Yearbook Introduction to Interviewing

Yearbook Introduction to Interviewing
You are going to have the opportunity to meet a lot of new friends through yearbook! Sometimes
approaching a stranger, especially an adult like a coach or a teacher, can be a little scary. Whether it’s
staff or students, you should know this: They want to talk to you. Why? Everybody’s favorite subject is
themselves and what they love. You are part of a trained staff of student professionals and they want
you to like them and show them in a good way in the yearbook!
You have seen a demonstration of yearbook interview techniques, now you are going to apply them.
Remember to:
Do some research before you go about the team, club, sport, class or activity
Introduce yourself by name as part of the yearbook staff
1st ask permission by asking if this is a good time to ask a couple questions for yearbook
Put them at ease, thank them for their time
Get their name and grade and/or title. Have them spell their name! Getting a # or email is good, too in
case you have questions later!
Be creative with your questions and make sure they are open ended, not “Yes” or “No” answers
Remember to LISTEN and ask follow ups if you are curious or don’t understand something
Try to get as much detail as you can and listen for an idea that might make a good Kicker or Headline
Don’t be too pushy or invasive, watch body language for signs the person is uncomfortable
At the conclusion of the interview, verify their name spelling and grade and any quotes you think you
might use with them.
Thank them again and let them know you’ll get in touch with them again if you have questions and to
verify their quotes.