Algebra 1 Test 9 – Matrices and... Absolute Value: The distance from zero on a number... Vocabulary

Algebra 1
Test 9 – Matrices and Central Tendencies
Absolute Value: The distance from zero on a number line.
Associative Property- (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Binomial – two terms
Coefficient - a number that is connected to a variable by multiplication or division.
Commutative Property- (a)(b) = (b)(a)
Constant - a number that is not connected to a variable by multiplication or division.
Difference- subtraction
Direct Variation – y = kx where k is the constant of variation.
Distance Formula Distributive Property- a(b + c) = ab + ac
Domain - the set of all x values.
Dependent – the range or y-value for a function.
Expression- something you simplify and does not have an equals.
Equation- something you solve and has an equals.
Exponential Equation – y = abx
FOIL Method – a method used to multiply two binomials together “First, Outside, Inside, Last”
Function – a relation that for every x value there is only one y value.
Growth factor – the number b in an exponential function y = abx
Independent – the domain or x-value for a function.
Initial Value – the beginning value or the a value in an exponential function y = abx
Linear equation- an equation whose graph is a line.
Line of best fit- the trend line that shows the relationship between two sets of data.
Maximum – the highest point in a parabola that opens downward
Mean – the average of a set of numbers or data.
Median – if a set of numbers is put in ascending order, this is the number in the middle.
Midpoint Formula -
Minimum – the lowest point in a parabola that opens upward.
Mode – the number that occurs most often in a set of data.
Monomial – one term
Ordered pair- made up of an x-coordinate and y-coordinate.
Origin - place where the x-axis and y-axis meet.
Parallel Lines - Lines with the same slope but different y-intercepts.
Perimeter - to add all the sides together.
Perpendicular Lines – Lines with slopes that are opposite reciprocals.
Product – multiply
Polynomial – many terms
Quadrants - four sections that make up the coordinate plane.
Quotient - division.
Quadratic – an equation with x² and graphed in the shape of a parabola.
Quadratic Formula – used to solve a quadratic equation X = -B ± √B² - 4AC
Range - the set of all y values. And the difference between the largest and smallest number form
given data.
Rate of change- allows you to see the relationship between two quantities that are changing.
Slope- rise over run, change in y over change in x, vertical change over horizontal change.
Slope-intercept form of a linear equation- y = mx +b.
Standard form of a linear equation- Ax + By = C.
Standard form of a quadratic equation - Ax² + Bx + C = 0
Sum- addition.
System of Equations: A set of equations that share a common point(s). (intersect)
System of Inequalities: A set of inequalities that share common points (overlap)
Term- these are separated by add, subtract, equals, and inequalities.
Trinomial – three terms
Variable- an unknown.
Vertex – The highest or lowest point in a parabola.
X-axis- horizontal axis.
Y-axis- vertical axis
Y-intercept- the y coordinate of the point where a line crosses the y-axis.