Student Body on Banning of Yik Yak Yang/de
Whereas: The senate passed motion #83 MM banning Yik Yak;
Whereas: If the recommendation gets approved, the student body needs some clarification.
Be it Resolved: President Haffield writes a letter to the student body explaining the senate’s actions.
Motion passes.
Aye: 20 Nay: 0 Abstain: 4
Roll Call
o Meeting adjourned @ 6:10 pm