New Political Reform and the New Progressive Era

New Political Reform and the New
Progressive Era
Please study your Powerpoint slides and class notes!
The format of this exam will be:
 Multiple Choice
 Document Based Questions
 Short Answer Questions
To do well on this exam, you must study:
 Your Power point slides and question sheets
 Your structured class notes
To do well on this exam, you must be able to understand and explain:
 What did Mark Twain’s novel, The Gilded Age poke fun at?
 What was the name of the two political parties during the Gilded
 What was the spoils system?
 What is the definition of the terms, patronage and corruption?
 Who was the President of the U.S.A. in 1877?
 Who was murdered in 1881?
 Who became the new President after James Garfield’s death?
 What did the Civil Service Commission conduct?
 What is a bribe?
 What did the Interstate Commerce Art forbid?
 What is a rebate?
 Who became President in 1888?
 What did the Sherman Antitrust Act limit?
 What is a monopoly?
 How did Boss Tweed cheat people?
 Define the terms corruption and muckraker.
 What did progressive thinkers believe in?
 Define the term, suffrage.
 What was the Wisconsin Idea?
 What are a primary, recall, and referendum?
 What is a graduated income tax?
 What did the Sixteenth Amendment say?
 Who became the new President after President McKinley was shot?
 What are a trust and a trustbuster?
 What was Roosevelt’s Square Deal?
 What did the novel, The Jungle present to Americans?
 What did the Pure Food and Drug Act require food and drug makers to do?
 What is conservation?
 What is a national park?
 What is an income tax?
 What did the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 set up?
What did the Federal Trade Commission have the power to do?
Who was Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Candy Stanton?
What was a suffragist?
Is the Nineteenth Amendment?
Who was the President of the U.S.A. in 1877?
What was child labor?
What was the Temperance Movement?
What is the 18th Amendment?
Extra Help:
 Friday afternoons
Good Luck!