The Korean War

The Korean War
1. Bell Ringer: What is containment? Why is this policy
started? (5)
2. Review the Intro to Cold War (5)
3. Korean War Notes (20)
4. Dismissal of MacArthur activity, Truman’s feelings (15)
5. Letters from Constituents. (15)
6. Korean War Newsreel (10)
Obj: Students will analyze the causes and effects of the Korean War.
Students will study the reaction of the American Public to the conflict
in Korea.
• When communism
attempts to spread
throughout Korea, the
United States decides to
“contain” it.
US v. Soviet Union
• After WWII, both sides
had troops in Korea, and
neither side wanted to
• Divided nation along 38th
• Soviets leave in 1949 with
strong army in place.
• US leaves months later,
with a relatively weak
North Korea
• N. Korea Communists
invade S. Korea in 1950.
• Americans win UN
agreement to invade after
the Soviets boycott the
• After MacAuthur decides
to move troops into N.
Korea, it goes from
“containment” to a fight
against communism.
• American and UN forces
take the northern half of
Korea easily. China gets
• They send armies in and
push back forces to the 38th.
• MacAuthur said, “we are
really fighting the Chinese,
lets bomb them.”
• Controversy ensues when
Truman and MacAuthur
come into conflict.
• He writes a letter to
Representative Joseph
• “There is no substitute for
• Truman hears about it,
and removes MacArthur
for insubordination.
• 69% side with MacArthur,
and it shows in the
election of 1952.
– Although the General’s
comments to Congress
limited his influence over
the people.
Stalemate, again.
• Fighting stays within the
38th parallel as a truce is
reached between the two
• It takes two years, but the
conflict generally ends in
• We still have bases along
the 38th, and now North
Korea is experimenting
with nuclear weapons.
Letter Activity
• Each group will receive
a letter or two from a
parent or constituent
involved with the
Korean Conflict.
• Answer the following
question and note the
impact of the letter.
1. What is the view of
the person writing
President Truman?
What is their tone?
2. After hearing all of the
letters, what is the
overall reaction to the
war in Korea? Why
may this be biased?
Truman v. MacArthur
• Each group will receive
1. What is the view of
a letter or two from a
the person writing
constituent on the firing
President Truman?
of Douglas MacArthur
What is their tone?
• Answer the following
question and note the
2. After hearing all of the
impact of the letter.
letters, what is the
overall reaction to the
firing of MacArthur?
• Korean War Newsreel
• How does the video
portray the firing of