April 15, 2015
Meeting Called to order by President Marisa Roberts at 3:00
Guest Speaker: President White
Presented a Thank you and answered any questions. No questions were asked.
Guest Speaker: Derek Van Der Merwe
Introduce himself as the new Vice President of Advancement, Communications, and
Strategic Initiatives. He is extremely excited to start his new position and the future for
Austin Peay State University. His goal is to make sure that APSU is represented and
known for the same statement. His plans are to communicate and have meetings with
offices to approach leadership and management about weakness and where we can
approve. The goal is to have a new strategy and be data driven. Wants to make sure
that when APSU is recognize and represented the same throughout the university. Very
critical that we have goals and represent how we can make these goals.
Committee updates: If you have not already, Please bring committee information
New Year’s Delight-Marisa Roberts: NO UPDATE
Peay bay/Awards Committee-Rachel Carroll: NO UPDATE
Philanthropic/Help an Elf Committee-Brittany Herron: NO UPDATE
Staff Appreciation Committee-Rylan Kean
o 12-2 pm May 13th UC Plaza
o RSVP will be sent out
o Ice Cream Social
o Volunteers are needed before/during/cleanup
Website Committee-Doug Austin: If anyone has pictures from committees please
send to austindl@apsu.edu
Staff/Faculty Appreciation Football Game-Janet Wilson: NO UPDATE
Staff Appreciation Pre-Game & Basketball Game-Marisa Roberts: NO UPDATE
New Business
Discussion on New ideas for 2015-2016 Senate
o Collaboration on working together
o Force change
o Compensation plan budget
o Working together seriously within us, building more active and
communication within the senate.
o Survey
Standing committees 2015-2016
Jon Higdon-Faculty/Staff Golf Interest
o Getting staff and faculty together, building bridges
o A whole new audience
o Golf 101 Clinic @River Club Gulf Center
o Bring clubs
Next Meeting: Wednesday May 13, 2015