NOTES: Last Look at Absolute Monarchs + English Civil War


Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Page: ____

NOTES: Last Look at Absolute Monarchs + English Civil War

1. _______________________ of the Holy Roman Empire

 In the 1500s, Spain gained _____________, which meant Spain gained ______________ and influence

 What did he control? (Spain, Spain's _________________________ in the New World, parts of Italy, the _________________________, Austria, and much of ____________________________ .

2. _________________________ of Spain

 Left ____________________ by his father (Charles V) --> Spain's colonies made him a wealthy ruler

 A defender of __________________________ (hates __________________ and _________________________)

3. _____________________________________________ of Prussia

 An "_____________________________________" absolute monarch

 Did not claim _________________________________ to strengthen rule (wants to use more humane ways like reforms and expansion (by military) to strengthen his control)

 Will fight many wars (War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years' War)

The English Civil War: Setting the Stage

The English Civil War Starts

Results of English Civil War Changes in Power

The Glorious Revolution
