Eric Herbert Santana ENN 198 December 3, 2008

Eric Herbert Santana
ENN 198
December 3, 2008
The Brain
Untainted memory nestled within one’s vulnerable brain.
The hot, bright sun beating down on tiny pebbles of sand
Our solid white skulls cannot shield memories from the claws of time.
Fragile bodies of flesh and bone encase one’s self.
The hot, bright sun beating down. On tiny pebbles of sand
our soft feet tread, anticipating the intense burn of heated, fragmented rock.
Fragile bodies of flesh and bone. Encase one’s self
in the warmth of remembering.
Our soft feet tread. Anticipating the intense burn of heated, fragmented rock
We creep slowly across the earth, hoping to incur no skin tearing injuries.
In the warmth of remembering
A newborn kitten shrieks as their last breath of air is stolen from them.
We creep slowly across the earth. Hoping to incur no skin tearing injuries
humanity spills the blood of unsuspecting animals onto the indifferent dirt, for sport.
A newborn kitten shrieks! As their last breath of air is stolen from them
A man cloaked in shadows rips out the kittens’ spine. Joyously.
For sport, Humanity indifferently spills the animals’ blood on the unsuspecting dirt.
Our solid white skulls cannot shield from memories. The claws of time
rip out the kittens’ spine joyously. Cloaked in shadows of a man,
nestled within one’s brain, lies vulnerable, untainted memory.