Wen Guang Li AMM110.0084 Prof. Blumberg October 7, 2009

Wen Guang Li
Prof. Blumberg
October 7, 2009
Assignment #3
We can find there are many road traffic accidents, accidents at work, tripping accidents,
accidents in the home, and defective product accidents happen in our lives. Actually, it is no
wonder that accidents and injuries have become an inevitable part of life, and it is especially true
when any harm could have been avoided if others had not acted carelessly. However, the fact
that mishaps are fairly commonplace does not detract from the pain that result when an accident
or injury happens to you or a loved one. If you don’t know or just learn a little about personalinjury law, you may lose your rights and opportunity to get merited compensation. Therefore, it
is necessary to learn about that personal-injury laws and related personal injury cases and how to
implement your rights to find the right and adaptive ways to get merited compensation.
First of all, we need to know some basic knowledge about personal-injury cases. Personal
injury cases are legal disputes that arise when one person suffers harm from an accident or injury,
and someone else might be legally responsible for that harm. In order to make someone else
compensate for the harm, there are two main approaches. One is using formal lawsuits through
civil court proceedings that seek to find others legally at fault through a court and judgement.
Actually, we can easily read related formal lawsuit cases in the daily news, especially the cases
about individuals who try to lawsuit businesses, corporations, or government agencies who
acted carelessly or irresponsibly in connection with an accident or injury that caused harm. The
second approach is informal settlements. In reality, most disputes over fault for an accident or
injury are resolved through negotiation, followed by a written agreement in which both sides
forgo any further action, choosing instead to resolve the matter through payment of an agreeable
amount of money. If it is possible, most people like to use informal settlements because this
approach is easier and simpler than the formal lawsuit. However, if you hope to resolve disputes
by informal settlements, you must have enough and convincing evidence. Indeed, to decide using
which approach to get your merited compensation, you need to follow related situations.
No matter what kind of approach that you try to use, in order to succeed, you need to
prepare enough strong evidence. If you can collect convincing evidence, it will make you more
easily get compensation. Actually, taking notes may be the last thing on your mind. You even
never notice to take notes. However, after learning the knowledge about taking notes, you will
find it is indispensable because it will help to strengthen your position bringing a legal claim for
your injuries, and having a clear record to refer back to can contribute toward the success of
your claim. Therefore, you need to make sure that you preserve every important detail of your
accident or injury, to take notes as soon as possible after the incident, to write down as much as
you can about the accident itself, your injuries, and any other losses, to make notes of
conversations that you have with people involved in the accident or the injury claim, to locate
people who witnessed the accident and to notify anyone you think might be responsible for the
accident of your intention to file a claim for your injuries.
In short, after reading some realted topics about the personal-injury law, I learned some
significant and necessary knowledge. At least, I know how to use suitable approaches to get
compensation if I get a personal injury in the future.