Sentence Type Practice 2 Name ____________________________________ CX=complex; CD=compound; CD/CX=compound/complex

Sentence Type Practice 2
Name ____________________________________
Directions: Underline the independent clauses. Identify the sentence type: S=simple;
CX=complex; CD=compound; CD/CX=compound/complex
1. ____________ We have a new student who likes to play baseball.
2. ____________ The teacher who teaches in room 313 is absent today.
3. ____________ When we read Shakespeare aloud, it makes more sense.
4. ____________ After the second inning, we decided to go home.
5. ____________ Because I studied, I passed the test, so now I get my license back.
6. ____________ The lunch schedule has changed, but we still have 2nd lunch.
7. ____________ How was the last ten minutes of the game?
8. ____________ Even though my favorite teacher is retiring, I am still looking
forward to next year.
9. _____________ It’s a secret, so I can’t tell you just yet.
10. ____________ As soon as we entered the theater, we were sure we would love
the show, so we decided to stay the whole time.
10. _____________ What is your favorite part of the novel?
11. ____________ After the ceremony, we went to the reception which was also
very beautiful.
12. ____________ Our family reunion was really fun, but the clean up was not.
13. ____________ Sam did well on his test even though he did not study.
14. ______________ Because of the dent in the car, I am not allowed to drive.
15. ______________ Flying down the slopes, Stella managed to knock over two
other skiers, but she was able to avoid hitting the lodge.
Directions: Circle the correct answer:
1. (Its, It’s) been a very long year.
2. That hair color really (compliments, complements) your skin tone.
3. (Your, You’re) going to have to remind me of the dates again.
4. I have (a lot, alot ) of homework tonight!
5. John knows (there, their, they’re) going to be playing their best pitcher.
6. Do you feel more prepared (then, than) last trimester?
7. The final test will really (affect, effect) your overall grade.
8. Do you know that (were, we’re) going to have to study hard?
9. Sally has to get the (breaks, brakes) on her car fixed tomorrow.
10. I (all ready, already) ate dinner before the movie.