Cover Sheet (10/02/2013)
Course Number/Program Name INED 8360
Department Inclusive Education
Degree Title (if applicable) EdS & EdD in Special Education
Proposed Effective Date Summer 2014
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A new Course Proposal (Sections II, III, IV, V, VII) is required for each new course proposed as part
of a new program. Current catalog information (Section I) is required for each existing course
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Katherine Zimmer
Faculty Member
Karen Kuhel
Department Curriculum Committee Date
Patricia McHatton
Department Chair
College Curriculum Committee
College Dean
GPCC Chair
Dean, Graduate College
Vice President for Academic Affairs Date
Current Information (Fill in for changes)
Page Number in Current Catalog
Course Prefix and Number
Course Title
Class Hours
____Laboratory Hours_______Credit Hours________
Description (or Current Degree Requirements)
Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses)
Course Prefix and Number INED 8360____________________________
Course Title __Equitable Education for Diverse Learners
Class Hours
3 ____Laboratory Hours_______ Credit Hours____3____
Prerequisites Admission to the Ed.S/Ed.D or Instructor/Program Coordinator Approval
Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements)
This course is designed to examine the academic and behavioral outcomes for diverse learners including
students with disabilities. A particular emphasis will be on exploring high performing high poverty
schools, alternative programs in schools, charter schools, and non-schooling contexts. Candidates will
critically investigate how alternative institutions, theories, and practices are created to equitably educate
diverse learners with an emphasis on the following domains: historical context, teachers, leadership,
families and community, student support personnel, and curriculum.
Although a strong body of research exists on at-risks students and low academic achievement, few studies
have attempted to understand the variables within formal & informal schools that counteract these risks.
This course takes a critical lens into positive deviance taking place in our current education system to
counteract low academic achievement outcomes of diverse student populations. Through the
development of theoretical and practical knowledge, empirical research, and the use of effective social
justice education practices, candidates will understand and analyze the components to become effective
agents of change in student achievement.
1. Candidates will read and respond to existing literature pertaining to issues, topics, and perspectives
related to the intersection of student achievement, social justice, disabilities, and special education.
2. Candidates will read and respond to existing literature pertaining to issues, topics, and perspectives in
the positive deviance approach within formal & informal schools for students with disabilities and
other diverse populations.
3. Candidates will identify, critique, and debate theories in the fields of alternative education and
cultural pedagogy.
4. Candidates will critically explore the implication of the use of alternative education practices and
pedagogy related to student achievement, social justice, disabilities, and special education.
5. Candidates will critically reflect on his/her epistemologies and how they influence the culture and
learning outcomes of students with disabilities and other diverse populations.
6. Candidates will explore, analyze, and create techniques in the positive deviance approach within
formal & informal schools to prepare pre-service and current teachers to work with students with
disabilities and other diverse populations.
IV. Additional Information (for New Courses only)
Instructor: Dr. McHatton, Dr. Her, and Dr. Zimmer
Blankstein, A.M. (2011). The answer is in the room: How effective schools scale up student success. CA:
A Joint Publication.
Books, S. (Ed.) (2007) Invisible children in the society and its schools, Third edition. Mahway, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into doctoral program
Instructional Method: Face to face, online, or hybrid
Method of Evaluation: Regular
Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only)
Other Personnel
New Books
New Journals
Other (Specify)
Funding Required Beyond: This course replaces an existing course. No funds are needed beyond
library resources ($1000) to purchase books and support journal subscriptions.
Normal Departmental Growth
This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the
Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President.
The form is required for all new courses.
(Note: Limit 30 spaces)
Approval, Effective Term
Equitable Education Diverse Learners
Summer 2014
Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U)
If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas?
Learning Support Programs courses which are
required as prerequisites
Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee __
VII Attach Syllabus
(*Last day to withdraw w/o academic penalty: )
COURSE TITLE: Equitable Education for Diverse Learners
COLLEGE OR SCHOOL: Bagwell College of Education
Blankstein, A.M. (2011). The answer is in the room: How effective schools scale up student success. CA:
A Joint Publication.
Books, S. (Ed.) (2007) Invisible children in the society and its schools, Third edition. Mahway, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
This course is designed to examine the academic and behavioral outcomes for diverse learners including
students with disabilities. A particular emphasis will be on exploring high performing high poverty
schools, alternative programs in schools, charter schools, and non-schooling contexts. Candidates will
critically investigate how alternative institutions, theories, and practices are created to equitably educate
diverse learners with an emphasis on the following domains: historical context, teachers, leadership,
families and community, student support personnel, and curriculum.
Although a strong body of research exists on at-risks students and low academic achievement, few studies
have attempted to understand the variables within formal & informal schools that counteract these risks.
This course takes a critical lens into positive deviance taking place in our current education system to
counteract low academic achievement outcomes of diverse student populations. Through the
development of theoretical and practical knowledge, empirical research, and the use of effective social
justice education practices, candidates will understand and analyze the components to become effective
agents of change in student achievement.
Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning and Leadership
Our vision as a nationally recognized Educator Preparation Program (EPP) is to remain at the forefront of
educator preparation. Informed by responsive engagement in collaborative partnerships, we advance
educational excellence through innovative teaching in an ever-changing global and digital learning
environment. Our mission is to prepare educators to improve student learning within a collaborative
teaching and learning community through innovative teaching, purposeful research, and engaged service.
The essence of our vision and mission is captured in the theme Collaborative Development of Expertise in
Teaching, Learning and Leadership which was adopted in 2002 to express concisely the fundamental
approach to educator preparation at KSU.
The Educator Preparation Program (EPP) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing
expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers, teacher leaders and school
leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their
students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and to enhance the
structures that support all learning. To that end, the EPP fosters the development of candidates as they
progress through stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader. Within the EPP
conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an end-state. To be
effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are
entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct
meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that way, candidates are facilitators of the teaching and
learning process. Finally, the EPP recognizes, values and demonstrates collaborative practices across the
college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this collaboration
with professionals in the university, local communities, public and private schools and school districts,
parents and other professional partners, the EPP meets the ultimate goal of bringing all of Georgia’s
students to high levels of learning.
Knowledge Base
Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: pre- service,
induction, in-service, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as Sternberg (1996) believes that
the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the teaching-learning process, the teacher education
faculty at KSU believes that the concept of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers
and teacher leaders. Researchers describe how during the continuum phases, teachers progress from
being Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved elegance
in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an end-state but a process of
continued development.
The knowledge base for methods of teaching students learning English continues to develop rapidly.
Current directions include multiple intelligence models, content-based instruction, and L1/L2
approaches to teaching and learning. The field draws on research literature in the areas of second
language acquisition, bilingualism and cognition, L1/L2 literacy, and social justice.
EPP Diversity Statement
The KSU Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) believes all learners are entitled to equitable educational
opportunities. To that end, programs within the EPP consist of curricula, field experiences, and clinical
practice that promote candidates’ development of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions related
to diversity identified in the unit’s conceptual framework, including the local community, Georgia, the
nation, and the world. Curricula and applied experiences are based on well-developed knowledge
foundations for, and conceptualizations of, diversity and inclusion so that candidates can apply them
effectively in schools. Candidates learn to contextualize teaching and draw effectively on representations
from the students’ own experiences and cultures. They learn to collaborate and engage with families in
ways that value the resources, understandings, and knowledge that students bring from their home lives,
communities and cultures as assets to enrich learning opportunities. Candidates maintain high
expectations for all students (including English learners, students with exceptionalities and other
historically marginalized and underrepresented students), and support student success through researchbased culturally, linguistically, and socially relevant pedagogies and curricula.
Technology Standards & Use: Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional
Standards Commission. Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout
the master teacher preparation program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve
student learning and meet Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. During the courses, candidates
will be provided with opportunities to explore and use instructional media, especially microcomputers,
to assist teaching. They will master use of productivity tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and
Internet, feel confident to design multimedia instructional materials, and use various software. Library
research required in this course is supported by the Galileo system. D2L is a tool available to use for
distance learning and will also be the primary mode of communication, especially in case of weather
related notices regarding class. Course materials will be posted on D2L two to three weeks before they
are discussed in class.
Theoretical Framework for the Ed.D. & Ed.S. in Teaching Field Majors
Informed pedagogical approaches arise from teachers’ critical understandings of Theoretical/Conceptual,
Contextual, and Practical/Applied influences on the learner. The belief that all students can learn when
the learner is the pedagogical core—promoted by Weimer (2002)—is the foundation of this program.
Within this learner-centered conceptual framework, learners are embodied as P-16 students, pre-service
candidates, teachers, teacher-leaders, and school and district leaders and administrators, all of whom
engage in a coherent, learner-centered approach (Copland & Knapp, 2006). According to Lambert and
McCombs (2000) and Alexander and Murphy (2000), the confluence of Practical, Contextual, and
Conceptual Critical Understandings forms a lens for understanding Learner-Centered Psychological
Principles.Within the Education and Research Core and the Teaching Field Pedagogy core courses, the
candidates are introduced to key theories/concepts which are then examined according to the context of
their teaching situation addressing issues of grade level, diversity, and school type. The assessments of the
key theories/concepts in the courses, including formal and informal, are practical, which means the
candidates apply the theories/concepts in a practical situation, such as a 7th grade science classroom.
Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as
published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct
addresses the University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and
cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University
records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials,
malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification
cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of
the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an "informal" resolution by a faculty member,
resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of
Conduct's minimum one semester suspension requirement.
The expectations for attending class are in accordance with the Graduate Catalogue. Regular attendance is
required for all scheduled classes in that the candidate is responsible for obtaining all materials,
instruction, etc. presented during class. Attendance at all class meetings (face-to-face, synchronous, and
asynchronous) is stressed because of the interactive nature of the class. As a community of learners we
are diminished if any one of us is absent. Not all material covered will be found in the required readings.
You are required to inform the instructor in advance of your absence. Attendance will be monitored and
reflected in the class participation/attendance points (see KSU Graduate Catalog).
It is expected that candidates not only attend classes online and/or in person (face-to-face) depending on the
delivery mode of the class, but also contribute to discussion boards thoroughly prepared. “Thoroughly
prepared” is defined as having read the readings well enough to verbally and in writing state the definitions of
terms from the readings; discuss ideas, notions, concepts, issues, and procedures in relation to previous
information presented in class, online, or in previous readings; and apply the information from the readings to
problems. It also implies the candidate has reviewed information from the previous class meetings. When
information from the readings is unclear, the candidate should prepare questions to discuss in class. In
addition, group members can ask candidates who are not contributing equally to the development of the
presentation to be removed from their group.
Various cooperative learning group activities - in class and online - will enable candidates to apply new
skills and knowledge. Each candidate has something unique to contribute to the class experience that will
facilitate the learning of other class members. For full credit, candidates must demonstrate
professionalism by:
a) Participating fully in collaborative group work and focus groups
b) Practicing active listening during presentations
c) Refraining from working on other assignments during class presentations (or checking
All assignments must be submitted on or before the class meeting on the assigned due date. All grading
will be done as objectively as possible. Rubrics will be provided for class presentations, postings,
facilitation, and projects. In case of qualitative assessment, evaluation will be based on instructor
judgment. Points will be cumulative and final course grades will be based on the percent of total points
earned (i.e., A = 100 - 90%, B = 89 - 80%, etc.).
The University has a stringent policy and procedure for dealing with behavior that disrupts the learning
environment. Consistent with the belief that your behavior can interrupt the learning of others, behavior
that fits the University's definition of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Candidates should refer to
the University Catalog to review this policy.
The University has formulated a policy on human relations that is intended to provide a learning
environment that recognizes individual worth. That policy is found in the University Catalog. It is
expected, in this class, that no Professional should need reminding but the policy is there for your
consideration. The activities of this class will be conducted in both the spirit and the letter of that policy.
VIII. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this course are consistent with the
EPP Advanced Proficiencies, EDD/EDS program standards, and SPED EDD/EDS program standards.
1. Candidates will read and respond to existing literature pertaining to issues, topics, and perspectives
related to the intersection of student achievement, social justice, disabilities, and special education.
2. Candidates will read and respond to existing literature pertaining to issues, topics, and perspectives in
the positive deviance approach within formal & informal schools for students with disabilities and
other diverse populations.
3. Candidates will identify, critique, and debate theories in the fields of alternative education and
cultural pedagogy.
4. Candidates will critically explore the implication of the use of alternative education practices and
pedagogy related to student achievement, social justice, disabilities, and special education.
5. Candidates will critically reflect on his/her epistemologies and how they influence the culture and
learning outcomes of students with disabilities and other diverse populations.
6. Candidates will explore, analyze, and create techniques in the positive deviance approach within
formal & informal schools to prepare pre-service and current teachers to work with students with
disabilities and other diverse populations.
EDD Performance Outcome
1. Candidates foster a
responsive, learner-centered
educational environment that
promotes collaboration and
democratic participation for
student learning and may
include co-teaching.
2. Candidates demonstrate
pedagogical approaches which
incorporate contextual,
theoretical/conceptual, and
SPED EDD/EDS Objectives
Course Objective
Candidates apply a critical
lens to collaboration among
key stakeholders to promote
equitable practices within
culturally responsive and
sustaining educational
contexts leading to improved
outcomes for all learners.
Candidates will explore,
analyze, and create
techniques in the
positive deviance
approach within formal
& informal schools to
prepare pre-service and
current teachers to work
with students with
disabilities and other
diverse populations.
Candidates will identify,
critique, and debate
theories in the fields of
alternative education and
2.1 (D)
2.2 (K;S;D)
2.3 (K;S)
2.4 (K;S)
2.5 (K;S)
2.6 (K;S)
1.2 (K;S)
1.3 (K;S)
1.4 (K;S;D)
2.1 - 2.6
Activities, Coursework,
Assignments & Key
Alternative Program
Observation & Report
Alternative Program
Observation & Report
practical influences on the
learner and learning.
3. Candidates advance teaching
and learning through the
innovative use of technology
based on sound educational
theory and knowledge of the
4. Candidates demonstrate indepth foundational knowledge of
content-based research,
scholarship, and socio-political
influences in the teaching field
and use this knowledge to
analyze and interpret problems
and implement solutions within
their profession.
5. Candidates demonstrate and
apply various types of
assessment to inform the
learner’s ability to analyze,
monitor, and improve their
learning as well as interpret and
use data to inform their own
pedagogical effectiveness.
6. Candidates engage in
scholarly, applied research to
advance knowledge of teaching,
the learner, and/or learning.
7. Candidates reflect on their
professional, scholarly practice,
and analyze the ways in which
they have changed in their
thinking, beliefs, or behaviors
toward improved learnercentered practices.
cultural pedagogy.
1.2 (K;S)
2.1 – 2.6
2.4 (K;S)
Candidates demonstrate an
understanding of how
historical legacies, legislation,
and litigation have served to
both include and segregate
students with disabilities and
utilize this knowledge to
serve as change agents within
educational and community
Candidates engage in inquiry
based learning as both
consumer and producer of
research. Drawing from
theoretical and conceptual
frameworks in educational
research they apply these
theories to their practice and
develop alternative critical
pedagogies to provide
socially just schooling for all
Candidates are
knowledgeable of critical
issues within the field of
special/education and engage
in critical reflection, which
involves taking an inquiry
stance, relating theory to
practice, stating an argument
and supporting it with
evidence, making
comparisons and evaluating
Candidates will read and
respond to existing
literature pertaining to
issues, topics, and
perspectives related to
the intersection of
student achievement,
social justice, disabilities,
and special education.
Candidates will read and
respond to existing
literature pertaining to
issues, topics, and
perspectives in the
positive deviance
approach within formal
& informal schools for
students with disabilities
and other diverse
Candidates will critically
reflect on his/her
epistemologies and how
they influence the culture
and learning outcomes of
students with disabilities
and other diverse
Candidates will explore,
analyze, and create
techniques in the
positive deviance
approach within formal
& informal schools to
prepare pre-service and
current teachers to work
with students with
disabilities and other
diverse populations.
Candidates will critically
reflect on his/her
epistemologies and how
they influence the culture
and learning outcomes of
students with disabilities
and other diverse
3.1 (K;D)
3.2 (K;D)
3.3 (D)
3.4 (D)
3.5 (D)
Class readings
2.4 (K;S)
2.5 (K;S)
3.2 (K;D)
Preservice pedagogy
3.2 (K;D)
3.5 (D)
Text critique
Preservice pedagogy
3.2 (K;D)
Class readings
8. Candidates support academic
and linguistic needs of the
learner, enhance cultural
understandings, and increase
global awareness of all students.
their own positionalities and
Candidates move beyond a
culturally responsive
framework by adopting a
reflexive multicultural
approach that validates and
sustains the cultural identity
of learners.
9. Candidates demonstrate
professional dispositions,
fluency of academic language in
a variety of contexts, and ethical
practice expected of an engaged
Candidates employ a critical
lens to dismantle,
reconfigure, and construct
equitable educational
institutions by identifying and
challenging power and
ideology in teaching
practices, curricular materials,
and education reform efforts.
Candidates will read and
respond to existing
literature pertaining to
issues, topics, and
perspectives in the
positive deviance
approach within formal
& informal schools for
students with disabilities
and other diverse
Candidates will read and
respond to existing
literature pertaining to
issues, topics, and
perspectives in the
positive deviance
approach within formal
& informal schools for
students with disabilities
and other diverse
Candidates will critically
explore the implication
of the use of alternative
education practices and
pedagogy related to
student achievement,
social justice, disabilities,
and special education.
1.4 (K;S;D)
2.1 – 2.6
Preservice pedagogy
2.1 (D)
2.2 (K;S;D)
3.1 – 3.5 (K;D)
Class readings
Alternative Program
Observation & Report
Class Attendance and Discussion: Every week a discussion question or issue will be posted.
Students are expected to respond once to the posted item AND respond something that two of
your peers have posted (for a total of three post). You should post your first response at the
beginning of the week (Mon-Wed) so that you and your peers have enough time to respond to
each other. You need to read “Discussion Post Tips” for expectations and rubric.
Text critique: In groups of two to three you will select one book from the following list to read
and critique. You will “sell” your book to the class in a 15-minute presentation that highlights the
assets of the book as well as identifies any concerns you have. You are required to provide all
class members and the instructor with a copy of your summary.
 Chenoweth, K. (2009). It’s being done: Urgent lessons from unexpected schools.
Cambridge MA: Harvard Education Press.
 Howard, Tyrone (2010). Why race and culture matter in schools: Closing the
achievement gap in America’s classrooms. NY: Teachers College Press.
 Mediratta, K., Shah, S., & McAlister, S (2009). Community organizing for stronger
schools: Strategies and Successes. Cambridge MA: Harvard Education Press. Pollock, M.
(Ed). Everyday anti-racism. NY: The New Press.
 Powell, R. & Rightmyer, E.C. (2011). Literacy for all students: An instructional
framework for closing the gap. NY: Routledge.
 Theoharris, G. (2009). The school leaders our children deserve. NY: Teachers College
 Wolk, R. A. (2011). Wasting minds: Why our educational system is failing and what we
can do about it. Alexandria VA: ASCD.
Structure of the critique: It is expected that your group will produce one document that includes
the following:
A brief (3-4 double spaced pages) summary of the book that might be used to “sell” the book.
What important content is included. Do your summary in a way that “sells” the book to the reader
by showing how it will help those who read this book.
Identify the possible audiences for this book. For each audience explain in one paragraph
how the book will benefit this audience.
o Then each group member should individually: Provide a critique of the ideas for
meeting the needs of low performing, high poverty schools/communities that are
presented in this book. Each person should select one or two ideas and explain
how these are connected to the ideas drawn from class readings (provide
citations). Try to have each group member develop a different set of ideas.
(Expected length 2 pages).
Preservice pedagogy project: For this project you will prepare, teach, and evaluate a series of
sessions (2-3 is desirable but this is negotiable so come talk to me) with preservice teachers to
enhance their ability to work with low-income, diverse students. The sessions should be in a
“workshop” format. You may elect to work with a partner for this project.
Prepare written “lesson plans” for your sessions and review them with me.
Teach and assess the impact of your sessions. Your instructional strategies should
demonstrate knowledge of appropriate instructional strategies for adult learners
Submit your plans and an analysis paper (20-25 pages) that includes the following: a) a
literature-based rationale for the instructional decisions you made (goals, readings, topics,
instructional strategies), b) an analysis of student learning from the session (using
evidence that you have collected), and c) literature based conclusions about teaching
preservice teachers.
Alternative Program Observation & Report: Candidates will visit an alternative program
working with diverse learners. Through interviews, observations, and field notes students will
write a report that addresses the curriculum, leadership, and educational practices. In addition,
candidates will provide recommendations (based on the literature) for what the program can do to
continue to encourage and foster student achievement. If you are currently in a classroom and
would like to shift the focus to a diverse student you are currently serving in your classroom,
please see instructor.
What follows is a tentative schedule (subject to change with notice). Course requirements and
homework assignments are indicated on the chart below, but the weekly agendas will provide the
specific due dates.
Class Session
Assignment/Reading for
Assignment Due
Next Week
Introduction & overview of the course
Topic 1: Achievement Gap
Garcia & Guerra (2004)
Marx (2008)
 Factors that impact this gap
Dixson & Rousseau
 Indictors of Achievement gap
 Stakeholders
Fiscella & Kitzman (2009)
 Critical Race Theory
Yosso (2005)
Topic 2: Social Justice
Williams et al. (2013)
Hardiman & Jackson
 Sociocultural and historical
Cochran‐ Smith (2008)
 Formal & Informal educational
Books text
Topic 3: Class & Pedagogy
Dimitriadis (2008)
Fine et al. (1997)
 Class & education
Gamoran (2008)
 Economic inequality
Devine (2008)
 Factors that impact
Books text
teacher/student encounters
 How these trends impact
educational practices & social
Topic 4: School to Prison Pipeline
Fine et al. (2001)
Christle (2005)
Topic 5: Fostering Educational
Bryan (2005)
Resilience & Achievement
DeMarie (2010)
Blankstein text
 Teachers as change agents
 Teacher education and/or staff
development strategies are most
likely to lead to high quality
teacher learning
Topics 6: Bringing it all together
Blankstein text
 Analyzing case studies
 Sharing Alternative Program