Educator Employment Liability Coverage Policy requires

Educator Employment Liability Coverage Policy
The School of Education requires all candidates, pre-candidates
(students) enrolled in courses utilizing field observations or clinical
experience to obtain membership in a professional organization that offers
educational liability insurance.
The URL;jsessionid=ghJlWN8bvswQg42Kg5g2
rX6NZtK4KR4q82LVh1cGnHH5qQ3qnf4g!260248942) listed on the
syllabus should provide you with a connection to one option, the National
Education Association (NEA) website for student memberships. The use
of this approach may ensure educational liability coverage for a nominal
fee determined by the association.
The School of Education and its associated majors leading to licensure or
degree certification reserves the right to deny placement for this course
requirement without a letter of proof that you have joined a professional
association with educators’ employment liability insurance for its