Research Paper Requirements

Research Paper Requirements
All science projects/experiments should have an element of background research prior to beginning the actual
experiment. The production of a research paper is intended to educate the experimenter, but also to introduce
one to the subject matter prior to reviewing the procedures, data, and conclusions.
What a background research paper is NOT is a list of the procedures or experimental design. Do NOT discuss the
actual lab in your background research paper.
This paper will be submitted electronically via the website I will provide you with log in
information so that you may submit your paper. This website will allow you to check your paper for issues of
Physical requirements:
 1 inch margins all around
12 font size; font- you may use either Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri
1.5 spacing between lines. NO spaces between paragraphs.
Indent your paragraphs.
At least 2 full pages of text, but more will probably be needed to cover the topic well.
One title page formatted as seen to the right. Use 12 point font for this
and be sure to center everything both with respect to all margins.
One literature cited page.
Research Biology
Your “working title”
Your name
Potomac Falls High School
Citing your sources:
You must use at least 3 valid sources that must be cited on you “Literature Cited Page”. If you reference a
source, it must be cited at least once in the paper.
Parenthetical citations should be used where needed, use APA format (author last name, year).
DO NOT use sources if you cannot find an author or a well-established institution for credit as author.
A Literature Cited page that is titled Literature Cited; sources in APA style and in alphabetical order.
Remember: This paper is in your words. Do not give me an assemblage of quotes.
Additional requirements:
Use italics for scientific names (example- Homo sapiens)
Introduction paragraph, concluding paragraph (no new information in concluding paragraph!)
No personal pronouns (I, me, my, we, our….) Also no “you”. If you have any of these, reword it.
No contractions (won’t, can’t, shouldn’t)
Never use etc.
No slang (it was like…., that pretty much determined….etc.)
Define unfamiliar terms. Do not use words you do not understand.
PROOFREAD (no words missing). Do not rely on spell-check or grammar check to do this for you!
Certainly use these, but be sure to READ IT ALOUD to yourself!
Grammar/English language- Make sure that you use correct spelling, write clear sentences, and that your
paper is easy to understand.