The Labyrinth and Of Monsters and Mazes Assessments

The Labyrinth and Of Monsters and Mazes Assessments
The stories settings compared in that they both.....?
Had many hallways to venture down.
Was like a maze, twisting and turning in many directions.
Had a horrific mean creature at the end of the maze.
A contrast of the two characters is.....?
One character was female and one was male
One character was brave and one was coward
One character was in love and the other was not
3. A good theme to describe Theseus' sacrifice is.....?
a. It is always good to sacrifice yourself for others
b. Putting yourself before others will always bring you good luck
c. Sacrificing yourself requires you to be ready for whatever may happen.
In paragraph four the word sprawling means.....?
spread out or scattered
cornered or closed in
gnarled and twisted
5. Unable to bear the thought of losing Theseus' to an endless maze Ariadne
provided Theseus with a ball of string. What does the word endless mean?
a. The maze has less turns and twist at the end
b. The maze doesn't end, has no ending
c. The maze is consistently winding
6. Theseus set a plan to kill the Minotaur, which word
describes his plan?
a. well thought out
b. intentional
c. crazy
7. What three things helped Theseus with fulfilling his plan?
a. Loud roar of the Minotaur, the ball of string, and his courage and
b. Loud roar of the Minotaur, his love for Ariadne, and the ball of string.
c. Loud roar of the Minotaur, the support of his
Father, and his love for Ariadne.
8. The Minotaur was ferocious. What does ferocious mean?
a. Roaring, bullhead, and fearless
b. Mean, threatening, and deathly
c. Fierce, dangerous, and scary
Like Theseus, Thea sacrificed something, what did Thea sacrifice?
She sacrificed her leaving her friend and things she loved
She sacrificed her life and her courage
She sacrificed money, time and energy
10. The school hallways were congested what does congested mean?
a. busy, crowded, slow moving , not easily passed
b. sparse, sprawled, open and not easily manuvered.
c. welcoming, inviting, and easily passable.
11. Which of the following descriptions of heroes in some classic stories is
most like the characters in The Labyrinth, and Of Monsters and Mazes?
a. They both travel from their home to take on seemingly unbeatable odds,
saving themselves and other people.
b. They take on a seemingly impossible task, complete it using every bit of
strength, and die at the end.
c. They both come from humble beginnings but through a twist of fate their
lives change and they finds their true calling.
12. The ball of string for Theseus, and the map for Thea are both symbols
that represent......?
a. The retracing of their steps as they exited their labyrinths
b. The tangible assistance they use to get in and out of the labyrinth
c. Neither A or B
13. Thea ventured down the school hallway, and Theseus ventured into the
labyrinth, what does ventured mean?
a. Too move forward carefully and steathily
b. Too navigate, or to wander through
c. Too move quick and swiftly
14. The irony (the unusual thing that happened) in Of Monsters and Mazes
a. The monster turned out to be kind and nice
b. The hallway was really not a labyrinth
c. Thea didn't get lost
15. What was the conflict in "The Labyrinth"?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both internal and external
16. The final event of the plot in the story "The Labyrinth" is?
a. Theseus kills the Minotaur with a sword.
b. Theseus retraces his steps back outside the maze.
c. Theseus exits the labyrinth and goes to Ariadne's open arms.