Summer Term 2, 2016
INSTRUCTOR: Nathan Dorn, Ph.D.
Office: DW # 436
Telephone: (954) 236-1315
E-mail: ndorn1@fau.edu
Office Hours: W 10:30-11:30 am, 3:15-4:15 pm, by appt.
TA: Daniel Hagood
Email: dha good201 4@fau.edu
Office: DW # 431
Office Hours: W 10-11:30 am
1 Credit: ES # 317. F 9-11:50 am.
Labs include four field trips away from campus and most days the meeting place will
be on site away from campus. Lab time may be combined with lecture time so that
lectures happen in the field. The trips may require some time beyond scheduled class
time due to travel distances and weather conditions (so plan accordingly).
Freshwater Ecology 2nd edition, Dodds, W. and Whiles M., Academic press.
Pond Life. 2001. (A Golden Guide) St. Martin's Press by Reid, Kaicher and
Dolan. (can be purchasedfor< $10 online)
Other required readings (e.g., research papers, book chapters) will be posted
to Blackboard.
Co-requisites: PCB 4301 Freshwater Ecology, PCB 4301L Freshwater Ecology Lab
Pre-requisites: BSC 1010, BSC 1010L, BSC 1011, BSC 1011L, CHM 204, CHM 2045L,
CHM 2046, CHM 2046L (C- minimum)
This lab is a hands-on field course focused on the ecology and biodiversity of various
freshwater ecosystems. Field trips emphasize functions of ecosystems, species
identification, and quantitative differences between environments.
You will be exposed to a diversity of freshwater ecosystems and the communities of
organisms that live there with a series of field trips and sampling studies. You will
also learn about restoration science and methods for quantitative analysis of
freshwater animals and plants. The lab is integrated with the lecture and you must
take them both simultaneously. You are expected to ask questions during lab. You
are expected to read assigned readings before lab.
OBJECTIVES: This lab is intended provide exposure to the diversity and functioning
of freshwater ecosystems as well as the diversity of organisms inhabiting those
ecosystems. When you leave this course, you should have 1) a general
understanding of freshwater ecology, 2) the ability to recognize and identify
common freshwater plants and animals and 3) extensive knowledge about the
ecology (and restoration of) of Florida's freshwater ecosystems. Finally, you should
improve your ability to identify and quantify ecological patterns and provide
hypotheses about the causes of observed patterns in freshwater ecosystems.
This course will be taught with a series of field trips, including comparative and
observational exercises.
Attendance: This is an intellectually challenging and time-demanding course.
Students with other time-consuming responsibilities (heavy course loads, jobs > 20
hr jwk, athletics, music groups, etc.) should seriously consider their ability to meet
these demands. You are expected to attend and actively participate in every lab. You
will not be able to make up missed lab or field activities.
Work and Time Outside of Class: It is expected that the weekly reading, report
writing and work on your lab notebooks will require another 5-6 hours per week
outside of class.
Field Trips: There will be four field trips away from campus during this course and
they are all mandatory. Field trips will be on Fridays and, given travel time, several
may extend beyond the listed class hours. You will not be able to make up missed
field trips. If you have conflicts that will prevent you from participating in any of
these field trips, please talk to me as soon as possible. The field trips are designed to
introduce you to a diversity of freshwater ecosystems and organisms, make
observations and quantify ecological relationships. Attendance is mandatory
because classroom study is insufficient for learning and understanding these topics.
Come prepared for field trips. You are being trained as field ecologists and as such,
you must be prepared to get cold, hot, wet, or muddy, depending on what we are
doing. Old sneakers or water shoes plus lightweight pants (quick-dry) are
suggested for wading in wetlands and canoeing. For the first field day, on campus, it
would be a good idea to have a change of clothes as well because we will spend part
ofthe day indoors after getting wet/dirty in the morning.
A note about field activities: The field activities that are part of this class can be
physically taxing, and may place you some distance from help if you have a
medical problem. PARTICIPATION is an important part of the grade. If you have
concerns about your ability to participate in the field activities, or other health
concerns (e.g., serious allergies) please talk with me as soon as possible.
Classroom Etiquette: Behavior that is responsible and considerate of others is expected
at all times. A student engaging in persistent (i.e., repeated within or across meeting
times) and deliberately disruptive or antagonistic behavior will be asked to leave the
class, and will receive an F in the course. Persons engaging in threats or bullying will be
reported to the University Police Department.
Grade: The grade for the lab will be determined by total points obtained on two
written (individual) reports (70 total), participation (60 total), an flora and fauna
identification test (60 points) and the lab notebook (60 points).
Lab Point Distribution:
(2 reports)
Identification Exam
Lab Notebook
70 points
There will be NO individualized extra credit in the course.
Grading Scale:
A= 93-100%
A-= 90-92%
B+ = 86-89%
B = 83-85%
B- = 80-82%
c = 70-75%
D = 60-70%
F = < 60%
Assienment erade policy: If no other late policy is in place then the default is that late
assignments (late means after the due date at the start of class) receive a ZERO.
Assignments that are not handed in according to the specified format or otherwise
according to the instructions for that assignment will be considered late and also receive a
ZERO. Reports that are handed in late receive a 10% initial deduction and a ZERO if they
are more than 24 hours late.
MAKE-UP EXAMS: A make-up examination must be taken if the student misses the final
identification examination for a reason considered appropriate in the undergraduate
catalog. It is up to the instructor to decide if a make-up examination will be given if a
student misses an exam for any other reason and will only be given after an automatic
penalty of 10%. Only ONE makeup examination per student will be allowed. Advancedschedule conflicts (e.g., athletic competitions, religious observance) must be
discussed with the instructor in the first week of class to be eligible for a make-up exam.
Make-up examination will only be allowed if the student brings in appropriate medical
documentation (with the Doctors name and office number) or documentation oflegal
obligations for missing the exam.
Disability Policy: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students
who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework
must register with the Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and follow all SAS
procedures. SAS has offices across three of FAU's campuses- Boca Raton, Davie, and
Jupiter, however, disability services are available for students on all campuses.
Academic Integrity: FAU students are expected to maintain the highest standard of
academic integrity as outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog. Academic dishonesty,
including copying the work of someone else (i.e., plagiarism) whether that someone
is a classmate or an internet source, is considered a serious breach of these ethical
standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality
education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage. Academic dishonesty is
destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual
trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility.
Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information see
University Regulation 4.001at
http://www.fau.edu/ctl/4.001 Code of Academic lntegrity.pdf
Plagiarism in this course includes aiding the person who plagiarized and the penalty
for letting someone copy your work will result in a zero. More than one instance of
plagiarism will result in course failure and an official write up to the chair of the
Biology department and the Dean of Student Services.
5. Incomplete Grade: A grade of Incomplete ("I") is reserved for students who are
passing a course but have not completed all the required work because of
exceptional circumstances. A grade of "I" will only be given under certain conditions
and in accordance with the academic policies and regulations put forward in FAU's
University Catalog. The student must show exceptional circumstances why
requirements cannot be met. A request for an incomplete grade has to be made in
writing with supporting documentation, where appropriate. As per university
policy, an incomplete grade will only be given to a student who fulfills all of the
following criteria:
a. misses multiple exams or the final examination due to a legitimately
documented emergency as defined by the FAU Academic Policies and Regulations
(http:/ /wvvw.fa u.ed u /academic/registra r /09-10 cata l og/aca demics.html)
b. has a grade of C or better
c. submits evidence of the emergency and signs an incomplete agreement.
Additional Policies
Disability Policy
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require
reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must
register with the Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and follow all SAS
procedures. SAS has offices across three of FAU's campuses- Boca Raton, Davie, and
Jupiter, however, disability services are available for students on all campuses.
Religious Accommodations:
Students who wish to be excused from course work, class activities or examinations
must notify the instructor in advance of their intention to participate in religious
observation and request an excused absence, but field trips cannot be made up for
Course Schedule
Reading (chapter
or pages)
Assigned Work
May 15
(Davie Campus)
PL (pp 4-37, 74-75,
Repot11: Pond catch
rate comparisons,
repot1due at stat1of
class (8 pp). Due on
Introduction to aquatic life
and sampling;
Freshwater Survey(s) of
local ponds/wetlands.
FIELD DAY: Wetland
water depths, flora and
faunal responses.
(9 am -3:15 pm)
PL (pp 42-72, 114115, 136-150)
*note lab species li sts
Update Notebook
Lodge ch. 3
FIELD DAY: Freshwater
Cheek et a!. 2014
Update Notebook
Ha nd in notebook on
June 3.
PL (pp 74-119),
DW 238-251
Report 2: JDSP
invet1ebrate contrasts
(9-12 pp incl. 3-4 pp
with tables/ figures)
Due on June 10
biota and river restoration.
Kissimmee River (all day
field trip 6 am-4:30pm)
June 5
commun ity patterns in
ponds and wetlands.
(Jonathan Dickinson State
Park wetlands) (8 am- 4
Update Notebook
June 12
Loxahatchee River
(Riverbend Park, 8:45 am3:30pm) Lotic
Flow, river habitats,
species distribution and
Lodge pp 168-172
Update Notebook
Paper on Invasive
Molluscs (TBA)
Hand in notebook on
June 19.
Final draft of Report
2 (Due June 19)
Study for ID exam.
June 19
Flora and Fauna
Identification Test
June 22
DW - Dodds and Whiles, PL - Pond Life booklet, Lodge - Everglades Handbook
(Lodge chapters and discussion papers will be made available on Blackboard)
Important Dates
June 15: Last day to drop without receiving an F.
For other important dates see http:/ /www.fau.edu/registrarjpdf/DocsjacadcallOll.pdf