Technology Fee Information Student Technology Roundtable

Technology Fee Information
Technology Fee Recommendation: $7.00 per credit
(Capped at 12 credits)
Student Technology Roundtable
2002 – 2003
Kristin Ruder
Katie Guetter
Brandon Yerks
Jayson Read
Meets: Thursdays at 5:00 in MSSA Conference Room
Technology Fee Information
Student Technology Roundtable
2002 – 2003
What’s in here:
Technology Advancements & Improvements
Technology Fee Usage
This outlines the list of priorities that the Student Technology Roundtable has
developed throughout the year.
This is what Mark Johnson, Vice President of Technology, uses when he
implements the technology fee.
As you will see, four of the items are ongoing commitments.
 These are initiatives that have already been in place and we would like to
see continue to thrive at the university
 The committee has expressed that these ongoing commitments have the
highest priority
The information that was gathered to make these recommendations came
throughout the entire year through presentations by ITS staff and through group
tours that the committee attended.
As you may find out by asking any of the members, a lot of work is put into
developing this focus sheet.
Current Spending
o Shows where funds have been spent this current year and how much was
This outlines what the technology fee will be used for.
There has been some skepticism as to what the money collected from students
is used for and this clarifies some of the misconceptions.
There are also some excerpts from the MnSCU Board Policy concerning
technology fee assessment, usage, and development.
 The website where the entire policy can be found is provided.
Technology Focus Sheet:
A brief description of where technology has been put in place over the last few
years and how much it has advanced.
Currently, there aren’t very many figures, but we are working on getting some
statistical information such as what percentage of total spending for different
tasks has come from technology fee
 A taste of that can be seen in the Classroom Technology section
The website where more information can be found is provided.
budgeted for this academic year.
 Spending for ACC is substantially under budget because a good part of
the funds are spent shortly after the spring semester is over when they
purchase Tier I machines.
Next Year’s Budget
o This budget is based on a committee recommendation of a Technology Fee of
$7.00 per credit (capped at 12).
By comparing this year’s budget (2002-2003) to next year’s budget (2003-2004),
you will see that budgeted spending hasn’t changed.
Any questions pertaining to the information in here can be directed to me, Jayson Read. If I can’t
give you the answer right away, I will get the information for you. Feel free to call or email.
Phone: 507.385.0160
Technology Advancements & Improvements
Student Technology Roundtable
2002 – 2003
Academic Computer Center and Satellite Labs
200 new machines placed in the ACC
o Replaced old machines in sections A, B, & D and Rooms 115, 125, & 125A
Switch to Gigabyte Ethernet
o Allows faster communication
4 new satellite labs
o AH203, AH204, Athletics, & Biology
o Brings total number of labs to 18
 Carkoski, Gage, CSU, ASA, Nelson Hall, Armstrong Hall, Otto Arena,
and Trafton
Increases over the past three years in Satellite Labs:
o Existing Prior to 2001-02: 7
o 2001-02: Added 7
o 2002-03: Added 4
Providing over 700 machines to students
o 400+ in ACC & 300+ in Satellite Labs
Total value of all assets throughout ACC and Satellite Labs: $4.15 Million
Enhanced Learning Environments
o Official online email and scheduling for MSU
o Dedicated space for file sharing, storage, and backup
o Accessible both on campus and off
o Wireless Technology providing an internet connection to those students with
laptops and a wireless network card
Instructional Management (UCompass)
Student enrollment increasing
o From 6634 in FY02 to 21,644 in FY03
Classroom Technology
Now up to 101 classrooms upgraded with multimedia presentation systems
o Laptop connection, Projector, Document Camera, VCR, DVD, Internet
Increase from 86 to 101 FY03, increase from 15 to 86 FY02, and increase from 0 to 15 in
Cost for these improvements:
o FY01 – $51,583 (Tech Fee Contribution - $0)
o FY02 - $1,412,000 (Tech Fee Contribution - $510,000)
o FY03 - $374,234 (Tech Fee Contribution - $296,400)
This Information was gathered from the following website provided by ITS:
Technology Fee Usage
Student Technology Roundtable
2002 - 2003
What the Technology Fee is used for:
Computers and computing devices used by students throughout MSU.
The Technology Fee, in absolutely no way, is used to provide any means
of technology for use by MSU faculty, staff, or administration.
According to MnSCU board policy:
o Technology Fee will be used for “the acquisition, upgrading and/or
maintenance of technology for academic and student support
 Subpart C, #1
o “To provide or enhance student access to technology.”
 Subpart C, #2
o “The revenue from the fee shall be used according to a plan
developed annually by a campus technology committee. … The
campus student association shall have an opportunity to review and
comment on the plan prior to its delivery to the college or university
 Subpart C, #3
o “Changes in this fee shall be made after consultation with the
campus student association.”
 Subpart C, #5
o The exact policy for Technology Fee can be found at the following
To enhance the education of MSU students by providing additional means
of instruction to professors and educators.
To provide knowledge of current technology that may be used in the
careers that students at MSU are pursuing through their degree.
Technology Fee Focus: 2003 – 2004
Student Technology Roundtable
Academic Computer Center (ongoing commitment)
o Continue funding of the ACC and Satellite Labs and look at additional features
that would enhance the student experience within the general lab environment.
o Continue the comprehensive machine cycle to keep technology movement
between labs and other student areas up to date.
o Look into extending Satellite Labs with additional tier computers.
Network Infrastructure (ongoing commitment)
o Increase security and performance of networking infrastructure including wireless
o Install additional access devices and maintain existing devices to improve
accessibility and speed.
o Research a more comprehensive infrastructure replacement cycle.
Classroom Technology (ongoing commitment)
o Continue emphasis on equipping classrooms and labs with devices that enhance
both student learning and skills.
o Continue emphasis on integrating available instructional technology into the
o Implement a replacement cycle for instructional technology equipment to ensure
adequate resources.
o Maintain and enhance instructional management software
o Continue training opportunities for students and faculty on instructional
Technology Orientation/Communication (ongoing commitment)
o Provide information about MSU Technology and IT Initiatives for all students.
 In forums such as FYE Orientation, open houses, Information tables in
CSU, etc.
o Identify a one-stop-location to receive additional MSU Technology information.
o Start off all new students on standard collaboration application.
Student Study Areas
o Redesign and equip heavily used student study areas to make the space more
technologically useable.
o Continue installing power and mobile communications support.
o Continue designing space to improve both collaboration for group study and
comfort for individual study.
o Possible Areas for improvement:
 Outside Academic Computing Center
 Outside Weiking Auditorium
 Morris Hall Crossroads (1st and 2nd levels)
(cont on next page)
MSU Portal
o Integrate a collaboration application that supports mail, calendaring, collaboration
and file sharing.
o Emphasize communication and information delivery of IT Initiatives.
o Provide one site for login access to Instructional Management (UCompass) and
other campus systems.
o Incorporate E-Commerce facilities to improve information availability and
o Provide a direct link to registration and the DARS system.
o Provide customizable features to allow student selection of news, weather,
sports, etc. information.
o Implement a campus wide events calendar
 Research campus wide events calendar for all student activities.
 Discuss with Deans & VPs prior to implementations to ensure
commitment of content providers.