The Pragmatic Programmer I

The Pragmatic Programmer I
About the textbook
• The Pragmatic Programmer is full of helpful
suggestions for surviving programming
• It’s also enjoyably written
• I’ll cover in class some of the material in this book
– Mostly those things that I want to emphasize, or where
I think I have something to say
• I’ll feel free to test on all of the material
• Current assignment:
Read the Preface and Chapter 1
1: Care about your craft
• Take pride in your work
• If you don’t enjoy your profession, you’ll
never be great in it
• If you do enjoy your work, you’ll also enjoy
the process of getting better at it (mostly!)
– In computer science, learning never ends!
Egoless programming
• Some years ago, Gerald Weinberg coined the term
egoless programming:
– Software belongs to the organization, not the individual
– You don’t “own” your code
• The idea is that if you have an emotional interest in
your code, you will resist criticism
– I strongly disagree—it’s important to take pride in your
– But also realize that every program can be improved
– Don’t take criticism of your program as personal
2: Think! About your work
• Always be asking yourself: is there a better
way to do this?
– A better design, a better language, a better layout
– A better job?
• Always be critical of your own work
• Always be ready to accept criticism—no
program is ever perfect
• If you ever think you “know enough,” you’re
stagnant—and it’s time to do something else
Any program can be improved
• There are few, if any, perfect programs
• Always be ready to rewrite your program to
make it better
– But know when to stop!
• Rewriting and re-designing your program is
sometimes called refactoring
3: Provide options, don’t make
lame excuses
• Some things can’t be done on time, others can’t be
done at all
– Don’t focus on what cannot be done
– Concentrate on what can be done instead
– Find solutions to problems
• In “The War Against the Chtorr,” David Gerrold
distinguishes between “guests” and “hosts”
– A “host” does whatever needs to be done
– A “guest” figures that it’s someone else’s job
4: Don’t live with broken
• If something is wrong, fix it
– If you can’t get to it immediately, at least mark it for
future work
– Take some action to prevent further damage
– Small problems accumulate and turn your code into crap
• The law of entropy:
– A spoonful of wine in a barrel of sewage gives you a
barrel of sewage
– A spoonful of sewage in a barrel of wine gives you a
barrel of sewage
8: Invest regularly in your
knowledge portfolio
Learn at least one new language every year
Read a technical book each quarter
Read nontechnical books, too
Take classes
Participate in local user groups
Experiment with different environments
Stay current
Get wired
10: It’s both what you say and the
way you say it
• Communication is important—more important
than programming itself
– How you present your program usually matters more
than how good your program is
• Make it look good
• Use spell checkers
• Learn something about good design
– Good communication (and documentation) is essential
for working in a team
– Every piece of e-mail is a permanent record
More about the book
• Chapter I deals mainly with philosophy—
how you should approach the task of
• Later chapters get into more technical detail
• However, if you don’t strive to be the best
you can possibly be, those chapters won’t
help you any
The End