IBMYP Language and Literature Level 5 Syllabus Mrs. King – A110

IBMYP Language and Literature Level 5 Syllabus
Mrs. King – A110
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle
Welcome to South Iredell High School and Level 5 Language and Literature! I am looking forward to working
with each one of you in the coming year to help you learn and have fun! It is my goal to expose you to
literature in a way that makes you look at the world in a bigger and better way and kindle a passion for
knowledge. The following is a list of materials and expectations I have in the classroom. If you have any
questions please let me know.
Texts: Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (Folger Edition)
Rena’s Promise by Rena Kornreich-Gelissen and Heather Dune Macadam
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Materials: required texts, pens/pencils, 3 ring binder, dividers, and supplemental books/handouts
*Your binder will contain all work you do in class and it needs to be brought every day. I will be checking
these throughout the year.
Behavior Expectations:
1. Come prepared, ready to learn, and with a positive attitude.
2. Respect others and yourself
3. When you come to class sit down and get started on the warm-up
4. Follow all school rules
5. Follow my directions 
Course Overview:
The MYP is designed to meet the educational requirements of students aged between 11-16 years. The aims are
- use language as a vehicle of thought, creativity, reflection, learning, self-expression, and social
-develop listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting skills in a variety of ways
-develop creative, critical, and personal approaches to studying and analyzing literary and non-literary
-engage in literature from a variety of cultures and time periods
-develop a lifelong interest in reading widely
-apply skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts.
*Note: This class also contains an End-of –Class (EOC) assessment that everyone will take. There will be
review specifically designated the last couple weeks of class for this assessment, but everything we do all year
long will aid in being successful – no need to worry!
Level 5 Language and Literature Units
Key Concept
The Glass Castle
Global Context
Relationships and
Relationships and
Julius Caesar
Personal and Cultural
Relationships and
Relationships and
Rena’s Promise
The Catcher in the Rye
Identity and Perspective
Grading/Grading Policy:
59 and below
MYP Grade Conversion:
8 = 95-100 4.0 (A) Excellent
7 = 90-94
4.0 (A) Excellent
6 = 85-89
3.0 (B) Substantial
5 = 80-84
3.0 (B) Substantial
4 = 75-79
2.0 (C) Adequate
3 = 70-74
2.0 (C) Adequate
2 = 65-69
1.0 (D) Limited
1 = 60-64
1.0 (D) Limited
*All end-of-unit assessments will be graded by the MYP rubric and then transferred into a traditional grade.
Final grades are determined as follows:
Tests/Final drafts
Notebook Checks
Make-up Work:
Following an absence it is your responsibility to get all missed assignments. You will have the mandated 5 days
to turn in such work. Note, other than an absence, late work will not be accepted. Summative assessments
(essays, projects) will have a ten point per day deduction for every day they are late. Formative assessments
(classwork, homework, No Red Ink, Read Theory, etc.) turned in late will automatically receive a grade no
higher than a 50%.
Power School Explanation:
Assignment is missing: yellow indicator
Assignment is late: red indicator
Assignment is collected and not yet graded: green indicator
Assignment is missing and student can still turn it in for a grade: blank
Parents, please feel free to contact me anytime during the school year if you have any questions or concerns.
The best way is by email:
Please sign this portion of the syllabus and include a working parent email and return with your student so I
know you have received the syllabus.
I, ___________________________________, have read the above and understand the expectations in this
Signed: ____________________________
(student signature)
Date: ________________
I, __________________________________, have read the above and understand the expectations of my
student in this class.
Signed: _____________________________
(parent/guardian signature)
Date: ________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________