United States History 2012-2013 Instructor(s): Mr. Bishop


United States History


Instructor(s): Mr. Bishop

Classroom: 210 Home Base: 207

Contact: David.Bishop@lcps.org

Course Description- In U.S./Virginia History students expand their ability to think clearly and carefully about social and historical forces that have shaped their lives. They compare the roles of different groups of people—including young people—in different times and regions. They learn to think in an organized way to understand history and to express themselves in all forms of writing—both formal and informal.

In this class students are expected to develop their ability to independently use historical evidence to make arguments and draw conclusions. This course helps students improve their ability to think critically while examining how the people of America have met their needs, formed communities, and developed into new, diverse, and complex societies. At the end of the year, students will be required to take and pass the Virginia

Standards of Learning test for this class.

Text Materials and Other Resources

 3 ring binder 1inch or larger

 Paper

 Blue or black ink pens/pencils

Attendance- Attendance is critical in order to understand the concepts in class. It is your responsibility to be prepared for each and every class. If you are not in attendance your grade can dramatically change. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missing work.

Class Participation- This section is not only dependent upon your attendance in class but also answering questions, providing relevant input to discussion (including additional information, data, opinions, and perspectives) and your performance on written and oral assignments completed throughout each semester. It is expected that each student will have read and studied the assigned readings prior to attending each class session.


My goal is for all students to succeed in my classroom. Listed below are the types of assignments given throughout a grading period in my class.

Class Discussion: Class discussions will take part every day. It is vital to your success to listen and provide comments when necessary. The more involved you are within the class, the more you will take away from the class each day.

Quizzes: Will be usually given once/week….predominately vocabulary

Tests: Will be given periodically through the quarter including benchmark assessments at the end of each quarter.


Tests- Tests will be given at the end of each unit study or combined. Test will composed of but not limited to multiple choice, shorts answers and essays. Test will include lecture notes, additional readings from your textbook and any other material given out in class can and will be tested.

United States History


Quizzes Quizzes will be given every two class periods. Students will be quizzed on readings, notes, and other assigned material. There will be separate vocabulary quizzes given as well throughout the quarter and will announced ahead of time.

Late Work Policy:

All work is expected to be turned in on time. Assigned homework, projects, essays, etc. will be due on the assigned date at the beginning of class, with no exceptions. Students are to learn the value of responsibility and be prepared for a college course and college expectations. Students will not be allowed to print out assignments at the beginning of class to be turned in that day. Work turned in after the first five minutes of class will receive 10% off of those assignments total point value, for each additional day the assignment is late, 10% off the total points will be deducted each day late.

Late work will only be accepted up until test day for that unit. There is a NO EXCUSE POLICY in this course, which means “my printer broke” or “I got back late from a game,” etc. will not fly.

Online Tools

Loudoun Vision It is required that every student go onto Loudoun Vision on a weekly basis. Quiz dates, test dates and vocabulary quiz dates will be posted along with topics of lecture for that week.

It is the student responsibility to log on. Failure to do so does not excuse the student from taking the quiz on the assigned day. Loudoun Vision will act as the students’ notice for tests, quizzes and exams.

Clarity- According to LCPS…Clarity is going live in October. Parents and students will have online access to teacher gradebooks.

Classroom Behavior

Academic Honesty- Any student caught cheating on any assignment or is “helping” another student to cheat will be given a zero for that assignment. More importantly, students who work together on an assignment MUST NOT have identical answers with another student.

Classroom Civility- Each student is encouraged to create an environment during class that promotes learning. Topics in this course can be emotional at times, disagreements will be apparent however, dignity and mutual respect for everyone in required. Students who speak at inappropriate times sleep in class, display inattention, take frequent breaks, interrupt the class by coming in late, engage in loud or distracting behaviors, use of cell phones, use inappropriate language will be subject to disciplinary action immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me with questions or concerns.

Mr. Bishop



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United States History


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