Gus and Grandpa and the Two-Wheeled Bike Study Guide – Lesson 7

Gus and Grandpaand the Two-Wheeled Bike
Study Guide – Lesson 7
Skills at a Glance:
Reading Skill: To use story details and prior knowledge to make predictions
Phonics Skill: Long Vowel /a/ ai, ay; Compound Words
Fluency: Intonation
Grammar/Writing Skills: Singular and Plural Nouns / To read and
respond to directions as a model for writing
High-Frequency Vocabulary Words: Read and Practice
The flowers are growing and coming along well.
I can bend my leg at the knee.
Pat thought of a great idea for a project.
Luis laughed at the joke.
One million is a huge number.
It is hard to see around a curve, or bend, in the road.
A lot of people live in our world.
Robust Vocabulary Words:
rickety – something old and shaky
rattling – making short knocking sounds
prying – opening something with a crowbar or other tool
impatiently – if you are waiting for something, you are upset that you
have to wait.
romp – to move around playfully
defeated – if you feel as if you have lost
jubilant – when you feel joyful and happy
master – to learn how to do something well