Syllabus: Latin I ... Text: Oxford Latin Course, Parts I and II. Note: ...

Syllabus: Latin I
Fall 2015- Spring 2016
Text: Oxford Latin Course, Parts I and II. Note:
*No writing or highlighting in any textbook
Elizabeth Carson-Bird, Room 134, 7th period
Salvete Discipuli !
Hello to students of Latin I, my name is Magistra Bird. You can call me Magistra or Magistra
Bird. I hope this will be both a fun and challenging year for all of us. I have few rules in this
class, but the rules I do have are important so here they are. If you follow them, you will have a
successful year in Latin I.
1. Please be on time for class. If you are not in your seat when I start class, you will be
marked tardy.
2. Please e-mail me if you have been absent and I will let you know what you have missed.
Let us work together to make up assignments, quizzes, and tests.
3. Please be respectful of everyone in this room.
4. Please turn off all cell phones or other electronic devices during class.
5. Please volunteer and ask questions. All questions are important.
6. Please read or practice a little Latin every day. Even if you have no Latin homework
assigned, review what you already have learned. This is a good habit and it will
reinforce previous lessons. This “reviewing” of prior work is especially important with
Latin vocabulary words. REMEMBER: Ten Minutes of Latin a day is worth more than one
day missed and then trying to make it up with 30 minutes of Latin the next day.
Continuity and Consistency are key words in learning Latin.
What do you need other than a textbook in this class?
1. Pencil (s) preferably with erasers and a pen or pens. You should also have a red pen or
pencil for correcting either your paper or someone else’s in the class.
2. A three-ring binder for keeping notes and handouts.
3. Notebook paper. ( This is optional, but you may also want a spiral notebook which may
come in handy for writing out vocabulary words or just for practicing your Latin.)
4. Index cards for vocabulary drill cards.
5. Tissues for runny noses, watery eyes, and other such bleary days.
Grading Policy: The quarter grade is: 70 percent for quizzes and tests. 20 percent for
assignments ( homework and/or in-class assignments.) 10 percent for participation. The
semester grade consists of 45 percent for 1st quarter, 45 percent for 2nd quarter and 10 percent
for the final exam.
Note: The instructor retains the right to alter this syllabus in case of extenuating circumstances or other
unforeseen events.