Parent/ Teacher/ Student/ Compact

Parent/ Teacher/ Student/ Compact
School Mission Statement
The purpose of the parent-school compact is to communicate a common understanding of home and school responsibilities to assure
that every student attains high standards and a quality education
Student Actions:
I will do my best to:
Come to school on time, rested, and ready to learn
Pay attention and participate in class and let my teacher & family know if I need help
Listen to and follow school-wide and class rules
Complete and turn in assignments on time
Take all folders/papers home to my parent/family to read
Work on my math & reading skills at home (read on own everyday)
Comply with all the core values
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________
Teacher / School Actions:
We will do our best to:
Provide a safe, supportive place to learn
Keep you informed of your child’s progress especially in reading & math
Send home learning materials in math & reading
Let you know how you can be involved in your child’s education and provide opportunities for parent input (through
meetings, surveys, questionnaires, etc.) regarding the educational climate and create a partnership with parents
Provide quality instructional teaching and tutoring before and after school and on selected Saturdays and intersession
Explain my approach to teaching, expectations and grading system to students and parents
Provide training for parents in an effort to prepare them to assist with the STAAR initiative
Keep high expectations for your child
Provide assistance for child’s assignment or projects by sending information home on time through school
newsletters, school website, and/or flyers
Foster good will between the community and the school by allowing the use of the school building for parent
workshops, ESL classes, computer classes, and parenting classes, etc during and after the regular day
Provide translations and interpreters for parents who have limited English capabilities
Comply with all the core values
Teacher Signature: ____________________________________________________
Family Actions:
We/I will do our /my best to:
Provide support for my son/daughter by ensuring that he/she attends school daily and arrives to school on time,
rested, and ready to learn and let the teacher know if my child has any problems with learning
Provide a place and time for my child to study and use the reading & math materials the school sends home to help
my child
Read to my child 20 minutes a day
Praise my child each day
Encourage my child to dress appropriately by following the district’s dress code
Go over, sign, and return the weekly folder the next day
Participate in Open House, attend parent/teacher conferences and other school activities
Provide my child help with assignments, when needed and help my child see how to use reading & math to pursue
their interests/goals
Confer with teachers, principals and other school district personnel to obtain information on my child’s progress
Support my child and his/her teacher by ensuring attendance in tutoring sessions
Comply with all the core values
Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________________________
12300 Tierra Este
Paso Del Norte
915 937-6200