McGill Association of University Teachers
Association des professeur(e)s et bibliothécaires de McGill
Friday, November 16, 2007
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. Edith Zorychta, MAUT President welcomed
members to the MAUT Fall General Meeting. She introduced the members of the Executive
Committee and reported that Bruce Shore would serve as Past-President until December
31st, and from January to April 2008, Malcolm Baines would complete the remainder of the
term. She reminded members to sign the attendance form and to state their names and
departments when they spoke.
Adoption of the Agenda
The members reviewed the Agenda. There were no objections. E. Zorychta asked for a
motion to accept the Agenda. J. Hobbins moved to accept the Agenda. Seconded by M.
Richard. The Agenda was approved. E. Zorychta directed members to the Centraide
Reminder on the Agenda.
Minutes of the April 13, 2007 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING
A motion to receive the Minutes of the April 13, 2007 Spring General Membership Meeting
was proposed by J. Hobbins. Seconded by J. Dealy. There were no changes and the
Minutes were adopted. Of the 84 people who signed in, only 70 were full members and
quorum (100) was not achieved. Therefore any votes or motions would not be binding, but
would be taken into consideration by the Executive and Council.
President’s Reports
New Policies and Policy Revisions
E. Zorychta reported that the policies on Research on Human Subjects and Employment
Equity had been passed by Senate and the documents can be found on the Secretariat’s
website. [Note: At this time, the Policy on Safe Disclosure though passed by Senate was
temporarily delayed by the Board of Governors.]
The policies on Research Misconduct [concerning academics, technicians and graduate
students], Course Evaluations, Conflict of Commitment and Conflict of Interest have come
to MAUT for consultation. Proposed changes in these and other policies were carefully
reviewed during Executive, Council and Pre-Senate meetings and MAUT suggestions were
then forwarded to the Administration. These policies then go to Senate for further
discussion, amendment and eventual approval
Professor Emeritus status
E. Zorychta reported that proposed changes to the Professor Emeritus status are expected
to be made public in December.
Non-Tenure Track University Committee
The interim report is expected in the winter term. E. Zorychta listed the members of the NTT
Committee and noted that M. Baines and R. Amsel represent MAUT on the Provost’s Task
CASP: Salary Policy; Gender Equity Study
The Committee on Academic Salary Policy meets regularly and prior to these meetings, the
MAUT caucus forwards proposed agenda items. MAUT’s commitment is to ensure that the
Administration respects the Principles for Future Academic Policy as outlined in the 2004
document from Provost Vinet. MAUT has requested the Administration for as much
standardized data as possible from other universities prior to discussing the components of
salary policy and has pushed for a framework of a multi-year salary structure that would be
reflected in the University’s budget.
MAUT was again dissatisfied with the reports of the Gender Equity Study that was
presented in August 2007 by the Planning and Institutional Analysis Office. The MAUT
caucus of the CASP then proposed specific variables and comparisons for rerunning these
analyses and await the results.
Report on Membership
E. Zorychta reported the current membership, including Retired members is 1061. She
listed the current members of the Membership and Recruiting Committee and asked for
volunteers for the position of Chair. [Note: S. Tran has volunteered as Interim Chair.]
MAUT Forums: Disabilities & the Classroom / Tenure & Mentoring / Retirement Issues
MAUT, in conjunction with the SEDE Office and the OSD, hosted a Forum on Disabilities
and the Classroom on October 23/07. There are plans for a forum on Health and Dental
issues for those over age 65 and one on Retirement Issues in the winter/spring of 2008.
There are also plans for a workshop on Tenure and Mentoring and for fora on Collegiality
and University Governance, Open Access to Publications and Online Journals, and Online
Course Evaluations. M. Frankman inquired about the recent change in legislation requiring
mandatory conversion of pension funds changing from age 69 to 71. MAUT has brought this
issue to the CASP and will report back to the membership at the forum on Retirement
Report form the V-P Internal: Ian Henderson
I. Henderson reported on the results of recent meetings of the SBAC [Staff Benefits
Advisory Committee]. The CRA [Canada Revenue Agency] has announced that staff
members will now be taxed for staff dependant tuition waivers.
There were discussions on health coverage pre and post age 65: whether the costs and
benefits were fair to both components and whether members over age 65 would benefit
from a separate plan. The SBAC received detailed reports from an independent consultant
with data on members over age 65 in the McGill plan and in comparable plans. These data
will be more fully explored in the upcoming Retirement Forum.
I. Henderson reported no change in the premium for Long-Term Disability. There will be a
slight [3%] decrease in monthly health insurance rates, and an increase [10%] in dental
rates which reflect plan improvements. He reminded members that the University
contributes an equal amount to these plans.
The remaining $1.3M left from the SunLife demutualization will be spent for the benefit of
plan members. One proposal was to use the funds to enhance reintegration services for
staff returning from mental health related leaves. The SBAC welcomes other proposals.
K. Wallis cautioned members that teaching awards are taxed as salary. S. Gaskin
commented that the Supplemental Health Plan required members to supply excessive
levels of information for evidence. B. Shore asked if there is a ceiling on reimbursements for
prescriptions from Manulife. {no} I. Henderson asked members to email their questions to
6. Report from the Chair of the Librarians’ Section: Karen Jensen
K. Jensen reported on the approved Revised Regulations Relating to the Employment
of Librarian Staff and the possibilities and options available to Library Professionals. An
update on the Regulations by D. Cowan, V-P Communications, may be found in the MAUT
Newsletter Vol. 32, No.3 - which is available on the MAUT website.
K. Jensen reported on the Guidelines on Reappointment and Tenure Criteria, an
ancillary document provided as a service to Library Professionals who will soon be making
choices as the rank of Library Professional will no longer exist. These guidelines, which will
be adjusted as needed, should answer questions such as the criteria for reasonable and
superior performances in scholarship and service, categories of academic duties, and
position responsibilities, and are posted on the Librarians’ website. K. Jensen urged
members of the University Tenure Committees to consult with Librarians on tenure
expectations and become familiar with the applicable Canadian norms.
Report from the V.P. External: Brendan Gillon
Update on FQPPU and CAUT Meetings
B. Gillon reported on the FQPPU meeting on June 14/07 which focused on the situation at
UQàM. The concern was that as a result of the UQàM issues, the provincial government
would be bringing in legislation that would affect other Québec universities. He also
attended the FQPPU Conseil fédéral on October 18-19/07 in Montreal. Details of the
meeting can be accessed at: B. Gillon reported on the recent FQPPU audit,
completed on May 31/07, which certified the organization’s financial health. There was a
surplus of $67K for 2006-07 and a predicted deficit of $15K for 2007-08.
B. Gillon reported on the FQPPU’s Activities and Plans which included: a Committee on
University Funding whose report will be published in 2008; a survey in 2008 on the Status of
the Professoriate in Québec; a debate on governance and another on tuition increases and
supplementary fees.
B. Gillon reported the CAUT Council will take place on November 23-25/07in Ottawa and he
will report at the next meeting.
Past-President’s Report: Bruce M. Shore
B. Shore commented that the role of Past-President is to bring an historical perspective to
the MAUT Executive and Council. He briefly mentioned the passing of former President
Ralph Harris. As B. Shore will be leaving on sabbatical as of December 31st, Malcolm
Baines will serve as Past-President beginning January 01/08.
9. MAUT Retired Members: John Dealy, Council Representative for Retirees
Lunch Meetings
J. Dealy reported that the Retirees would have their semi annual luncheon on November
21st and the guest speaker is Dr. Joe Schwarcz [Director, McGill Office for Science and
Society]. The topic is Houdini and the McGill Connection.
Titles and Privileges for Retired Professors
J. Dealy reported that MAUT has been extensively consulted on policy changes to the titles
and privileges for retired professors. He expects the revisions to come to Senate within
J. Dealy also reported that MAUT has been pressuring the Administration to expand the
McGill online telephone and email directory to include information on all Past Professors as
it currently only provides data on Emeritus Professors.
Emeritus Professors as Pro-Deans
J. Dealy noted that as a result of MAUT’s initiative, Dean Kreiswirth [Dean of Graduate and
Post Doctoral Studies] has sent a proposal to W. Foster [Associate Provost-Policies and
Procedures] suggesting the Administration ask Emeritus Professors to act as Pro-Deans.
There will be a memorandum sent to Emeritus Professors about this proposal.
Money Market Fund
J. Dealy briefly reported that some academics have expressed great concern that their
pension funds have been affected by [ABCP] Asset Based Commercial Paper issues. More
details from the PAC can be accessed from their website: This situation will also be addressed at the
upcoming Forum on Retirement Issues.
Forum on Health Insurance for Members Age 65 and Over
There will be a forum on Health and Benefits in January / February 2008.
10. Auditor’s Report & MAUT Budget: Estelle Hopmeyer-Secretary-Treasurer
Update on MAUT’s Investments Decisions
E. Hopmeyer provided an update on MAUT’s investment decisions which were to maintain a
conservative investment policy that would generate income. MAUT has both Directors’ and
Officers’ Liability Insurance and Commercial Liability Insurance. MAUT is registered with the
Provincial Government, has a NEQ [Québec Enterprise Number], and with the CSST [La
Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail].
E. Hopmeyer thanked the MAUT Auditor, Pierre Gagnon, CA, for his help with regularizing
the Association’s provincial obligations.
The members briefly reviewed the MAUT Annual Financial for the year ended August 31/07.
There were no questions. E. Hopmeyer moved that the members approve this report.
Seconded by B. Shore. Approved unanimously.
The members reviewed the budget for 2008 and projections to 2009. E. Hopmeyer noted
there was a slight deficit projected for 2009, which is in line with MAUT’s break-even target.
E. Hopmeyer moved that the members approve the budget. Seconded by J. Cumming.
Approved unanimously.
11. Faculty Club (E. Zorychta)
E. Zorychta reported that the Faculty Club is in good financial shape and caters for
conferences, dinners, and meetings. She commented on its excellent management.
12. Other Business
E. Zorychta commented on MAUT’s environmentally conscious approach and as at the
General Meeting, Executive, Council and Pre-Senate documents are projected on screens
instead of distributing hard copies. Any hard copies of documents that are circulated are
printed double sided.
G. Mikkelson raised the possibility of changing the pension voting rules to a one-member,
one-vote system, instead of the current one-dollar, one vote. He mentioned that the present
system of weighted votes leads to systematic inequality. As an example, he mentioned the
salary differences between the Arts and Management faculties which lead to differences in
voting power. Currently votes are weighted by the amount a member has accumulated in
the Pension fund and G. Mikkelson noted that people new to McGill have less impact. He
proposed that MAUT investigate these issues.
E. Zorychta commented on the market differentials between faculties which results in salary
differences. She reiterated that the pension plan is for everyone and that the PAC is
responsible to all sectors of McGill. E. Zorychta proposed that G. Mikkelson and a member
of the PAC each prepare a brief document outlining their proposals and reasons for change
and for keeping the traditional weighted system. These documents will be reviewed at
K. Young requested more vegetarian food choices in the Faculty Club Main dining room.
B. Tallant noted that the Faculty Club has posted notices of upcoming events on the MAUT
website. Notices from the Faculty Club will also appear in the MAUT Newsletter.
13. Adjournment
E. Zorychta called for a motion to adjourn. J. Hobbins moved to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by M. Baines. Approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 1:25pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Honore Kerwin-Borrelli
MAUT Administrative Officer