Name ____________________________________ Block ________ Revolutionary Literature Build Background: An Immigrant’s

Name ____________________________________
Block ________
Revolutionary Literature
What is an American? (Page 289)
In the space below, in 2-3 sentences summarize the Build Background: An Immigrant’s
Impression section from page 289.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. De Crèvecoeur says that most European emigrants to America had “no country” in
Europe. What does he mean?
2. According to de Crèvecoeur, how does a person become an American?
3. Why do you think de Crèvecoeur feels that the American must be a “new man”?
4. To what extent do you think de Crèvecoeur’s definition of an American still applies
today? Explain your opinion.
5. On page 292, there is an excerpt from Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack. Consider
what the proverbs suggest about the concerns of 18th century Americans. Is Franklin’s
picture of Americans consistent with de Crèvecoeur’s? Explain your opinion.
6. After you complete the second diagram on the back of this page, write a statement below
that expresses what you believe is de Crèvecoeur’s theme.
Analyzing Contrast
What is an American? is structured as a series on contrasts: de Crèvecoeur contrasts
American and Americans with Europe and Europeans. To contrast two things is to state or
show how they are dissimilar. Complete the following chart by noting the contrasts de
Crèvecoeur makes. The first contrast, between European and American governments, has
been noted for you.
“despotic prince”
a new government
Quality of Life
Ethnic Background
The theme of a literary work is the central idea the writer wishes to share with the reader.
This idea may be a lesson about life or about people and their actions. Sometimes writers
state the theme directly. Often, however, the reader must infer the central message.
Review the contrasts between Americans and Europeans that you have already identified.
Then use the categories on the diagram to describe de Crèvecoeur’s ideas about Americans.
What is an
Quality of Life