
Name: __________________
Biology: Unit 1 Intro to Biology- Test Review
This test will cover: What is life? How do scientists study life? What tools do scientists use? The
following questions provide an idea of the subject matter that will be covered and provide a
beginning to your studying. This information is cover in Chapter 1 and sections 18-3 (p 457-463)
Bring completed to class the day of test for credit. None accepted late.
Just because something is not on this sheet does not mean that it will not be on the test. Also review your warm ups, notes
and Xerox papers!
1. The characteristics or features that distinguish a living thing from a non-living thing:
a. Living things are made up of one or more _______.
b. Living things __________________ to stimuli in their environment.
c. Living things can ______________ (get bigger over time)
d. Living things can ______________________, creating another generation of organisms.
e. All living things are built and run according to instructions in the __ __ __.
f. All organisms need ____________ to run the reactions in their cells, keeping them alive.
g. The inside conditions in an organism are fairly constantly. This is called _____________.
h. All life shows organization.
i. Species can ________________ or change over time.
2. Scientific Method Terms.
a) The independent variable in an experiment is determined by ___________________
a. In a controlled experiment only ___ variable is tested at a time.
b) The dependent variable in an experiment is what is _______________________ and
recorded as data.
c) What is a hypothesis? __________________________________________________
d) How is a theory different from a hypothesis?__________________________________
e) What must be included in the conclusion? ____________________________________
f) What are constants in an experiment? ________________________________________
g) If groups are used in an experiment there will usually be a control group. What is the purpose
of a control? ____________________________________________________
Read the following scenario
The Water Consumed by Perennial and Annual Flowers
Two students in biology wanted to find out which plant required more water, an annual or a perennial
flower. They decided to use a dandelion as the annual and a rose as the perennial. In three separate
test tubes they placed equal amounts of water. In the first two test tubes they placed the dandelion
and the rose, leaving the third test tube without a flower as a control. Before placing the flowers in
the test tubes they cut the stems at an angle. After two days they recorded the amount of water left in
the test tubes.
3. What is the independent variable? _________________________________
4. What is the dependent variable? ___________________________________
5. Identify 2 constants: ___________________________, _____________________________
6. Distinguish between these terms:
a. Response/Evolution
b. Growth/Development
c. Hypothesis/ Theory
d. Autotroph/Heterotroph
e. Quantitative data/Qualitative data
f. Spontaneous generation/biogenesis
7. Life can be studied at many levels. What are the levels of organization from smallest to largest?
Which level is composed of atoms? _____
Which level is a group of individuals of the same species living together?____________
Which level is made up of all the different species living in the same area?_____________
Which levels includes all the living and non-living factors?___________________________
8. Look carefully at the data table below :
a. Which type of graph is most appropriate, bar or line? _________________
Bite Pressure Data
Type of animal
Great White Shark
b. What would be the label for the x
axis? ____________________
c. What would be the label for the yaxis? ________________ ( be sure to include units!)
Average Bite Pressure in psi
9. Look at the data table below. a. Which type of graph is best, bar or line? _______
b. What would be the label for the x axis? ____________________
c. What would be the label for the y-axis? ________________ ( be sure to include units!)
Average Daily Temperature for January 1-7 in Degrees Celcius
10. Measure the line below in cm and mm.
How many mm in one centimeter? _____
11. Convert these measurements:
9 cm = ________mm
How many cm in one meter? ________
20 mm = __________cm
500 mL = ______ L
4 mm =_________cm
24mL = ______ L 6 L= _______mL
12. How much liquid is in the
graduated cylinder?
13. How many mL in one liter?
14. Living things were classified into ________ kingdoms but recently the kingdom Protista was
broken up into 5 groups.
15. Distinguish between the kingdoms with regard to the type of cell and how they acquire energy:
Kingdom name
Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
Autotrophic or/& Hetertrophic
Kingdom formerly known as
16. All organisms reproduce. They may reproduce ___________ or asexually.
Sexual reproduction involves ____ parents and it produces unique offspring with new gene
(DNA) combinations.
17. Asexual reproduction can be accomplished by budding or __________ __________. The
offspring are genetically exactly like the parent.
Binary Fission