Rain Forest Babies Lesson 14 Weekly Study Guide

Lesson 14
Weekly Study Guide
Rain Forest Babies
Reading Skill: Fiction (make believe) and
Nonfiction (factual)
Writing Skill: Pronouns
~Story Vocabulary Words and Definitions~
care- you look after someone with concern or attention
father- a male parent
interesting- you want to know more about something
because you are hot or nervous
thumb- the short, thick finger on each hand
touch- to make contact with your hand or another part of your body
~Robust Vocabulary Words and Definitions~
dappled- something has spots, streaks or patches of different
colors or shades
entranced- something has delighted or amazed you
trooped- to move along with a group of people
circling- something is moving around you
adorable- very cute
assortment- a variety or mixture
habitat- the particular home of a plant or animal in nature
immense- really big or huge