
** One tip I have found very helpful is to unpeel all my ripe bananas and place them in a
Ziplocs freezer bag. Then you always have them ready; even breaking a half off is easy
when frozen to use in a smoothie.
Smoothies are easy to make—you need a blender or a Magic Bullet (my favorite). There
are many recipes online—
1 cup frozen strawberries
½ cup frozen blueberries
½ frozen banana
1 cup milk, soy milk, kefir, any flavor yogurt
Ice cubes if desired
*for a non milk based smoothie- substitute orange juice for the milk
*1 cup whey protein powder is optional too for an extra boost of protein
The Ng family favorite for between sports is: (or for a filling in between meal
1 cup skim milk
½ frozen banana
1 scoop Whey vanilla flavored protein
1 Tablespoon natural peanut butter
Ice cubes if desired for added thickness
Blend until the desired consistency.