
Biology 242 – Lecture
Chapter 26 (Urinary System)
Practice Quiz
I. Trace the Blood Flow Through a Kidney:
I am an RBC in the Descending Abdominal Aorta traveling to the distal-most part of the descending
Limb of the Loop of Henle of one Nephron in the Right Kidney to off-load my cargo of O2, and then
make my way to the Right Atrium of the Heart. Please indicate my route by correctly sequencing the
following structures in numerical order. It is started and finished off for you, but you must fill in
everything in between. Place an “X” on the blank for any structure that I will NOT utilize on my trip.
__1__Desc. Abdominal Aorta
_____Interlobar Artery
_____ Right Renal Artery
_____Interlobar Vein
_____Segmental Vein
_____ Interlobular Vein
_____Interlobular Artery
_____Peritubular capillaries
_____ Vasa recta
_____Efferent arteriole
_____ Right Renal Vein
_____ Arcuate Artery
_____Segmental Artery
_____Afferent arteriole
_____ Glomerulus
_____Arcuate Vein
_____Inferior Vena Cava
__17__Right Atrium of Heart
II. Circle T (True) or F (False). If the statement is false, cross out the word(s) that make it false
and write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now becomes a true statement.
T F 18. During stressful situations, urinary output is likely to decrease, partly due to an increase in
sympathetic nerve impulses leading to vasoconstriction of renal blood vessels.
T F 19. ADH increases permeability of parts of the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting ducts by
inserting aquaporins into the wall of these sections of the tubules.
T F 20. Blood in glomerular capillaries flows into arterioles, not into venules.
T F 21. A person taking a diuretic is likely to urinate less than a person taking no medications.
T F 22. An efferent arteriole normally has a larger diameter than an afferent arteriole.
T F 23. Renal clearance of a substance is equal to the amount of that substance filtered plus the amount
reabsorbed minus the amount secreted.
III. Arrange the answers in correct sequence:
___, ___, ___, ___, ___ 24. Pathway of glomerular filtrate: A. Ascending limb of loop B. Collecting duct
C. Descending limb of loop D. Distal convoluted tubule E. Proximal convoluted tubule
____, ____, ____, ____ 25. From most superficial to deepest: A. Renal capsule
C. Renal cortex
B. Renal medulla
D. Renal pelvis
Biology 250 – Lecture
Chapter 26 Practice Quiz - continued
_____, _____, _____ 26. From superior to inferior:
A. Ureter
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B. Bladder
C. Urethra
_____, _____, _____ 27. When considering the initiation of each mechanism; list the following regulatory
mechanisms of GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) in order of most localized to
most widespread:
A. Hormonal regulation B. Renal autoregulation C. Neural regulation
IV. Using the blanks provided, fill in the word or phrase that best fits the description given:
__________________28. This is the part of a nephron where most H2O reabsorption takes place.
__________________29. This is the collective name of a glomerulus and its glomerular capsule.
__________________30. These are the two components of a nephron.
__________________31. This is the term for excessive urine production; and its opposite of
less than 50 ml of urine production per day.
__________________32. This is the “average” quantity of urine produced per day.
V. Circle T (True) or F (False). If the statement is false, cross out the word(s) that make it false and
write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now becomes a true statement.
33. Which one of the hormones listed here causes increased urinary output and natriureses?
C. Aldosterone
D. Angiotensin II
34. Which of these is a normal constituent of urine?
A. Albumin
B. Urea
C. Glucose
35. A normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is
A. 100 ml/minute B. 125 ml/minute
C. 50 ml/minute
D. Casts
E. Acetone
D. 90 ml/minute
36. The cells that make up the visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule are called:
A. Pedicels
B. Pogopeds
C. Parietal cells
D. Podocytes
E. 200 ml/minute
E. Cytopeds
Biology 250 – Lecture
Chapter 26 Practice Quiz – continued
VI. Match the antomy term on the left with the correct description on the right:
37._____renal papilla
A. drains into collecting duct
B. located at the bases of the pyramids
39._____Bowman’s capsule
C. covers the surface of a kidney
40._____loop of Henle
D. surrounds the glomerulus
41._____renal pelvis
E. surrounds the renal pelvis
42._____distal convoluted tubule
F. entrance for blood vessels
43._____efferent arteriole
G. extends into the minor calyx
44._____renal sinus
H. tissue between adjacent pyramids
45._____renal pyramid
I. U-shaped tubule
46._____arcuate artery
J. transports urine to the bladder
K. functional unit of the kidney
48._____renal columns
L. drains the glomerulus
49._____renal capsule
M. outer layer of the kidney
N. comprises the medulla
O. the major calyces unite to form this structure
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