Name:___________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 23 Aug – 27 Aug 2010 Class website:
Monday 8/23/10
Unit 1 Quiz #3 September 4, 2007
- Ecological interactions – niche
Energy Pyramids
Textbook Notes (15 mins)
HW: Study for Quiz #2
Chapter 2 Assessment Questions:
1,2,3,5,6,7,14,15,18,20,21,30,31 due
Tuesday 8/24/10
Quiz #2 – 15 minutes
Food Chains/Food Webs
Textbook Notes (15 mins)
HW: Ch2 Assessment Questions
1. Scientists are concerned that global warming is the result of
2. A living plant, animal or microbe is a(an) ______________.
3. A community of organisms interacting with abiotic environmental factors
is called a(an)__________________.
4. A group of similar-looking organisms that breed with each other and
produce fertile offspring make up a(an)________________ and
a(an)_________________ if they live in the same area.
5. What is the variety of species in a given area called?
6.According to the food web,
which organism(s) is a
Wednesday 8/25/10 – Late
Community Interactions:
competitions, predation and
symbiotic relationships
7. What relationship
describes the one
between a snake and a
HW: Ch 3 Study Guide due 8/31
Thursday 8/26/10
Primary and Secondary
- Sand dunes/Glacial retreat
HW: Ch 3 review biomes
Friday 8/27/10
GUHS Formative
Forest Food Web
HW: Study for Quiz #3
8. Which combination of five organisms shows a single food chain in
this web.
Parents/Guardian –
I have reviewed my child’s activities
and homework for the week of
8/23/10 – 8/27/10.
 I understand that is important
for me to make sure that my
child is studying to be
prepared for the quiz and has
completed all assignments
this week.
 Open House will be scheduled on
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
9. Sea otters eat sea urchins. Sea urchins eat kelp, a type of brown
a.Is this a food chain or a food web?
b.What might be the short-term effect on the ecosystem if great
numbers of sea otters were removed from this environment?
10. List in order of complexity the following: biosphere, population,
organism, biological community, ecosystem, and biome
Vocabulary Words
Energy pyramid
Food chain
Bell Ringers: Week of 23 Aug – 27 Aug 2010
Monday As we move up an energy or biomass pyramid, the top levels
get smaller like an Egyptian pyramid. Label an energy pyramid
identifying organism types in each trophic level with the energy
distributions and explain why the top levels get smaller.
Tuesday Your friends sister is learning about symbiotic relationships and she understands that there are
three main kinds of symbiotic relationships 1) commensalism, 2) mutualism, and 3) parasitism; but she can’t
remember how to distinguish these relationships. Write a short explanation that is easy to remember.
Wednesday A new species of mouse is introduced to an environment. As the mice reproduce and the population
grows, food resources decrease and predation by hawks increases. Eventually, the number of mice levels off so that the
rate of birth equals the rate of death. This nearly constant number of organisms, represented by the dotted line in the
diagram below, is called.
A. carrying capacity.
B. exponential growth.
C. linear growth.
D. competition.
As soon as rock forms, as it does almost continually on the island of Hawaii, biological changes begin. Describe
some examples of plant life at each level of succession starting from new rock.
If a population grows larger than the carrying capacity of the environment what will most likely happen and why?
Name:________________________________ Date:________________ Period:_______
Unit 1 Quiz 3
1. List in order of complexity the following: biosphere, population, organism, biological community,
ecosystem, and biome
2. A living plant, animal or microbe is a(an) ______________________.
3. A community of organisms interacting with abiotic environmental factors is called a(an)
4. A group of similar-looking organisms that breed with each other and produce fertile offspring make up
a(an)________________ and a(an)_________________ if they live in the same area.
5. What is the ultimate source of energy for the majority of life on Earth?_____________________
6. Scientists are concerned that global warming is the result of ______________________________
7. According to the food web, which organism(s) is a carnivore?
8. According to the food web which organisms(s) are producers?
9. What relationship describes the one between a snake and a
10. Identify a combination of five organisms that show a single food chain in this web.
11. Sea otters eat sea urchins. Sea urchins eat kelp, a type of brown algae. Draw out below:
a. Is this a food chain or a food web?
b.What might be the short-term effect on the ecosystem if great numbers of sea otters were
removed from this environment?
12. What is the variety of species in a given area called? _____________________
Extra Credit
6. a. A student is building a terrestrial biome model that represents the greatest biodiversity on Earth.
The model will be of a ___________________________________
A. taiga.
B. temperate forest.
C. tropical rain forest.
D. tundra.
Vocabulary Matching
Energy pyramid
Food chain
A. the physical area where an organism lives, e.g., cave, soil, dead log in a
forest, fish aquarium, stream, river, ocean, etc.
B. the movement of individuals away from a population.
C. an organism that only eats plants.
D. a place where freshwater river(s) and stream(s) flow into the ocean,
mixing with the seawater. Characterized by diverse organisms.
E. A model showing a single path for energy to flow through an ecosystem.
F. biological communities and all nonliving (abiotic) factors in the environment
G. A group of organisms of the same species that lives in the same area at
the same time
H. the movement of an individual into a population.
I. Diagram showing energy conversions which are not very efficient (lost
energy as heat) giving the diagram a characteristic shape.
J. is the role that an organism plays in a place (profession of the organism).
K. different populations in an area. These populations interact with each
other in an area.
L. climatically and geographically defined areas of ecologically similar climatic
conditions such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms, and are
often identified with particular patterns of ecological succession and climax
Extra Credit
6. c A new species of mouse is introduced to an environment. As the mice reproduce and the population grows, food
resources decrease and predation by hawks increases. Eventually, the number of mice levels off so that the rate of birth
equals the rate of death. This nearly constant number of organisms, represented by the dotted line in the diagram below,
is called.
A. carrying capacity.
B. exponential growth.
C. linear growth.
D. competition.
Identify on the graph the lag time.