HW # 12 Name____________________ Block_______ Ms. Dean

Name____________________ Block_______ Ms. Dean
HW # 12
Ch. 22 World Power/Imperialism Vocabulary
1. Anarchy disorder and lawlessness
2. Annex to add
3. Panama Canal this connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans across Central America
4. William Randolph Hearst yellow journalist and publisher-owned New York Morning
Journal (Joseph Pulitzer was his rival-he owned NY World)
5. Imperialism when a stronger nation conquers a weaker nation for economic and
political control
6. Expansionism
a foreign policy of extending a nation’s boundaries; when a larger
nation takes an area under its control
7. Isolationism a foreign policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs
8. Isthmus a narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas such as continents
(isthmus of Panama)
9. U.S.S. Maine a battleship what was anchored in Havana, Cuba that blew up. We
thought the Spanish did it so we declared war and it started the Spanish-American War in
1898. “Remember the Maine” became a battle cry for war.
10. Open-Door Policy a policy that allowed each foreign nation in China trade freely in
other nation’s spheres of influence
11. Protectorate (Cuba) a country that is technically independent, but under the control
of another country. Iraq is another example.
12. Joseph Pulitzer yellow journalist and publisher-owned the NY World ( he was William
Randolph Hearst’s rival)
13. Rough Riders (T.R.) members of a volunteer cavalry regiment commanded by
Teddy Roosevelt made up of: lawyers, college students, cowhands, polo players, etc.
14. Spanish-American War a war between Spain & the U.S. (1898) fought mainly in Cuba
& the Philippines
15. Spheres of Influence sections of a country where one foreign nation enjoys special
rights and powers
16. World Power
a nation having military or other power and is able to exert an
influence on the course of world affairs
17. Yellow Journalism
Writing that exaggerates sensational, dramatic, and gruesome
events to attract readers (during the late 1800s) It was often biased, and false
18. William McKinley
President of U.S. during the Spanish-American War
19. Dollar Diplomacy
President Taft’s international policy of joining the business
interests of the United States with diplomatic interests abroad. Encouraged the U.S.
to invest in other countries and this would bring positive economic effects.
20. Big Stick Diplomacy
President Teddy Roosevelt’s international policy when he said
the U.S. should “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Which means if negotiations fail ,
if needed, we will use military intervention.
21. Moral Diplomacy President Wilson’s international policy which attempted to teach
South American republics to “elect good men”. Wilson tried to follow a foreign policy
based on moral principles.
22. Internationalism when nations work together to make decisions for the good of all