PTSO – May 2, 2011 Review of April Minutes

PTSO – May 2, 2011
Call to Order by Sheri Walden at 7:04pm
Review of April Minutes – Motion to approve by Nancy Lasik, Sheri Walden second. Minutes approved.
Principal’s Report – Mrs. K
•AP Testing began today
•Will host another parent coffee this week (before Choral Concert)
•Tons of activities on calendar
•Interims will go home on May 18th
•Review of Clarity (followed the process/rules in giving passwords to parents)
•Panther Project (for all 4 grade levels/competition) – each class did 2 projects. The classes presented
projects last week. Freshman class did two projects, Soph – book collection, etc. All classes did a
wonderful job! Hoping it will become a tradition.
•Graduation information on line
•TY for teacher lunch this week
•Community Survey results will be discussed in June
•Next Year – in addition to MSAC, SEAC, and LEAP PF will need a rep for SIP panel. Equity committee for
county also wants representatives from PF.
•Has cell phone number of contact from Monroe re: installing the sign. Should be installed soon.
Questions for Mrs. K:
Where does athletic budget go to? (Answer: Most of it is county dictated.)
Why is the Popcorn machine by trash? B/c it was red-tagged and is waiting for county pick up.
•Fire Inspector coming on Wednesday – at 9:30 (5/4/11). Then he will be checking the storage shed.
Treasurer’s Report – Ed
•Review of financials.
•Has paid out most of requested funds. We may get a little money back…
•Coach Gims is asking for funds for Quarterback football net. Why did the booster club deny this
request? (Maybe because it was specific to one sport?) The Motion for the requested football net –
tabled until next month. There was further discussion about booster club – why can’t they fund things
for individual sports?
Program Report –
No report. Thanks to Claudette for SAT Prep class – good for students and raised some money for PTSO!
Membership Report – Sheri Walden
375 Members. Still get a couple each month. Freshmen are still not getting PTSO emails. No”
doubleknot” next year; going to use connect-ed next year – will eliminate need for PTSO webmaster
next year.
Fundraising Report – No report
Hospitality Report – Liza Frasca
Not enough people to help out (cover) for Secretary’s Lunch.
Having trouble getting food for lunch on Wednesday – not a lot of volunteers. Thinks people aren’t
getting their emails.
Needs a co-chair for next year!!!!! (She has ideas to delegate for next year.)
Still needs side dish for lunch on Wednesday.
Bridget Wood won the April basket.
Night at the Falls Report
Will guarantee that PTSO has $4,500.00 – there may be a little more, but not much.
(There needs to be more participation next year – will discuss later.)
LEAP Report (and SEAC) – Cindy Seebeck
•Will but talking points on line (SEAC) – “Supporting Students in our Schools”
•May 9th is SEAC annual town meeting
•There is information on PTSO website (great resource)
•LEAP minutes are generally 2 months behind, but will post them on line.
Old Business
If you are on the Exec Committee please make sure you are a member of the PTSO.
New Business
Project Graduation
Who is doing Project Graduation this year?
Question for Mrs. K – does she have money for project graduation?
•Having a hard time getting donation (food/prizes) for project graduation this year? There was a plea for
•About $10,000.00 is carried over each year.
•How much of the event is covered by the cost of tickets?
• County update: Chairman York has submitted legislation so that Project Graduation can be held at
Claude Moore (schools will pay for insurance, but county will sign for insurance). Victory – Yea!
•Project Graduation Action Items (Portion of minutes in italics will be posted on the PTSO website and
will become effective May 17th, 2011.)
1. PTSO will establish an ad hoc committee titled “Project Graduation”.
2. PTSO agrees to the responsibility of financial oversight for Project Graduation from this date
forward – without any co-mingling of funds.
3. PTSO will accept Project Graduations Mission Statement as the Mission Statement for the ad hoc
committee and allow it to be incorporated into the Potomac Falls High School Parent Teacher
Association by-laws.
4. The PTSO will establish officer’s to oversee Project Graduation’s mission and financials. The
following positions will be established on behalf of the PTSO – Co-Chairman, Treasurer AND
5. The PTSO will establish a baseline of funds to roll-over each year as a starting point for the next
graduating class.
6. PTSO must record all of these actions as a matter of record and they must be voted on by the
majority of PTSO members in attendance.
Project Graduation’s mission statement is to provide a safe, all night, post graduation celebration within
the confines of a controlled and celebratory environment.
Project Graduation was established in 1979 in Maine after the Oxford Hills community experienced the
tragedy of the death of seven teens during commencement season. The event has spread to all 50 states
providing safe and fun filled post-graduation activities that last all night in a lock-in drug and alcohol free
Nominating Committee:
Motion made for Nancy Lasik to Chair the Nominating Committee – Motion to approve Christy Brewer,
seconded by Liza Frasca. Motion Passed.
Post the Slate for the 2011-2012 School Year
President – Bruce Tulloch
VP Communications – Sheri Walden
Treasurer – (open)
VP Fundraising – Mary Murray
Secretary – Becky Birks
VP Programs – (open)
June 7th is next meeting
Motion to adjourn by Nancy Lasik at 8:41, seconded by Becky Birks, meeting adjourned.