2014 edTPA Support Seminar (TE 903, sect. 22 – City...

2014 edTPA Support Seminar (TE 903, sect. 22 – City Heights Block)
Course Objectives: Candidates will excel on edTPA planning, instruction, and assessment tasks
while applying insights about students, learning, and teaching to their own practice (TPEs 1-13).
Contacting Us
Tamara Collins-Parks, PhD. Phone home office with questions anytime: (760) 758-1324.
SDSU Office: Th + some M & Tu in ED 120. Office phone: (619) 594-3330
e-mail: biliterate@gmail.com (Office in old, 1 story Ed building next to Aztec Shops)
Angie Hummel (Kania)
Office: Hoover High School Library, Rm. L (619) 344-4581
e-mail: ahummel@sandi.net
Office Hours: By appointment, except March 3-5, 2014 (conference in Sacramento)
Locations & times (note that these differ from dates & times given on Webportal):
 3 Extended workshops (Jan 9, 13, 16) 1:30-5:00 -- Hoover Rm 1152
 3 Short workshops (Tues., Feb. 11, March 4, 25) 4- 5:50 or 6:40. SDSU: Various locations
TBD. Possibly ENS 213 (Map: https://sunspot.sdsu.edu/map/display.cgi)
 Optional Video Conversion Workshop (Tues., 3/18) 4-6 -- NE 278A
 Meet with Angie: Office hour appointments for edTPA support are available all day on 2/20,
2/21, 3/13 and 3/14 -- Hoover Library Rm. L. A sign up sheet will be made available.
Tech Requirements: E-mail, internet, BlackBoard, www.TaskStream.com, Pearson site .
Check your E-mail daily.
Access material & post tips/questions on Blackboard.
Register on www.TaskStream.com if not already registered, enroll in edTPAprograms,
Register with Pearson for scoring (vouchers provided for pilot).
Submit on TaskStream and notify Pearson
Readings: edTPA Handbook, forms, and Evidence Chart available on TaskStream.
Making Good Choices, and other support materials on BlackBoard
Grading – Credit/NoCredit
50% Participation – inc. in-class work, conferences & homework. (all TPEs)
30% TaskStream work: post edTPA tasks as due (soft deadlines). (all TPEs)
20% Final Reflections -- Due May 19: submit via BlackBoard (TPE 13)
NOTE: If you have unforeseen & exceptional circumstances which may result in late
submission, you must petition the edTPA Coordinator: biliterate@gmail.com + team
Attendance for students with conflicting responsibilities or religious requirements
If you have a scheduling conflict with a class session, please notify the instructor a week ahead
with a proposal for an appropriate make-up activity.
For Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it
is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any
delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services and
provide the instructor with an official letter as soon as possible.
Calendar and Key dates
Schedule (first three sessions are about 4 hr each, next three are 2 hour)
1st Session Thursday Jan (1/9) 1:30-5 Hoover Rm 1152: Setting up (TPEs 11-13)
Pop-quiz. What you know starting out. (self graded)
Big Picture review, Artifacts & Commentary Specifications
Logistics: timeline, forming support groups, acceptable support,
Seeing what it's like: Rubrics overview while reading sample teaching events.
Initial Q & A
2nd Session Monday Jan (1/13) 1:30-5 Hoover Rm 1152: Task 1: Planning (TPEs 1-4 & 6-9)
Why you teach like you do (theory & research base)
Instructional Focus (+/- examples)
Adapting instruction (strategies & rationale)
Planning assessments & creating rubrics
3rd Session Thursday Jan (1/16) 1:30-5 Hoover Rm 1152 Task 2: Instruction (TPEs 5, 6, 10 & 11)
Overview of task & resources
+/- examples of active student engagement (videos)
Questioning strategies to deepen student learning
Content groups -- pedagogy focus
Planning ahead for key videotaping moments
3 weeks until next edTPA TE Workshop.
Sign up for conferences with Angie in February.
Last 3 sessions are 2 hour each.
4th Session: College-wide Academic Language Workshop -- Tues.2/11, TBD from 4-6:40 (TPEs 1, 4 7)
Language Functions
Associated discourse structures or text types
Key terms, symbols, & phrases
How they are put together at the sentence or formula level (syntax)
Making plans to assess the range of performance within the language function.
2 weeks w/ no edTPA TE Workshop.
edTPA Teaching Event implementation week: mid to late February. Be
sure to check video
immediately for quality. Transcribe key segments or re-tape as needed.
Completed Planning Task due via TaskStream (request comments) by end of Feb.
Cross Block Academic Language Workshop with Cathy Zozakiewicz -- TBD
5th Session: Task 3: Assessment -- Tues 3/4, ENS 213 or TBD from 4-5:50 (TPEs 3 & 8)
Ways to analyze class data
Picking 3 focus students for the work samples
Providing +/- feedback & encouraging self-analysis.
Planning how to use feedback: guidance for focus students on how to address needs.
Concrete next steps (for class and groups/individuals) based on student results & theory/research
Academic Language: follow up on . . .
2 weeks w/ no edTPA TE Workshop.
Sign up for conferences with Angie in March.
Video Conversion Workshop (Tues 3/18, 4-6, NE 278A) – optional according to need.
Lab holds 24 computers & 4 spots for laptops so sign up for assured seating.
Completed Instruction Task due via TaskStream (request comments) by Sunday 3/23
6th Session: Putting it all together -- Tues 3/25, ENS 213 or TBD from 4-5:50 (TPEs 12 & 13)
Reviewing specifications for artefacts & commentaries
Strategies for keeping length within boundaries.
Submission Process
Using rubrics to self assess your edTPA Teaching Event
Final Q & A
Submit edTPA on TaskStream and transfer to Pearson site by Saturday, April 5 (end of Spring
Break). Scoring starts April 10 or 17th, depending on content area, and takes about 1 month.
Once you receive your edTPA results in May, review them and write a short Final Reflection on
your strengths and needs in light of your edTPA scores. Submit via BlackBoard by May 19.
* Keep a copy to share with your BTSA support provider once hired.