Welcome to Burley-Glenwood Elementary! “Home of the Bears”

Welcome to Burley-Glenwood Elementary!
“Home of the Bears”
The staff at Burley-Glenwood is committed to providing every child a quality education.
This is done by providing a safe and nurturing learning environment, and setting and
modeling high expectations throughout the building. We will continually seek avenues to
help meet the needs of all of our students, and help them reach their fullest potential.
We will do this by using our school improvement plan as our road map, having weekly
collaboration meetings that focus on student achievement and a commitment to the
learning of each student and participating in quality staff development activities.
“What’s best for children” is our number one priority and we strive to meet this goal.
Helping students become successful is a team effort and it is essential that we include all
stakeholders - parents, students, staff and the community. I would like to invite you to
become a part of our wonderful school and help us maintain a positive and nurturing
learning environment for our kids. Joining our PTSO, volunteering in our building and
attending the various activities and events are all ways you can help support our school.
It is essential that our students are ready to learn every day and the students need to
start the day in a positive way. The following tips will ensure your child is ready to learn
and will help them be successful while at school.
Students should…
Get plenty of sleep the night before.
Start the day with a healthy breakfast.
Be on-time and attend school regularly.
Be organized and have all of their homework set out and ready prior to going to school.
Parents should spend time each night talking to their child so they can see that you are
interested in what they are doing at school.
We hope the information in this planner will be helpful and will answer any questions you
may have regarding our school. Please feel free to give me a call at (360) 443-3149 if you
have any questions.
School Hours: 8:35 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Wednesday Hours (Late Start): 9:20 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Darek Grant
First Late Start Wednesday: September 10, 2014
Everyone at Burley-Glenwood Elementary has the right to a learning environment that
promotes safety, respect, trust and dignity. Such an environment requires a positive and
consistent discipline plan that teaches students skills that promote positive behavior. The
ultimate goal is for all students to become positive self-managers and responsible for
their own behavior. Working collaboratively with parents, staff and students, this goal
can be achieved.
Character Counts at Burley-Glenwood
Burley-Glenwood teachers, staff, and students practice the Character Counts Program.
Character Counts is the most widely implemented approach to Character Education,
reaching millions of youth. Character Counts is a framework consisting of basic values
called the “Six Pillars of Character:”
 Fairness
 Caring
 Citizenship
These character traits are taught to our students and integrated with academic
curriculum. Burley-Glenwood encourages positive citizenship through programs like
Character Counts.
Kid-Friendly, Positive Programs at Burley-Glenwood
Several programs at BG help kids increase their Developmental Assets, building on
students’ positive efforts and good qualities. As these activities have increased in number
and participation, we documented gains in academic achievement, and disciplinary issues
have decreased. Many opportunities provide children with ways to be recognized, to be
leaders, contribute to the school in meaningful positions, and to make good decisions. A
few of the positive programs available to our Burley-Glenwood Bears are listed below.
Accelerated Reader
“A.R.” is a motivational reading program, aimed to encourage success for every student at
his or her current reading level, from non-readers to highly proficient readers. Based on
individualized reading objectives, students receive incentives as they reach levels toward
their reading point goals. Recognition is given within grade levels, as well as school-wide.
Anti-Bullying Pledge
Bullying is not OK at BG, and we begin each year renewing our “Anti-Bullying Pledge.” In
the fall we are treated to a fun assembly that includes silly skits and an entertaining,
motivational speaker. We learn that there are many forms of bullying, and none of them
are acceptable. Parents are invited to sign the Anti-Bullying Pledge at Open House and
during parent-teacher conferences. Copies of BG’s Anti-Bullying Pledge are posted near
the main office, in classrooms and hallways throughout the building.
“School Counselor”
In addition to working with individual students in need, BG’s school counselor provides a
variety of school-wide services intended to reach all of our students. Classroom guidance
activities increase student attachment to the school and encourage a positive school
community. Classroom guidance topics include social skills training, conflict and anger
management, career awareness, study skills, and understanding personalities. The
counselor is advisor to our Peer Mediator program and the weekly “Lunch Bunch” sessions.
Kelso’s Choices
Each fall, our school counselor helps primary students learn about two kinds of problems:
“backpack problems” and “suitcase problems.” Younger children become increasingly
proficient at solving their own day-to-day struggles, called “backpack problems.” Issues
that involve danger or have grown out of control in spite of a child’s efforts we call
“suitcase problems.” Kelso is a frog puppet that resides in the counselor’s backpack. Kelso
and his puppet friends help students learn nine options for handling frustration. Kelso’s
nine choices for managing conflict are displayed in all K-3 classrooms, and they are
incorporated into recesses.
Lunch Bunch
“Lunch Bunch” is a popular option for BG Bears in grades 1-6. Students who desire to
spend time with the school counselor can choose to enjoy lunch in a quiet room, separate
from the cafeteria. There is a short message of hope at each session, followed by time
for small group support. This opportunity is given to each grade level about once each
week, beginning in November.
Peer Mediators
Our most responsible students in grades 4-6 can be nominated by their teachers for a
position of leadership, as Peer Mediators at Burley-Glenwood. Peer Mediators model good
friendship skills and decision-making to their peers, and during recesses they are
available to mediate conflicts between students. Trained Peer Mediator teams each work
once a week during the recesses of primary-aged students. Peer Mediator training is
based upon the conflict mediation training of the Kitsap Dispute Resolution Center and
training is offered twice yearly, during parent-teacher conference week.
Meaningful Work
“Meaningful Work” is a school-wide program designed to teach students about work
ethics and the real-life process of applying for a position, as well as maintaining the
responsibilities of a work contract. Many jobs are sought out by students, while others
are assigned by staff members. All positions are for needed services, and BG depends
upon our meaningful workers to fulfill their job expectations. Some of the Meaningful
Work positions include: Computer set-up, Lunchroom, Library, Office, PE, Recycling
Assistants, Peer Mediators, Food 2 Flowers Composting, and Safety Patrol.
Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol Guards are 5th and 6th grade students who work in teams of two or three
and have the important job of taking care of our students while using the crosswalk, or
waiting outside classrooms until it is time for pupils to enter. The Safety Patrol Program
is affiliated with the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Department, with a deputy contact that
trains the guards at the beginning of each school year, and is available to consult as
Late Start Wednesday (Staff Collaboration):
Our student school day starts at 8:35 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Each Wednesday however, school begins for students at 9:20 a.m. This late start time
allows for staff to collaborate together in order to align curriculum, assess data, and
work on our School Improvement Plan. Maintaining a quality education for all students is
Burley-Glenwood’s number one priority.
There is no late start on the following Wednesdays:
September 3rd, October 22nd, November 26th, and March 25th.
School begins at the regular start time of 8:35 a.m. on these days.
Student of the Month Assemblies
Students demonstrating the character traits of the Character Counts program will be
recognized as Burley-Glenwood Students of the Month. Based on the “Six Pillars of
Character” – Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship,
four students from each classroom will be chosen each month as a “Person of Character.”
Students are nominated by their teachers and recognized before their peers during
Student of the Month assemblies, which is hosted by the school principal. Gold Bear and
Gold Slip winners are also recognized.
Throughout the year teachers give many types of assessments to determine instructional
levels of students. Common formative assessments are developed by grade level teams
during collaboration on Wednesday mornings and help direct daily instruction. Among the
other assessments given are:
MONDO (K-5th) – subtests and reading passages given to determine appropriate
individual reading level.
DIBELS (1st – 6th) – grade level reading fluency tests given three times per year.
MATH ALERT (3rd – 6th) – math screener given three times a year.
SMARTER BALANCED (3rd – 6th) – given in May.
All assessments combine to help teachers ensure that all students receive the instruction
that they need to be successful.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Our Physical Education Department offers the following activities
throughout the school year:
Cross Country Meet (Grades 1-6)
Intramural Basketball League (Grade 6)
Varsity Boys and Girls District Basketball Tournament (Grades 1-6)
District Track Meet (Grade 4 - 6)
Instrumental Band: Burley-Glenwood Elementary and Cedar Heights Jr High will be
partnering for band. Two days a week, 5th & 6th grade Burley students who are taking
band, can be dropped off at Cedar Heights Jr. High at 7:45am. Students will be met and
go directly to the band room. After band, a district bus will provide transportation back
to Burley-Glenwood Elementary and arrive prior to the start of school.
Our Music Department offers the following activities throughout the school
Select Choir: Co-Ed (Grades 4-6)
Beginning in September, practices take place for a 4th grade choir and a 5th/6th grade
choir. Students will perform at school events, community events and at the All District
Choir Festival in the spring. Our music department also puts on several music/drama
productions throughout the year.
Strings Program: Grades 3-6th
Burley-Glenwood is able to provide a free Violin program before school on Wednesday
mornings. Since this is our late start day (9:20am), this program is offered from 7:45 am
until 9:00 a.m. most Wednesdays. This “Strings Group” is available to students in grades
3-6th. It is a year-long commitment. Watch for registration forms or contact Mrs.
Kornelis, our music specialist at Burley-Glenwood Elementary, 360-443-3111.
Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices
Please remind students that cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used
or visible during the school day. Students also should not bring toys, trading cards or
other items not related to the educational process to school. We cannot guarantee the
security of any item(s) a student chooses to bring to school. If a student is caught using
a cell phone or electronic device during the school day, the teacher will confiscate it and
it will be the parents responsibility to pick it up from the teacher.
Student Dress Code
To ensure that student dress and grooming does not interfere with the learning
environment at Burley-Glenwood Elementary, we appreciate your support in helping us by
following the dress code below:
1. Hats, hoods, scarves, bandanas, or sweatbands may not be worn inside the school
2. Open toed shoes, flip-flops, high heeled, platform, heelies (shoes with wheels) or
shoes without a heel or heel-strap may not be worn. (This is a safety issue.)
3. Shirts with inappropriate messages, i.e. alcohol, tobacco, drugs, violence or sexual
in nature are not allowed.
4. Bare-midriff shirts and blouses are not to be worn.
5. Tank tops may be worn under or over another shirt.
6. Spaghetti-strapped blouses and dresses may be worn under or over another shirt.
7. Shorts and skirt length must be no shorter than where the fingertips reach from
an extended arm.
8. Pants must be worn up around the waist. Saggy and low-cut pants that expose
underwear are not allowed.
The School will notify parents if a child arrives with inappropriate dress. In some cases,
parents will be asked to bring appropriate dress to school in order for their child to
remain in school.
TRRFCC RECESS Expectations
1. I am trusted to walk down to the field in a timely manner and not play on the hill or in the woods.
2. As soon as the whistle is blown, I will immediately stop what I am doing, put all equipment away, and
go up the hill to class. Playing, arguing, and dawdling on the hill is not permitted.
3. I will act respectfully to others and adults and be considerate of their personal property. Spitting at
recess or on others is not respectful.
4. I will settle differences peacefully, keeping my hands and feet to myself, and get help from a
playground supervisor if needed. Fighting and/or intent to injure is not tolerated.
5. Bullying, physical or verbal aggression (teasing, put-downs, name-calling, etc.) to another student is
not acceptable.
6. All balls and other playground equipment will be used safely, in the way they were designed. I will
not play “chickenfighting” on any equipment.
SLIDES - Go down on bottom, feet first only, one person at a time.
SWINGS - No jumping, twisting, flipping off or in any position except on bottom. No running
through swings.
BARS & CLIMBING APPARATUS - One student, going one way. No sitting or standing on top of
bars. Keep hands on the bars.
SOCCER BALLS - In designated area only. “Flys Up” and “Cherry Bombs” are not allowed.
FOOTBALLS - Played in field only and thrown to one person at a time. (Only 5 th and 6th can play
one-hand touch)
*Note - All balls, except soccer balls, are not to be kicked.
7. I will obey the adults in charge and go to designated areas as instructed, and not leave recess
without permission.
8. I will exhibit good sportsmanship during games.
9. I will keep my hands and feet off of others and will not play rough at recess. This includes tripping,
pushing, poking, shoving, punching, slapping, rough-housing, playfighting, jumping on others or any
other unsafe behavior.
10. I will leave rocks, pinecones, sticks and other potentially dangerous objects on the ground where
they belong and will not throw or kick them.
11. I will refrain from bringing any food or drinks (with the exception of PTA’s Friday popcorn),
backpacks, lanyards or dangly jewelry, stuffed animals, toys, balls, cards, electronic devises, cell
phones, etc. to the playground.
The consequence of breaking a rule will be a time out on the bench or, in severe cases, a discipline
referral will be issued and/or other appropriate consequences given.
Any infraction occurring while I’m serving a time out, will result in a discipline referral.
If I break ten rules and/or receive three discipline referrals at recess I will be removed from recess
for a period of one week. Two weeks off the field, or another consequence if deemed necessary, will
be given if I break five more rules and/or receive one additional discipline referral.
These rules are designed to make our recesses as safe as can be!
Electronic Systems and Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Use of our computers is a privilege and should be for school purposes only.
Appropriate use of the computer and the internet means I WILL:
1. Respect school property by not disrupting, destroying, modifying or abusing
computer equipment or the network;
2. Not destroy other people's files with viruses or hacking tools;
3. Only access files that belong to me;
4. Use existing software and not install any other software without permission;
5. Use only teacher-approved media or devices;
6. Obey the restrictions of the network filter;
7. Report anything inappropriate to my teacher or another adult immediately;
8. Protect myself by not giving out personal information (including my password) or
leaving my computer unattended;
9. Be a good cyber-citizen and not use the computer to bully, harass or put-down
10. Respect the copyright of software and web sites and not plagiarize the works of
I understand that not following any of the above could result in disciplinary action
according to district policy #2022. (The full text of policy #2022 and procedures can be
viewed on the SKSD website.)
South Kitsap School District Policies
In our commitment to being resourceful, we are providing an on-line version of our “Rights
& Responsibility Handbook” which is available on our website (www.skitsap.wednet.edu).
All families will receive an Acknowledgement of Receipt Form. This form must be signed
by both parent/guardian and the student and returned to our school office after
reviewing the on-line handbook. If you DO NOT have access to a computer, please notify
our school office and we will be happy to provide you with a copy of the handbook. .
Regular attendance is vital to the quality of a child’s education. Parents are the key in
establishing and maintaining punctual, regular attendance habits. If a child is kept home
from school, please call in their absence by 9:00 a.m. to (360) 443-3110. You may e-mail
in your child’s absence to: burleyglenwoodoffice@skitsap.wednet.edu
School personnel will contact parents daily if
our school has not been notified of an absence.
Parents or guardians must provide a written explanation (excuse) for a student’s absence.
If you e-mail or call in your child’s absence, you do not need to send a note when your
child returns to school. If you are planning out of town travel for two (2) or more days,
we ask that you send a note with your child at least three (3) days in advance of this
Inclement Weather
All families are encouraged to plan for child care and emergency transportation in case of
bad weather, hazardous road conditions, or other emergencies that may close schools or
alter school hours, bus schedules and routes. News of closures and schedule changes will
be broadcast by regional radio and television stations; listen for news about South Kitsap
School District. You may also find information on the district web site at
www.skitsap.wednet.edu. If no announcements about the South Kitsap School District
are broadcast, schools will be open and operating on a regular schedule. Please do not call
schools or radio stations about school closures.
Volunteers are very important to our schools. Please be aware that in order to volunteer
in the South Kitsap School District, you will need to fill out a South Kitsap School
District Volunteer Application Form. This volunteer application and background check is
run through the Washington State Patrol. This form is in accordance with RCW
43.43.830 through 43.43.845 and is available at all South Kitsap School District
buildings. The applications must be renewed every two years.
Visitors to the school during the regular school day must report their presence and
purpose to the school office upon their arrival. A parent or guardian wishing to visit a
child’s classroom is asked to make arrangements with the teacher and school principal.
Medication at School
If a student needs to take medication during the school day, the school must have form
#157 on file. This form must be completed each year by both the parent and the
physician. The parent must bring the completed form (#157) and the medicine in the
original container to the school. All over-the-counter medications or prescription
medications are considered medicine and require a health care provider and parent
signature. All meds must be kept in the school health room and administered by a trained
staff employee.
South Kitsap School District complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and
does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, age, or disability. This holds true for all students who are
interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular school
activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed
 Dolorita Reandeau, director of Special Education and Title IX/RCW 28A.640
Officer: 360-443-3625
Abbie Pack, assistant director of Special Education and Section 504
Officer: 360-443-2627
Misty Dieffenbach, assistant superintendent of Human Resources and Labor
Relations/ADA Coordinator: 360-874-7080
Inspiring, Empowers, Transforms
An innovative concept which states and demonstrates that
all children are capable of success, NO EXCEPTIONS! Kids
at Hope is not another program; it is first and foremost a
belief system, supported by a cultural strategy and then
enhanced by programs.
The Kids at Hope Pledge
I am a Kid at Hope.
I am talented, smart and capable of
I have dreams for the future, and
I will climb to reach those goals and
dreams every day.
All children are capable of success.
No Exceptions !!!!
The South Kitsap School District #402 complies with all state and federal rules and regulations and does not
discriminate in any employment, programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age,
veteran or military status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability or the use of trained
dog guides or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries
compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Title IX/RCW 28A.40 compliance officer
and/or Section 504 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator. Please call 360-874-7080 for the names of the
Districts Compliance Officers.