DNA Structure, Function and Replication Lab

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________ Block: ___________
DNA Structure, Function and Replication Lab
Part 1: DNA Structure and Replication
Use your notes and pages 295-299 to answer the following questions
1. What three parts make up a nucleotide? _________________________________________
2. Where in eukaryotic cells is DNA found? _________________________________________
3. Where in prokaryotic cells is DNA found? ________________________________________
4. What is the significance of base pairing? _________________________________________
5. What makes up the "backbone" of the DNA molecule? ______________________________
6. What part of a DNA molecule is responsible for the genetic code? _____________________
7. What is the difference between purines and pyrimidines? ____________________________
8. Which nitrogen bases are purines? _____________________________________________
9. Which nitrogen bases are pyrimidines? __________________________________________
10. On DNA, a purine will always pair with a ________________________________________
11. What type of bonds holds the DNA bases together? ________________________________
12. How many hydrogen bonds link cytosine & guanine? ______ Adenine & Thymine? ______
13. Why is DNA replication called semi-conservative? _________________________________
14. When and why does DNA need to replicate? ______________________________________
15. DNA polymerase III synthesizes DNA by adding a nucleotide to the ______’ end of a preexisting chain of nucleotides.
16. What are Okazaki fragments? Why do they form? __________________________________
17. Complete the following strand of DNA by placing the letter of the correct nitrogenous base on
the line provided
Part 2: Animations of DNA replication
Watch the animations and answer the following questions
WATCH THE FOLLOWING ANIMATION: How Nucleotides are added in DNA replication?
18. List the enzymes (and other proteins) involved in the process of replication.
19. How does replication start? Who prevents the unwound DNA from twisting back?
20. Which enzyme is the key player in replication? What is this enzyme’s limitation? How is
this limitation overcome? __________________________________________________
21. Why do the two strands of the helix have to be elongated by two slightly different
mechanisms? ___________________________________________________________
22. Explain the elongation stage of replication – your answer should include a discussion of
the leading strand, lagging strand, Okazaki fragments and RNA primer. ______________
Replication Fork
23. Draw a picture of the replication fork at the end of the video. Make sure to label all the
Define the function of each of the components listed in the diagram above:
Helicase: __________________________________________________________________
Leading Strand: ____________________________________________________________
DNA polymerase III: _________________________________________________________
Lagging Strand: ____________________________________________________________
DNA polymerase I: __________________________________________________________
RNA primer: _______________________________________________________________
RNA primase: _____________________________________________________________
DNA ligase: _______________________________________________________________
24. How are Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand joined into one continuous strand?
25. How do eukaryotes speed the process of replication – since they have multiple
chromosomes that are very long? ____________________________________________
26. What is the role of Helicase? _______________________________________________
27. What is the role of DNA polymerase I and polymerase III in DNA replication?
28. What is the role of DNA Ligase in DNA replication and why is it so important to the
process? _______________________________________________________________
Part 3: DNA Replication (the whole picture)
Watch the animations and answer the following pop quiz questions.
Pop Quiz: Answer the following pop quiz questions that follow the video above.
Which biomolecule is the carrier of hereditary information?
Which of these models best fits the correct model postulated by Watson & Crick?
What type of molecule is the primer (in blue)?
In what direction is DNA synthesized?