ESPAÑOL 1 596-8170 Sra. Angela Bonds

Sra. Angela Bonds
Voicemail: 596-8170
Classroom: D6
¡BIENVENIDOS a la clase de español! I am very excited that we get to work together this year, and I am certain that
we will learn and grow together in many ways as the year progresses. You have made an excellent choice to learn
another language, and with Spanish being one of the most frequently spoken languages around the world, the skills
you acquire in this class will be beneficial.
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the Spanish language. Students will build vocabulary and their understanding of
grammar to communicate at a beginning level. Students will be introduced to various cultures in Spanish speaking
countries. This course focuses on communication and is aimed at preparing student for future Spanish courses and,
hopefully, inspires a life-long interest in language and culture. There are three major themes throughout this course:
personal life, leisure time, and daily activities. These topics include: family & friends, weekly personal and school
schedules, sports, weekend activities, traveling, shopping, and food. Using these topics, students will be able to: a)
greet people and practice personal presentations, b) express likes, dislikes, feelings, and preferences, c) describe
people, objects, and weather, d) express possession, e) ask questions and order food, f) discuss events and personal
activities, g) talk about movies and TV shows, h) make comparisons and state an opinion, i) request directions, j) make
purchases and bargain, k) describe daily routines, l) plan a party
Course Requirements
Required Materials: 1) Textbook (Paso a Paso 1, if lost replacement fee is about $80) 2) Pen/Pencil and basic art
supplies 4) Spanish/English Dictionary 5) Binder divided into 4 sections labeled: notes/classwork, “brincas” (warmup tasks), assignments, quizzes.
*If you have trouble providing any of these materials, please speak with me asap.
Responsibilities: This class is set up with standards and expectations that are attainable by all students who make an
honest effort to learn. I want to see you succeed. Students are expected to be in their assigned seat when the bell
rings, be prepared, be respectful, and be ready to participate and take risks. Students are expected to practice/study
nightly at home. Please remember no food, drink, or gum in our classroom. Per CHS policy: All electronic devices are
banned during instructional time, and will be taken if seen during class.
Assessment will include the following components:
a) Participation & Cooperation 20% - The main goal of this class is to develop an ability and desire to
communicate in Spanish. A student earning full participation points will: speak Spanish most of the time;
consistently take risks in an effort to learn and improve language ability; participate in classroom activities;
show respect for classmates and teacher; be seated when the bell rings; arrive to class with all required
materials; give 100% attention to his/her learning.
b) Homework & Projects 30% - Daily homework assesses students’ individual skills and development. All
written work should be kept in the “assignments” section of your binder. Language learning is cumulative,
and builds upon past learning. (Keep all work, it’s important!). Students will complete various oral and
written projects throughout this course.
c) Quizzes & Exams 50% - Students will be tested on vocabulary development, grammatical structures, and
cultural units through a variety of oral and written assessments. Each course component will be covered
thoroughly and practiced repeatedly (in class, and on homework assignments) before a quiz or unit exam.
Exams will be rated on a point system in correlation to these percentages:
94%-100% = A
90%-92% = A-
73%-76% = C
87%-89 = B+
70%-72% = C-
83%-86% = B
67%-69% = D+
80%-82% = B-
60%- 66% = D
77%-79% = C+
0%-59% = E
Make – Up Policy
Student must complete all homework, in-class assignments, quizzes, and exams missed due to an excused absence
within one week of the student’s return to school. When absent, it is your responsibility to check my website or see me
for all missed work, and schedule appointments to take missed quizzes/exams. If work and/or tests are not made up
within one week, you forfeit the opportunity to make-up that work. When turning in excused late work, you must
label it “EXCUSED ABSENT ASSIGNMENT” and write the date it was due. NO UNEXCUSED DAILY LATE WORK
WILL BE ACCEPTED! It is essential to keep up on daily homework, as all future work depends on the mastery of
today’s concepts. (Major projects and papers received after the due date will be deducted 10% per class period late).
Exposure to the language is necessary for language acquisition to occur. Much of this course involves oral interactive
activities which cannot be made up outside of class, which is why attendance and participation are essential. More
than six absences or three truancies per semester put students at risk of loosing credit. A student is considered tardy if
they are not in their assigned seat when the attendance bell rings, and arriving 10 minutes after the attendance bell is
considered an absence. 4+ tardies earn detention.
Academic Honesty Policy
I am interested in your personal development and learning in this course. Plagiarism, copying assignments, cheating
on exams, and using an electronic translation device/website are prohibited in this course, and will result in a “0” for
the assignment and a note or phone call home. If you are caught a second time, you will receive an “F” in the class.
You are encouraged to use dictionaries, additional resources, and seek help on assignments when necessary, as long as
you are learning from the help.
I am looking forward to an exciting year of Spanish! I want you to know that I am committed to your success, and
want to assist you on this adventure. If at any time you need extra help or have questions, please let me know! I am
available during before or after school, by e-mail, and by telephone.
Students and Parents: Please visit to find homework
assignments, helpful study tips, announcements, and other course information.
Keep copy of syllabus in course binder, por favor.
Sign and cut at this line.
Return signatures to Sra. Bonds by Sept. 12th.
I have read the syllabus for Sra. Bonds’ Spanish 1 course. I am aware of course policies, and understand what is
expected in order to be successful in this course.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature