The Abbasid Era


The Abbasid Era

From Arab to Islamic Empire:

The Early Abbasid Era

• Abbasids slowly eliminate all enemies, become more righteous about their defense of Sunni

Islam, and less tolerant of Shi’a sects. This leads to the building of a centralized, absolutist imperial order.

• Moved the capital to Baghdad

• Huge and expanded bureaucracy- Symbol of bureaucratization of empire in wazir- chief administrator and head of the caliph’s inner councils

Islamic Conversion and

Mawali Acceptance

• Full integration of new converts, both

Arab and non-Arab

• Mass conversions encouraged o Appeal of Islamic beliefs o o

Muslims exempt from paying head tax

More opportunities for schooling and careers

 Persians came to dominate

Town and Country:

Commercial Boom and

Agrarian Expansion

• Rise in growth and status of merchant and landlord classes

• Urban expansion linked to a revival of the Afro-

Eurasian trading network o o o o o

Arab dhows- sailing vessels

Joint ventures with Christians and Jews

Specialized trade in luxury items for the elite

This growth encouraged handicraft production

Unskilled labor left to slaves

First Flowering of Islamic


• Arabs, from the desert at first, were illiterate and ignorant

• Land they took over was the site of ancient centers of civilization

• Arabs open to influences and very tolerant

• Early Abbasid rule o Focus on mosques o o o

Advances in science and mathematics

“saved” Greek scholarship

Carriers of goods and inventions- eventually brought the Indian number system to Europe, which would play a role in the

Scientific Revolution

Losing Control of the


• By mid-9th century CE Abbasid dynasty had begun to lose control over empire with rebellious governors and new dynasties to challenge them

• Ironically this was a time of creativity and expansion

• From 10th-14th century Muslim warriors, traders, and wandering mystics spread Islam, which would play a huge role in the extension and transformation of the

Afro-Asian world

• Became conduits for exchange of ideas, medicine, inventions, etc.

The Islamic Heartlands in the

Middle and Late Abbasid Eras

• 3rd Abbasid caliph- al-Mahdi (775-785) already signs of division,

Shi’a revolts common, had a life of luxury, failed to fix the problem of succession o Eldest son was poisoned after alMahdi’s death

• Harun al-Rashid (786 – 809) – most famous of the Abbasid caliphs

(only 23 when he ascended the throne) o Luxurious livingevident in Baghdad’s mosques, palacesimmortalized in The Thousand and One Nights o o

Because of his youth very dependent on Persian advisors, which had consequences later in that the royal court became more important than the caliph

Problem of succession after his death- leads to civil war

 Sons of al Ma’mun (813-833) (he won the first civil war) armed themselves in anticipation of their fight for successor . The son who won had 4,000 slaves from CAR, which he increased to 70,000. This would be a mistake since they would revolt and kill him and the next 4 caliphs

Imperial Breakdown and

Agrarian Disorder

• Resources drained with constant civil disobedience and the building of extravagant palaces and mosques

• This leads to abandonment of many farming peasant villages and agricultural production in the Tigris-Euphrates basin fell into disrepair

• Increased Shi’a instigation of uprisings

Declining Position of Women in the Family and Society

• Harem was a creation of the Abbasid court

• Growing wealth of the Abbasid elite created a demand for female and male slaves (mostly from regions surrounding the empire like the

Balkans, CAR, Sudanic Africa)

• Slave concubines had more freedom than freeborn wives

• Women’s freedom severely curtailed during this time

Nomadic Incursions and the

Eclipse of Caliphal power

• Caliphs too preoccupied with struggles in the capital to control loss of territory on the outskirts of the empire

• In 945 armies of regional splinter dynasties- Buyids of

Persia- invaded the heartlands and captured Baghdad o o

Buyids took the title of Sultan

Controlled the caliph and the court but couldn’t prevent the disintegration of the empire

 1055 Seljuk Turks took over the Buyids

 Staunch Sunnispurged remaining Shi’a officials

 Got rid of Byzantine threat

The Impact of the

Christian Crusades

• Crusaders determined to capture portions of the Islamic world that made up the Holy Land of biblical times

• 1096-1099 crusader’s assault most deadly- captured holy land and divided it into Christian kingdoms - Jerusalem taken in June 1099

• Europeans mounted eight Crusades and for two centuries had a hold on the Mediterranean

• Salah-ud-Din in last decades of 12th century- strong leaderrecaptured most crusader outposts 1291- end of crusader influence

• Crusades intensified European borrowing from the Muslim world o Swords, building fortifications (castles), recovery of Greek learning, mastered Arabic numbers, demand for rugs o Muslims showed little interest in borrowing from the west

An Age of Learning and

Artistic Refinements

• Expansion of professional classes

• Artists and artisans prospered because of high demand for luxury goods

• Persian replaced Arabic as the primary written language at the

Abbasid court o o o o

Shah- Nama (Book of Kings) by Firdawsi in late 10th century- brilliant work detailing history of Persia

 Islamic civilization outstripped others in scientific achievement

Math- sine, cosine, tangent

Chemistry- animal, vegetable, mineral classification

Papermaking, silk-weaving, ceramic firing- from China o Great maps

• Ulama- orthodox religious scholars – increasingly suspicious of non-Muslim ideas

• Al- Ghazali- greatest Islamic theologian – tried to fuse the Greek and Qur’anic traditions

• Sufism- similar to ascetic movement in

Hinduism/Buddhism- Sufis were wandering mystics who sought personal union with Allahhelped continue expansion of Islamic civilization b/c gained following

• Mongols (Chinggis Khan) first raided in the

1220s o 1258 (HuleguKhan’s grandson) takes Baghdad
