Reading Guide Allegory of the Cave

Reading Guide
Allegory of the Cave
1. Describe (or draw and label) the cave and its inhabitants.
2. According to Socrates, what is the truth to the prisoners in the cave?
3. How will a prisoner who is liberated and forced to move around the cave react to this
new situation?
4. How will a prisoner who is forced up into the sunlight react?
5. Describe the process by which the freed prisoner will grow accustomed to the sight of the
upper world.
6. What conclusions will the prisoner draw about the sun when he is finally able to look
upon it?
7. What will the freed prisoner’s attitude be about returning to the cave once he is used to
the light?
8. How would the freed prisoner react if he were replaced in his old situation (the cave)?
9. What conclusion(s) would the remaining prisoners draw based upon the freed prisoner’s
reaction? What would be their attitude toward liberation?
10. Explain how the sun functions as a symbol.
11. What is the natural inclination of the enlightened soul?
12. What are the two situations that cause “bewilderments of the eyes”? Which is a source of
happiness and which is to be pitied?
13. Explain how sight functions as a symbol.
14. In the allegory’s terms, what are the people who never make an end to their education
15. What must the founders of State do with the best minds?
16. Why must the best minds return to the cave after they ascend?
17. Describe the system that Socrates would establish for the philosophers.
18. Describe Socrates’ ideas about the best rulers.