Document 17604908

Migrations theme
Why do people migrate?
A. Push-Pull Factors
B. Example of El Salvador
1. 1980s – To escape civil war/ Economic opportunity
2. Today – To escape crime/ Economic opportunity
Economic causes of migration
A. In search of employment, better living conditions, etc.
B. To escape overpopulation, drought or famine, and their effects
C. Forced migration (slaves via the Middle Passage, e.g.)
Political causes
A. To escape war, invasion, military takeover (Boat People in 70s/80s)
B. To escape religious, ethnic persecution
Social and religious causes
A. To spread religion (e.g., Islam during the 7th-8th centuries CE)
B. To reunite with family
C. To find more personal freedom, etc.
Effects of migration
A. Effects on immigrants (better lives? Ostracization? etc.)
B. Effects on host country (more workers. Political conflict, xenophobia
(Neo-Nazis/skinheads in Germany, etc.))
C. Effects on the home country (remittances sent home/ change in
ethnic or religious balance in a country or region (e.g., Christians in
the Middle East, etc.))
Some important historical examples of migrations
A. Bantu migrations (Bantus = agric., displaced Bushmen =hunter-gath.)
B. Aryan migrations
C. Polynesian migrations
D. Germanic tribe migrations (during the Late Roman Empire)
E. Jewish Diaspora (in the 1930s or after WWII)
F. Less developed to Developed countries (e.g., from N. Africa to