Cardozo College Residence Hall Council Constitution Article I

Cardozo College Residence Hall Council Constitution
Article I
1. This organization shall be known as the Cardozo Hall Council and shall abide by
the rules of the Undergraduate Student Government (USG).
Article II- Purpose
1. The purpose of the Cardozo Hall Council shall be to enrich the lives of Cardozo
residents as residents of the building, the quad, and the university as a whole.
Article III- Membership
1. All residents of Cardozo College paying activity fees shall automatically be
voting members of the Cardozo Hall Council.
2. Any student of Stony Brook University who is a member of the Undergraduate
Student Government may join this organization.
3. Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of this group, all USG funds and assets of
this organization shall revert to the USG.
Article IV- Legislative Meetings
1. All meetings shall be called by the President at his/her discretion or at the request
of a voting member to the chairperson at least two days in advance.
2. Quorum shall consist of fourteen people, the secretary, and one other member of
the executive board.
3. A simple majority shall carry any motion unless it is specified as a Very
Important Question (see Robert’s Rules of Order) in which case a two-thirds vote
will be needed to carry the motion.
4. There will be at least one meeting every two weeks. Notice shall be given at least
one day before the meeting.
Article V- Officers and Responsibilities
1. There shall be an executive board (e-board) of officers to carry out the business of
Cardozo Hall Council consisting of President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, Undergraduate College Representative, two Residence Hall
Association (RHA) Representatives, Alternate RHA Representative, and Club
a. All officers must attend each meeting and perform the required responsibilities of
his/her position.
b. If an officer is unable to attend a meeting, that officer must find a proxy.
c. The officer can be removed from office if he/she misses more than three required
meetings without a proxy.
2. President
a. The President shall draw up the agenda for all Cardozo Hall Council
b. The President or its designee shall preside at all Cardozo Hall Council
meetings and e-board meetings.
c. The President shall appoint the chair of the ad hoc committees. These
committees shall be formed when needed. The chair shall be an ex officio
member of these committees.
3. Vice President
a. The Vice President shall assist the president when requested.
b. The Vice President shall meet with the chairs of the ad hoc committees
and report their dealings to the President.
c. The Vice President shall assume the position of president if the President
resigns or is removed.
d. The Vice President is responsible for sending out all phone mails.
4. Treasurer
a. The Treasurer shall be in charge of all monetary action dealings with
Cardozo Hall Council.
b. The Treasurer shall hand out any vouchers necessary to have activities.
c. The Treasurer shall present a treasurer’s report at each Hall Council
5. Secretary
a. The Secretary shall record all meetings of the e-board and Hall Council.
b. The Secretary shall give the Treasurer a copy of the record within twentyfour hours of the meeting.
c. The Secretary shall present all minutes for approval to the building.
d. The Secretary shall assist the chairperson when requested.
6. Two RHA Representatives
a. The RHA Representatives must attend RHA meetings, represent the
residents of Cardozo College, and report back to the Hall Council.
b. The RHA Representatives must abide by the constitution of RHA.
c. The RHA Representatives are responsible for notifying the alternate RHA
representative at least two days before the meeting if he/she will be unable
to attend.
d. If both RHA Representatives are unable to attend an RHA meeting, it is
the responsibility of whichever representative gave lesser notice to find a
proxy other than the alternate representative.
7. Alternate RHA Representative
a. The Alternate RHA Representative must attend any RHA meetings that a
regular RHA representative cannot attend.
b. The Alternate RHA Representative must fill all the roles of the
representative on whose behalf they are attending.
Article VI – Ad Hoc Positions and Responsibilities
Ad hoc positions include but are not limited to the following:
1. Web Master
a. The Web Master shall create/maintain an up to date web page for Cardozo
Hall Council.
2. Advertising Coordinator
a. The Advertising Coordinator shall be responsible for advertising Hall
Council events and meetings at least two days before the given event.
b. The Advertising Coordinator shall be responsible for the Hall Council
bulletin board being kept current and participating in bulletin board
3. Undergraduate College (UGC) Representative
a. The UGC Representative will fulfill the duties set by the colleges.
b. The UGC Representative will report back to the Hall Council.
4. Recycling Representative
a. The Recycling Representative will attend campus recycling meetings.
b. The Recycling Representative will report back to the Hall Council.
c. The Recycling Representative will uphold the recycling initiative within
the building.
5. Club Advisor
a. The Club Advisor shall be the RHD and will assist as needed and act as a
link between residents and staff.
Article VII – Fiscal Policy
1. Hall funds will be allocated every semester based on the case-by-case needs of
those allocating the funds.
2. All revenues from the building functions and business shall be returned to the
Hall Council within twenty-four hours.
Article VIII - Amendment
1. A written request for an amendment must be made to the executive board at least
seventy-two hours before the next meeting to be included in the agenda.
2. At the first meeting following the written request for amendment a vote of the
two-thirds majority will be required for the amendment to pass.
Amendment IX – Voting Procedure
1. Nominations for the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, RHA
representatives, and RHA alternate shall occur at the next to last meeting of the
spring semester. Nominations for ad hoc positions shall occur at the first Hall
Council meeting of the fall semester or as the need arises.
a. Any voting member of the Cardozo Hall Council may make a nomination.
b. Resident Assistants are ineligible for election to the positions of President,
Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, ergo may not be nominated for
these positions.
c. Any individual has the right to refuse a nomination.
2. All nominees have the right to present themselves to the Hall Council before
voting takes place.
3. A simple majority from among the candidates will determine who shall fill the
4. In the event of positions that have multiple officers or alternates (i.e. RHA
Representative) the positions shall be filled by the runners up.
Article X - Removal and Replacement
1. Removal
a. If the membership feels that an officer has not been following the rules for
each respective office and rules for every officer, removal of that officer is
achieved after a two-thirds majority vote by secret ballot.
b. The officer under impeachment has two meetings to defend him/herself
after being notified that he/she is under impeachment before a vote is
taken on the issue.
c. The entire building must be notified of when and where the impeachment
proceedings and voting will take place.
d. Once the issue has been decided within the building, the Undergraduate
Student Government is notified of the proceedings.
2. Replacement
a. In the event one of the seats is vacated on the e-board, the president shall
request one of the other members of the e-board or himself/herself to fill
the vacant seat until a new officer is elected.
b. At the following Hall Council meeting nominations will be taken for the
vacant position. At the following meeting elections will be held for the
Article XI – Ratification
1. The Constitution shall go into effect immediately upon a two-thirds vote of the
Cardozo Hall Council.
Vice President: