Liberal Learning Council 4:10 pm, Friday, February 19, 2010 Gosnold Hall 202

Liberal Learning Council
4:10 pm, Friday, February 19, 2010
Gosnold Hall 202
Those in Attendance: Barnello, Bradie, Miller, Dow, Grau, Gustafsson, Mijatovic,
Morán, Puaca, Riedl, Shaltayev, Thompson, York
1. Approval of minutes from January 29th
2. Proposals
A. BUSN 303 (IIS)
a) The Sub-Cmte. noted the idea of the course is interesting but both the proposal
and syllabus seem a bit vague. The proposal fails to make clear how the course
fits the criteria for an A of I. The grading evaluation on the syllabus should needs
a better explanation as well.
b) The Sub-Cmte. suggested the proposal go back for revisions.
c) Recommendation was accepted by LLC
B. ASIA 201 (GMPS)
a) The Sub-Cmte suggested the course should be accepted as is: the syllabus is clear
and the course meets the A of I.
b) Recommendation was accepted by LLC
3. Misc.
a) The next student catalogue will show the removal of the ULLC requirement.
b) First Year Seminar will be removed from the Foundation page.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm.