Logical Relations

Logical Relations
Equal - exactly matches the criteria specified, can use $ or $* like wildcards
Does Not Equal - differing from the criteria specified, can use $ or $* like wildcards
Is Greater than- all values bigger or larger than the specified criteria
Is Less than- all values less than or smaller than the specified criteria
Is Greater than or Equal to- all values the same as or larger than the criteria
Is Less than or Equal to- all values the same as or smaller than the criteria
IS IN literal list- the value you define exactly matches in the list of values being
IS NOT IN literal list- used to pull out values excluding a specified exact value
IS MISSING- the certain value does not appear in the list of criteria
IS NOT MISSING- the value has to be there in the list of criteria
IS FROM - data must fall within a range of values specified (often dates)
IS NOT FROM - not within the specified range of values
INCLUDES - the specified criteria is contained somewhere in the field of values.
EXCLUDES - used to pull out values that exclude criteria contained somewhere in the
field of values
CONTAINS - contains characters for the criteria you specified for alphanumeric fields,
used when you don’t know an exact spelling
Does Not Contain- does not contain characters for the alphanumeric criteria you
specified, used when you don’t know an exact spelling
IS LIKE - to use any of the mask special characters like wild cards to have criteria
included but in a specific order, can use % as wildcard.
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NOT LIKE - to exclude criteria using special characters, can use % as wildcard.
Matches the Pattern - to look for a very specific string of data where it exactly matches
including font, underline etc.
Does Not Match the Pattern - to exclude very specific string of data
Is In An External File of Test Literals - to include data in an external file
Is Not In An External File of Test Literals - to exclude data in an external file
Red = cannot specify multiple criteria values
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