Document 17603162

Name_________________________Student # ____
Science/Soc. St.
Mr. C’s Memo- Week of Sept. 21st
Skills We Are Working On This Week
Reviewing rounding- tens, hundreds, and thousands. Reviewing ordinal numbers.
Having our test on place value and rounding on Friday.
Working on our K is for Kids Activities writing piece.
Completing our SCA campaigns in school. Starting with our science unit on science
Class and School Information- Please read 1 book for RAZ kids this week at home and take
the assessment.
Tests This Week- Word study on Friday. Place value tests on Friday.
Star Student- Kevin
Monthly Birthdays- September 9th (Brendan)
Student/ Parent Check List (6 items)
Read every night at least 15 mins _______I completed my homework packet______ Raz Kids at home_______
I studied for my tests_____Do pages 23-24 in math hw books _______WS homework done + attached_______
Word Study Patterns This Week: __________, ____________, ___________, ___________
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