The Secret Life of Bees

The Secret Life of Bees
Chapter One Questions:
1. Explain the use of the allusion on page two of the angel Gabriel appearing to
the Virgin Mary.
2. Find the description of Rosaleen. Write down one simile that is used to
describe her, one instance of imagery that is used to describe her, and one
metaphor that is used to describe her affections toward Lily.
3. What can be gathered about Lily and T. Ray’s relationship? Include at least
one quote from the text as your support.
4. Mrs. Henry, Lily’s teacher, says she must live more than fourteen years to
have a philosophy of life.
a. Do you think age determines when one can have a philosophy on life?
Explain your answer.
b. Currently, what would you say is your own philosophy on life? Can it
5. Why is Rosaleen “a marked woman from the beginning”?
6. What is the biggest similarity between Rosaleen and Lily?
7. Why does Lily feel a connection to Rosaleen? Use a detail from the chapter to
support your response.