Guía de Estudiar- Español 1 Examen Final

Nombre: ___________________________
Guía de Estudiar- Español 1
Examen Final
The final exam mostly covers chapters: 4A, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B and is 20% of your semester grade.
Conjugate the verbs:
hacer= to do/make
preparar= to prepare
necesitar= to need
dormir= to sleep (oue)
poder= to be able to (oue)
jugar= to play (uue)
ir= to go (Instead of writing “a+el” we write ____________ to mean “to the”)
ser= to be (permanent)
estar= to be (temporary)
tener= have (eie in the sock)
We use tener to talk about age, possession, thirst, hunger, tiredness, hot, cold.
lavar= to wash
Chapter 4A (Places, question words, days of the week)
the mall_____________________ the restaurant______________________ the house_________________
the school_____________________ the gym_______________________
Who? __________________
From where?_________________
What? _________________
Why?_____________________ Because_________________
To where?__________________ When? _________________
With whom? _________________
How many? __________________
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
¿Adónde vas para ver una película?
¿Cuántos libros tienes encima de tu pupitre?
on Monday __________________ on Tuesday ____________________
on Wednesday ____________________ on Thursdays _____________________________
on Fridays ___________________ on Saturday ______________________on Sundays ___________________
Chapters 5A-5B (Describing family members)
grandpa ______________ older sister ________________ younger cousin___________________
mom ____________________ uncle ___________________ dad ____________________
stepsister____________________ brother__________________ aunt___________________________
When describing how someone looks, do we use SER or ESTAR? ________________
tall boy ____________________ fat cat _________________ brown hair _____________________
short hair ____________________ blond hair ___________________ skinny woman _______________
good-looking ______________________ old grandma ____________________
short (height) ____________________
Possessive adjectives:
These types of adjectives describe relationships and _________________________.
The SINGULAR forms are:
The PLURAL forms are:
______________ _____________
______________ _____________
______________ _____________
______________ _____________
______________ _____________
______________ _____________
My flower. _____________________ Her birthday. _______________ Our gift. ___________________
Their dogs. __________________ Your grandma. ______________ His aunts. ___________________
Chapter 6A (The bedroom, colors, comparisons)
red bed ________________________ green bedroom ______________________
white rug _________________ night table ___________________ wall __________________
painting _________________ yellow curtains _____________________
light purple bedroom___________________
less than_______________________
more than ______________________ better than_______________ worse than_____________________
Chapter 6B (Rooms in the house and chores you do)
dining room ___________________ 2nd floor ________________ living room ___________
garage __________________ kitchen _______________ ground level ___________________
basement ____________________ home office __________________ bathroom _________________
room_____________________ bedroom__________________________ to live_________________________
The chores ______________________ Wash the car! _________________________
Take out the trash! ______________________ He cuts the grass. ________________________
You clean the bathroom. ____________________ Make the bed! ______________________________.
Marta washes the plates. ____________________ I set the table. ______________________________
Vocabulary review from 1st semester that you’ll need to know:
1. Me gusta _________________________
2. Me gustan_________________________
3. Me encanta_________________________
4. Te gusta _________________________
5. Le gusta_________________________
6. caminar_________________________
7. correr_________________________
8. bailar_________________________
9. cantar_________________________
10. dibujar_____________________________
11. nadar_________________________________
12. viajar_____________________________
13. practicar_________________________________
14. estudiar_________________________
15. comer_________________________
16. prefiero_________________________
17. el jugo de naranja_________________________
18. el pollo_________________________
19. la ensalada_________________________
20. el refresco_________________________
21. el arroz_________________________
22. la comida_________________________
23. la carne_________________________
24. el pescado_________________________
25. las bebidas_________________________
26. el trabajo_________________________
27. perezoso_________________________
28. deportista___________________________
29. estudioso____________________________
30. artístico_____________________________
31. inteligente_____________________________
32. atrevido__________________________________
left ___________________________ right _______________________ in front__________________
behind__________________________ near_______________________ far______________________
under_________________________ on top_________________________ above____________________