Document 17642622

Institute/Group: Institute of Health and Wellbeing / Mental Health
Name: Daniel J. Smith
Post title: Reader
1. RESEARCH OUTPUT - Four representative mental
health/neuroscience publications
1. Smith, D.J., Craddock, N. (2011) Unipolar and bipolar depression: different
or the same? British Journal of Psychiatry, 199, 272-274.
2. Smith, D.J., Griffiths, E., Kelly, M., Hood, K., Craddock, N., Simpson, S.A.
(2011) Unrecognised bipolar disorder in primary care patients with
depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199, 49-56.
3. Smith, D.J., Griffiths, E., Poole, R., DiFlorio, A., Barnes, E., Kelly, M.,
Craddock, N., Hood, K., Simpson, S.A. (2011) Beating Bipolar: exploratory
trial of a novel internet-based psychoeducational treatment for bipolar
disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 13(5-6), 571-577.
4. Forty, L., Kelly, M., Barnes, E., Jones, l., Jones, I., Caesar, S., Fraser, C.,
Gordon-Smith, K., Craddock, N., Smith, D.J. (2010) Reducing the length of
the 32-item Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32) to a 16 item version. Journal of
Affective Disorders, 124, 351-356.
Grants active from 1 January 2008
1. National Alliance for Research into Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD)
Young Investigator Award: 'Identifying neural markers of bipolarity in young
adults with major depressive disorder.' 2009-2012, PI: D.J. Smith, Coapplicant: M. Phillips. Value: £37,336
2. National Institute of Health Research (Department of Health) Personal Award
Scheme: Postdoctoral Fellowship: 'Improving outcomes in major depression:
focus on bipolarity'. 2007-2010, PI: D.J. Smith, Co-applicant: N. Craddock.
Value: £434,047
3. Big Lottery Fund: 'Project Clorian: Group Psychoeducation for Bipolar
Disorder in Wales'. 2008-2013, PIs: D.J. Smith, I.R. Jones, Co-applicant: N.
Craddock. Value: £770,862
4. MRC/Welsh Assembly Government Research Partnership Award:
'Unrecognised bipolar spectrum disorders in primary care patients with
depression'. 2008-2010, PI: D.J. Smith, Co-applicant: N. Craddock. Value:
5. National Alliance for Research into Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD)
Young Investigator Award: 'Genetic Dissection of the Unipolar-Bipolar
Interface'. 2007-2010, PI: D.J. Smith, Co-applicant: N. Craddock. Value:
6. British Occupational Health Research Foundation. 'Development and
evaluation of a novel web-based intervention for line managers to support
individuals with bipolar disorder in the workplace'. 2011-2014. PI: D.
Cohen, Co-applicants: D.J. Smith and I.R. Jones. Value: £81,503
7. Guide Dogs for the Blind Research Grant. 'Depression in Visual Impairment
Trial.' 2011-2014. PI: T. Margrain, Co-applicant: D.J. Smith, M. Stanford, R.
Tudor-Edwards. Value: £206,636
8. AstraZeneca Research Grant. 'PARABOLA: Predicting response to
antidepressants: role of bipolarity.' 2012-2013. PIs: D.J. Smith, R. Tranter.
Value: £42,000
9. Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute, Cardiff University, SeedCorn Funding. 'Neural mechanism of slow binocular rivalry rate in bipolar
disorder.' PI: D.J. Smith, Co-applicants: X. Caseras, K. Singh. Value:
10.Astrazeneca Global: unrestricted educational grant to Foundation
FondaMental. Improving the recognition of bipolar II disorders. PI: J. Scott;
co-investigators: D.J. Smith (UK), M. Leboyer & C. Henry (France), E. Vieta &
F. Colom (Spain), M. Bauer (Germany), A. Fagioni (Italy). Value: £135,000
11. GADYCS: Glasgow Affective Disorders in Youth Cohort Study.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Partnership Award
12. G-BATSS: Glasgow Bipolar Antidepressant Therapy Screening Study.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Partnership Award
13. G-PeMHS: Glasgow Perinatal Mental Health Study.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Partnership Award
Ria Poole: Therapeutic mechanisms of psychoeducation for bipolar disorder
(PhD, 2010-2013, main supervisor)
Jessica Watts: Neural markers of bipolarity in young adults with depression
(PhD, 2010-2013, main supervisor)
Joanna Allen: Development and evaluation of an e-Learning program to support
retention and return to work for individuals with bipolar disorder (PhD, 20112014, co-supervisor)
Naomi Swift: Barriers to early diagnosis of bipolar disorder (DClinPsy, 20102013)
American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education Young Minds in
Psychiatry International Award for Bipolar Disorder, 2007 ($45,000).
Association of European Psychiatrists (AEP) Research Prize, 2007 (Euro
1500). Best paper on diagnosis research [Smith et al, 2006. Bipolar
Disorders, 8(1), 40-46].
Lilly Fellow, to attend the 7th International Conference on Bipolar Disorders,
European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Fellowship Award,
2007. (Euro 1500).
MediWales Innovation Award for NHS/industry collaboration, 2010, for
"Beating Bipolar" innovation.
Committee membership:
National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare (NLIAH) Wales Consultant for Mental Health
Royal College of Psychiatrists Academic Faculty Executive Committee
(representative on the Public Education Committee).
Royal College of Psychiatrists Student Mental Health Working Group.
Undergraduate Teaching Leads Forum, Royal College of Psychiatrists
Public Education Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
International Mood Network Steering Group:
International Professional Advisory Board for Bipolar UK (previously the Manic
Depression Fellowship, UK)