Virginia Patriots Patrick Henry Continental Army and fought for

Revolutionary War Study Guide
Part 2
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Virginia Patriots served in the
Continental Army and fought for
The British surrendered at Yorktown. This
victory led to the surrender of the British
army, which led to the end of the war.
Neutral: Virginians who did not pick a
Loyalists: Virginians who were loyal, or
devoted to Great Britain
African-Americans during the
Revolutionary War: African-Americans
may have fought for their own personal
freedom or because they believed that
America should be free.
American Indians during the
Revolutionary War: American Indians
were on both sides. Some American
Indians joined Patriots and others joined
the British.
George Washington: Provided military
leadership by serving the Commander in
Chief of the Continental Army.
Thomas Jefferson provided political
leadership by expressing (listing and
writing about) the reasons for colonial
independence in the Declaration of
Patrick Henry inspired patriots from other
colonies when he spoke out against
taxation without representation by
saying, “Give Me Liberty or give me
The Battle of the Great Bridge was the
first battle in Virginia of the American
Revolution. This victory forced the British
to flee to the city of Norfolk.
Jack Jouett: Rode on horseback through
Virginia to warn Thomas Jefferson that
the British were coming to arrest him and
other members of the General
James Armistead Lafayette: An enslaved
African spy who gave false information
to the British so that he could help the
Patriots gain independence. After the
war, he was set free by his owner,
General Marquis de Lafayette.
Women during the Revolutionary War:
Some participated in the war by
cooking, sewing, or nursing. A few
women even dressed as men so that
they could fight in the battles. Others
remained at home to help keep the
homes and farms running.